Understanding the Factors That Contribute to Joy

in motivation •  last year 

In this post I'll cover the five key factors that contribute to happiness and show you how you can use them to achieve your goals in life.


  1. The Science of Happiness

  2. The Science of Happiness: Factors

  3. The Science of Happiness: How to Use This Information

  4. The Science of Happiness: How to Apply This Information

  5. The Science of Happiness: Summary and Conclusion

What Is Happiness?

Happiness is an emotion that involves positive feelings and perceptions about ourselves, our life circumstances, and our values.

Happiness isn’t just a feeling, but an attitude toward life. It’s a process of continually choosing to live life in such a way that we’re consistently pleased by the way our life is going. It’s an outlook based on our personal philosophy of how the world works and what matters most to us.

As a result of this type of mental outlook, our brains produce certain chemicals in our bodies that give us a sense of well-being. They’re responsible for the feelings of happiness, satisfaction, contentment, and optimism.

It’s possible for happiness to come from external factors. For instance, we may enjoy watching TV shows where characters are happy and satisfied, but we might feel unhappy if we had to watch them in real life. Conversely, someone may feel miserable while watching TV shows where the characters are miserable, but would find it much more enjoyable to live the lives of those characters.

There are two things that determine how happy or unhappy we are.

First, we’re born with a certain genetic makeup that determines our overall happiness. Second, our choices and actions throughout life make the difference between being happy or not.

  1. Genes play a role in our happiness.

Scientists believe that genetics play a major role in determining how happy or unhappy we are. Some people are naturally happier than others because they have a stronger brain chemistry to experience feelings of happiness.

But while genes do impact our happiness, we can still change our genetic makeup through healthy eating, proper exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Our Actions Make a Difference.

It’s the choices we make throughout life that ultimately determine how happy or unhappy we are. Some of these choices are conscious and deliberate, while others are subconscious and unintentional.

In the end, we can choose to become more of the person we want to be, or we can continue living the same old life. To be successful, we need to take action on the things we want to accomplish in life.

The more active we are in making those choices, the happier we’ll be.

What Makes Someone Happy?

The following factors contribute to happiness:

  1. Being a part of a positive community

People who live in a positive community enjoy a better quality of life. We naturally want to hang around people who share our beliefs, attitudes, and philosophies. So by forming positive relationships with people

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