An Open Letter of Comfort Dedicated to Crypto Hodlers

in motivation •  2 years ago 


Greetings buddy!! I love the fact that you felt so eager to read my open letter and this shows that you are highly enthusiastic about cryptocurrency. It's actually a great privilege to have you read my open letter today and the truth is that I'm dedicating this letter personally to you, i hope you grab some delicious pop corn and fruit juice to enjoy yourself as you read through this open letter.

One of the things I love doing every week is to always post motivational content on my blog once in a week (every Mondays) just to brighten up your whole week because the mind is just like a plant that needs continuous watering and care by feeding it with inspiring words. My motivational content today will be quite different from the ones you've always come across on my blog because this is entirely going to be crypto related.

Most of us are all aware about the current crypto market condition such that some future traders are already experiencing high liquidation of their assets while some spot traders and investors are already experiencing a huge loss. This is really a great dilemma we are all experiencing and I am already in loss as the assets in my portfolio are already declining towards the negative edge at a very high percentage.

My major purpose of making this publication is to restore that sense of hope or faith in your mind about cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is really the future but it's really quite devastating seeing some people loosing hope and interest in this great form of digital finance and technology. The fact is that things like this are bound to happen in the crypto space and it's definitely a moment that will also pass away while we experience more market correction and dip in the future the same way we are always eager to expect more pump and green candles.

What to Do in Moments Like This?


There may be lot of things running through your mind right now as regards to the present market condition. The fact is that you are not alone, the same thought going through your mind right now is also the same way most of us are also experiencing.

I was actually meant to pay up some debt this week but it's quite unfortunate I got hit with the unfavourable market dip and it won't be advisable for me to withdraw or trade my available coins at loss because I lost almost more than half of my investment as a result of this recent cryptocrash. I guess you can imagine how frustrated I should be at this moment but the fact is that the cryptocrash won't stop me from believing and engaging in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, in fact I felt motivated or inspired to buy more dip coins during this cryptocrash. As for the debt, I already sought out for other means to cover up the expenses but I can never sell short at this moment of unfavourable market condition.

For those who may be thinking of what to do as regards to unfavourable crypto market condition like this, i will advice you consider the below decisions even though I am not making it imperative, remember it's just a simple suggestion which I always use most of the time in cases like this. Check them out below;


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One of the best things you can do for now is to just stay away from the crypto market for some time and come back when the markets appears to be normal. This is the best advice i can give newbies or investors new into the crypto space most especially those who are always scared when it comes to taking risks.

There are times whereby you just need to hodl or keep your assets and go do some other productive things just to keep you in good mood. This is one of the reasons you will see some crypto traders enjoying themselves by having fun or eating in the restaurants while some even go back to take their work more seriously while they held their assets in their wallet.

The fact is that the crypto dip can't continue like this forever and this is why you need to take your precious time to have fun, do what makes you happy and come back when the market appears to be more stable. The most important factor to consider here is that you must ensure you never sell short during the dip and this is why it's always advisable you hold or keep your assets to avoid loosing huge profit when the crypto market appears to be normal.


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The sad truth is that there are actually some set of people who are always praying for cryptocrash or dip to occur in the crypto market and this people are mostly known for buying the dip. This type of investors are very happy in situations like this simply because they will have the opportunity to acquire more tokens at a very cheaper rate just by buying the dip.

The good news is that we are now in that moment where you have the opportunity to look out for profitable coins which can fetch you multiple returns when you buy their dip. In this type of scenario, it's advisable you make proper research and investigation (DYOR) about any dip coin you intend to buy and I can assure you that you will definitely make cool profit doing this when it's time.



The last but not the least you can do in a situation like this is to avoid spreading FUD in the minds of people most especially the crypto newbies and investors. Also, you are not meant to believe the word of the FUDERS as FUD tends to create more fear and doubt about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in your heart if you aren't well experienced about how the system works.

I will advise you take your time to learn more about how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology works before you begin to listen to fallacies or incorrect words developed by people just to make you loose interest in this amazing technology. It is also recommended that experts in the field are means to educate others most especially the newbies about cryptocurrencies as this will enable them develop their level of faith and hope in the system unlike them loosing their precious profits to the dip market by selling short.

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Thank You for taking your time to read my open letter and I want you to always remember this is a moment we are all going to overcome as time goes on. The same happened years back and we haven't lost interest in this movement, cryptocurrency is the future and it will continue to be the future of finance irrespective of whatever is happening at the moment.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla



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