Use Self-Reliance to Lift You Up

in motivation •  4 years ago 

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, and when it comes to living your life as an energy practitioner, you must learn to be a source of energy. To be an infinite source of energy, you must be able to give off an infinite amount of energy. Since you have a limited amount of space on this planet, an infinite amount of energy is required. But if you allow fear to limit your energy, you will feel limited and trapped in your body.

Fear can make you feel helpless and unworthy. It prevents you from experiencing the things you want in life. When you are holding back your energy, others will also be holding back theirs. You are not your energy; therefore, you cannot be a source of energy for others.

There are many teachers out there who have been teaching people how to become an endless source of energy. But unfortunately, most of these teachers only talk about how to lift others' spirits, and not how to actually attract more of the positive energy. One method that they teach involves helping others to visualize their goals. This may seem easy enough to do. After all, visualizing something gives it life, doesn't it? So maybe these teachers are right about the power of visualization, it certainly can lift others' spirits.

However, if you want to learn how to become an endless source of energy, you must learn how to bring others' energy. This does not mean that you will attract more positive energy to yourself by focusing on your own negative energy. The Law of Attraction cannot work that way. Instead, you must learn to focus on the positive energy of others instead.

If you want to attract positive energy to yourself, the best place to do it is at home. You should surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive. Start a blog, join a community forum or send email updates to others about what's going on in your life. By surrounding yourself with positive people who love themselves, you will attract that same love to others. And if the love is mutual, then you will attract others who love you as well.

You can also use energy to influence others at work. By making yourself look good, or even having a little makeover, you can make others feel better about themselves too. By feeling better about themselves, they will be more likely to spend more time around you, which will increase the amount of energy you send out in the world.

If you're a writer, then you may be a good candidate for channeling this energy for others. When you're writing, you send out lots of energy to other writers. It's similar to sending out positive energy to the universe. When you are published, more writers will want to work with you. If you have an Internet business, you can use that energy to draw people into your business as well.

When you are doing a job, you can use that energy to lift others as well. There's always something you can do to help others. So when you are working on a job, think about what it can be worth to others. Then put that in your mind, and apply that thinking to your life. If you can do this consistently, then you'll find it easier to find a job with higher pay, and opportunities to expand your work in various fields.

When you are a student, you can focus that energy on becoming a great teacher. You can become an excellent teacher because you are always educating yourself more. This is a very effective method of self-education. This method works with students in every field. Once you get good at something, you can share that knowledge with others, and help them achieve their goals as well. That's the energy you can benefit from being a teacher.

Being a volunteer can be another way of releasing energy, both emotionally and physically. When you are a volunteer for a good cause, you release a tremendous amount of positive energy. The energy you release has the power to rejuvenate your spirit. When you are passionate about a cause, and you are doing a good job at it, you should feel good about yourself. That's a good indication that your work has been very well done, and you should be proud of yourself for getting involved in that cause.

Finally, let's talk about the idea of self-reliance. If you have an abundance of energy, you know that you are in control of it - not someone else. That means that when you are in debt, you can pay off your debts, regain your self-respect, and get your life back in order. When people who are in debt, have poor credit, and are struggling to get out of debt, they should take the time to get better and improve themselves - so they can enjoy all the things in life that are available to them, instead of always worrying about where they will get their next meal or how they are going to pay their bills.

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