Utilizing Music as a Motivational Instrument

in motivation •  7 months ago  (edited)


While there are undoubtedly numerous causes why individuals listen to music, the fact remains that many of them do it for comfort. One of my friends told me that she listens to slow music to help her relax so that she can make better decisions when she is unsure of what to do. I can still recall asking her this question. This demonstrates the healing power of music. You may have noticed that, on occasion, if you listen to a certain song while working on a task, you won't even tire out as quickly and can devote the necessary time and energy to finishing the assignment.

In addition to its healing qualities, music can be an expressive medium. You can understand what people are attempting to say when you listen to the lyrics of their music. Actually, music is a tool that helps you relate to other people.

Music's ability to conjure memories is one very important aspect of it that we also need to discuss. You'll come across certain songs that will bring back memories of past encounters or even accomplishments. Being able to do something in the past can give you confidence that you can accomplish even greater things now and in the future. It is appropriate for me to note as I wrap up that your interpretation of music determines the advantages it provides for you. It is therefore important to comprehend and make use of music rather than just listening to it.

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