Morning 🤬;
We're making it through this year at a stranger pace than most. I'm glad I transferred mostly away from the HIVE after poking around there a bit recently.
If you have to jump into an abyss- you should be insane!
The KEY to getting BLURT ahead of the sister-scam chains (names omitted) is to offer BLURT-Connect on successful Platforms and support email.... BLURT.Mail should offer Access to places like Discord, Slack, Zoom and other places.
But until that happens, there's SMARTER technology to focus on 🤬🥓
I Am a Stranger in a Strange land 🖤🫀🤍
There are also multiple front ends for blurt so if one goes down there is also another.
...there are ?!!!
Yes there are, ask one of the blurt tossers in the foundation.
The view in the first photo is fantastic!!!! 😍
CLEVER! but..
This, is not MATH!
Really Astute
Real estate
Cost of doing bidness
I bet you're Washing A Ton

o money.
I'm here to deliver a head fuck (and not in the pleasurable the biblical sense, either...)
'Mr kundalini' up there in your post, ^ bears an uncanny resemblance to a WEF meeting of young leaders/global leaders, (whatever - its a wef meeting).
If I find the photo I'll pass it on, for your perusal...'
'Mr kundalini' up thar ? He's a Tranny 🤔
I thinQ 🤬🥓
IDK... I'm native of a different IndiA
Just awesome! Both your ideas, and the photos.
Another front end I would build is a professional way to travel the world... And start disrupting companies like Travelocity and air bNb
BLURT can be vocal of a BLOG Alert!
Someone is missing out on just cashing in on alerts 🤔
Sad guru! He is the perfect guy to listen to when insomnia rears its head. Unintentional ASMR haha, love him.
So the photos- are you actually in New Mexico? That would be my location guess.
Yes... Across the streets from Sandia.