Are Mother's Day and Father's Day Next to be "Cancelled"?

in mothersday •  2 years ago 

Since when did “it’s okay to be gay” become “it’s not okay to be straight” and in fact, if you’re not trans (or at least a trans-rights “activist”) then you’re a bigot. North American culture and the family unit are under attack. It’s a page right out of the protocols of Zion, say what you want. What’s it going to be this year? Well, why not “cancel” Mother's Day and Fathers’ Day because that’s not gay enough, right?


Riiight! “Northern B.C. school district to no longer acknowledge Mother’s Day and Father’s Day”, says the indoctrination station this Monday after Mother’s Day as “schools adopt a more inclusive approach”. The school district still encourages families to “mark May 8th in their own special and unique way” unless your “unique way” is the norm, in which case it specifically taboo to mention.

Staff should “avoid gender at all” and steer away from cards with ‘flowers for mom or ties for dad.’
Be inclusive to all alternative family types except a normal family with a mother and father, that’s unmentionable and those children should be excluded from celebrating. If a child wants to celebrate “caregiver day” or “parent day” that’s okay, but if he or she wants to celebrate Mother’s Day as it was intended, that is not allowed.
“It’s time to make a very targeted change. We will not acknowledge traditional Mother’s and Father’s Days at McLeod. Please do not do so in your class...”

So much of this kind of rhetoric is veiled garbage for the bleeding-heart, virtue-signalling sheep. They don’t realize homosexuality is trying to become the norm and doesn’t need any more advocacy, or that this is just a façade seeping into popular culture to destroy the family unit and heterosexuality as the norm it should be. I know it’s just one of those “hallmark holidays”, but it suddenly gained importance for me now that it’s trying to be “cancelled”.

Happy Mother's Day!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm male and identify as male😁 this world is crazy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dude I'm not even sure if that's legal anymore in some parts of Canada and USA.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They can't quite make it illegal yet, so they can just rally angry mobs to beat you for being straight.

Devi de and conquer, name of the game. Glad I live in the third/second world, they've got bigger problems than giving a shit about this stuff. Thailand, home of the ladyboy and nobody cares. hahaha

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hahaha nice.
Man, if I could get my family out of here, I might even consider moving to somewhere like that. At least I could be around friends (currently living in Smalltown BC near my parents who don't want anything to do with me), and the cost of living would be better, and in some ways there would be MORE freedom than I currently experience. Pros and cons to everything though, of course. I look forward to learning more from you about this : ))

We'll I'll tell you this. Thailand is steadily unrestricting marajuana laws, and there are rumors they'll legalize fully possible in the next five years...which I know is not tomorrow. But I thought you may be interested in that. Right now you can buy at all the reggae bars in touristy areas and the cops look the other way. There is a whole medical cannibis industry that seeming sprung up big time over the past five years.

Moving to where you are treated better has always been something I've taken advantage of. I promised to get myself to get out of cold grey Albany NY first chance I could get and I certainly did. If you have any international relocation questions, I can certainly fill you in. Might be worth turning them into blog post....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"the cops look the other way"
That is actually the best possible kind of situation for cannabis. I wish we could go back to the 90s here, when we were buying in dark alleys and rolling awkward joints in the basement, sneaking out back at night to smoke, etc. I'm sure you've heard me say it... "legalization" is a lie. Just government control. What we want is decrim (remove all those prohibitionary laws and punishments)... or just for them to stop enforcing the laws.
"There is a whole medical cannabis industry that seeming sprung up big time over the past five years."
Good! It saves lives, and people should be free to choose the medicines/drugs they use and don't use.
That happened here too, but it was crushed to make way for "legalization" in 2018. Now, patients (even my wife, who has a prescription from her cancer specialist) must go to the legalized recreational market, which is 4 times more expensive, and full of horrible chemicals. It's like smoking government cigs (with their 50+ added poisons) instead of pure organic tobacco grown properly on the farm. Patients are on their own now, the medical dispensaries were all raided and shut. Nothing but legal government shops full of expensive irradiated toxic garbage now. Everybody (except the state) wishes we could go back to it being illegal, as horrible as the prohibition of 1960s through 1990s was.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nowadays, family, mother and father are held responsible for everything a person has to grieve about himself. Since Freud, this tendency has increased, it seems to me, and so has the psychologisation of normal language. Nowadays we talk about being "traumatised as a child" and the culprits are always one's own parents. Some children who have remained this way punish their father or mother into adulthood, for example, they never call them mum or dad, always by their first name.
It is assumed that parents exert the greatest influence on their children and "shape" and "educate" them, I think this is an assumption that cannot just stand. Through kindergarten, school, education and work, a lot of people have an influence on childhood and later life, especially educators, teachers and trainers.

The family has long been an expiring model in modern civilisations, having many children is frowned upon and considered antisocial, the number of single households exceeds those of families (at least in my country, it seems).

But Mother's Day or Father's Day also seem to be an invention to boost business. Similar to Valentine's Day, I've never been able to do much with it. However, I find it difficult to see holidays as culturally rich at all. They all seem more or less drained of their cultural meaning.

I think there's a connection here between the psychologisation of language, the view of parents and this strange prescribed tolerance of this gender theme. I think the more such tolerance is publicly demanded, advertised and marketed, the less it actually seems to have to do with the diversity of human facets as easy going.

Like ordering someone to "be spontaneous right now". HaHa!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It will soon be illegal for human men and women to have sex.
And the robots will run the world.
Muhahahahahahah 🤖 🤖

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Humans will no longer be needed for manual labour, just sexual degradation lol. It's the suck-for-rice program, and our elite robot overlords already have it in the works for us. And the rice is GMO...