Let's Talk about Morals!
Hey, little thinkers! Today, we're diving into something called Ethical Relativism. It's like exploring how people see what's right and wrong in different places around the world!
What's Ethical Relativism?
Okay, so, Ethical Relativism is like saying, "Hey, what's good or bad can change from one place to another. It's not the same for everyone!"
Morals in Different Lands
Imagine if eating cookies was super good in Candyland but not so cool in Veggieland. That's kinda like Ethical Relativism - what's tasty in one place might not be in another!
Respecting Differences
We need to be like friendly explorers and understand that what's right for us might not be right for someone on the other side of the rainbow. It's about being nice and respecting differences!
Discussing with Rainbow Friends
Imagine we had rainbow friends from all over. We'd talk about what's good and bad, and maybe learn new ways of thinking! That's what Ethical Relativism is about - chatting with our rainbow friends and understanding their cookie rules!