Flexible Heuristics Vs Inflexible Rules

in motivation •  2 years ago 

When it comes to rules and regulations, a flexible heuristic is the best approach. This type of rule is adaptable, while an inflexible rule is rigid. The characteristics that distinguish flexible rules from inflexible ones are firmness of purpose, longstanding nature, and Adaptability. Let's explore each one. And as a bonus, it's easy to understand why inflexible rules are undesirable for organizations.

Flexible heuristics
Despite the many limitations of inflexible rules, some people still prefer to make decisions based on simple, heuristics. In general, such methods lead to faster and better decisions than inflexible rules. The following are some examples of cases in which flexible heuristics are preferable. For instance, if you want to improve your decision-making process, you can add a dedicated sound effect to your website.

Most companies today have a strategic initiatives portfolio that they use to drive organizational adaptability. Each initiative should aim to address a significant source of uncertainty. These initiatives might aim to respond to a neglected business trend, develop new options for responding to uncertainty, or learn about it. These initiatives should be as disciplined in terms of timeframes and metrics as other operating plans. Adaptability is achieved through a combination of processes that create a supportive environment and encourage individual decision-making.

Firmness of purpose
Inflexible rules and opinions are hard to change, according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition. By definition, they are not easily bended, turned, or changed. They are adamant and obstinate in their pursuit of their goal. In other words, they are unbending and unyielding. This adverb is also often used as a synonym for rigid.

Long-standing nature
Inflexible people are people who refuse to change and are the last to comply. They like to win and are not as open to new ideas as more flexible types. Inflexible people can be very threatening to those around them, and they may even have a "my way or the highway" attitude. Because of their inflexibility, these individuals may prove to be a problem for employers. Here are some tips to deal with inflexible employees:

Resisting change
When introducing change, managers must understand the social arrangements that are threatened by the change. If they are to create a productive change process, they must first understand the nature of this resistance and how it manifests itself in the organization. When change is in the form of new technology or a new process, employees may not want to change. In these cases, managers must understand the nature of their staff's resistance.

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