Be Proactive - You Could Wait For Change to Come to You

in motivation •  2 years ago 

Being proactive means you play the ball before it plays you. Be proactive and you will find agency in your limited circumstances. Covey illustrates this by using the example of existential psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. As a Jew in Austria during WWII, Frankl was subjected to systemic cruelty in concentration camps. Every member of his family was murdered in the gas chambers. The conditions at these camps were horrific.

When you are proactive, you are directing your life rather than letting it direct you. Taking responsibility for your life means preparing yourself for good and bad times. You'll be better prepared for the good times if you're proactive, because when you're reactive, you're waiting for something to happen to you. Proactivity can give you a sense of purpose. If you feel stuck in a rut, think about ways to move forward.

Becoming proactive requires a strong sense of self-belief and self-worth. The latter is vital for developing a proactive mindset, as it pushes you past any fear or inhibition. When you're confident, you can speak up without worrying about what others think and avoid being intimidated by rejection and failure. If you're not confident, you'll find it difficult to get past your fear and move forward.

A proactive person does not wait for something to happen. He or she plans and takes action to achieve their goals. Proactive people are often the most successful people in any field. It is possible to develop proactive thinking skills just like a muscle. You could start with simple exercises to become more proactive in your daily life. By practicing these exercises, you'll learn how to take action and realize opportunities around you.

The first habit to adopt is being proactive. Be proactive means that you take responsibility for your actions and choose your reaction to them. People who are proactive take responsibility for their actions and avoid blaming others for their shortcomings. They take responsibility for their decisions and think about solutions before they let circumstances affect them. Reactive people are victims of circumstances. They wait for things to happen and blame it on something outside of themselves.

Rather than wait for change to come to you, cultivate your integrity. Integrity means being the same person in every situation. Be considerate of other people's opinions and treat them with respect. You could wait for change to come to you, but why wait when you could be making a difference right now? Here are some tips to cultivate your integrity at work. The first thing you need to do is come to work prepared.

First, remember that if you do not have integrity, you won't succeed in life. It takes time to build your internal character, and you will probably fall at some point. But, if you do not, it will be a much steeper climb back up. Developing your integrity will help you stay in the top rungs of your career and make the workplace a better place for everyone.

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