Joel & Jade ~ Taxes, Morality and Theft

in morality •  16 days ago  (edited)

by @jadeaca on Jade ACA
View my bio on Joel & Jade ~ Taxes, Morality and Theft

At this year's Anarchapulco event in Acapulco, I got to interview Joel Salatin, an organic farmer, statist and American political activist. Thanks to Chad, this year I got to ask questions from "Candles In The Dark" sessions and the point is that it shouldn't be an argument or a debate, it's just me asking Joel questions (as I mention in the video). It was interesting to say the least and I'd like to give my OPINIONS here:

I agree with him fighting back against the corporations. Specifically, he mentions Monsanto and Tyson since they are trying to force farmers to use their chemical fertilizers.

However, Joel votes for more government and from what I have learned in my home schooling classes, is that voting always leads to a LOT more government and less freedom. Trying to negotiate with the beast has never worked. Chains are chains, regardless. I have learned to try my best to live and grow outside of their system as much as possible (food, water, energy, money, etc).

He's right, self-defense is VERY important, but a major point where we disagree is on the use of force.

He says that if I pay my neighbor to force money from someone it would be theft, but when some guy in a suit at the IRS forces money from someone, it is not theft.

I disagree.
My adult friends do not vote for government. I will never vote to be governed either.
Forcing money from anyone, regardless of what title they get, or costume they wear, IS theft.

In my home schooling I've learned that Monsanto is a corporation, just like the government and all of its agencies (like the IRS and FBI). By voting, Joel consents to them taking away people's money and desires, and by force too.

By NOT voting (once I'm of age), I'm saying that I do not consent to their orders, and do not want to give them my money. It seems to me that government, regardless of their size, is no different than a gang or cartel. I want to KEEP my hard earned money.

I would like to point you to a few quick points in the video:

  • At 02:54 I ask him "If half the people in my neighborhood agree that I'm allowed to steal money from one person in my neighborhood, does that make it ok?" and he says "No, it doesn't". At 04:50 he says "Do I (government) have a right to ask you to contribute to the defense of our community?" To that, I say yes, a government agent has the right to *ASK me anything so that I can agree, or NOT agree.

  • At 05:12 I ask him "If it's not moral for you to do a certain thing, is it ok if you get somebody else to do it for you?" and he says "No no no". At 07:00 he says "(In the Bible) Romans 13 and 2nd Peter gives us the 2 reasons for government. .. Be a terror to evil and an ecourager of righteousness."

  • At 05:55 I ask him "Should you ever disobey a law that conflicts with your own morals" and he says "Yes, absolutely, all the time.". At 07:45 he says "The moral thing, is to stand opposed to the rules and policies of the government as being foundationally anti-moral".

  • At 08:11 I ask him "If there was this chocolate, and the government said now it's illegal to eat that, does that mean you can't do it anymore?" and he says "I don't think that laws really have a lot to do with morality". At 11:29 he says "The good thing about government is that it stands in the place of adjudicating wrongs." At 12:06 he says "I don't believe that humans are inherently good." and "(a bad thing about government) is it meddles in my life too much .. like express my opinion"

  • At 20:06 Chad (the cameraman) and I ask him "Should anybody be put in prison for refusing to fund something they don't like" and Joel eventually says "The rule is, you gotta pay your taxes".

  • At 21:59 I ask him "Do you think it would be better if we had a world where you get to choose" and he says "The problem then is, who's gonna pay and who's not?". At 22:32 he says "The government has a right to do that (collect taxes). You have a right to not do it, but you're going to suffer the consequences .. (however) It's ok to have a higher moral code".

  • At 24:13 Chad asks him "Do you think the government has the right to come and put me in prison for not paying money for a war" and he says "Yes, I do. .. You can't just willy-nilly allow people to opt-out".

  • At 26:30 I ask him "If I want to steal money from her, is it ok if I ask the government to do it for me?" and he says "No, no, that's stealing. It's ok though for you to vote for a person .. who will make sure that when you walk down the dark street you don't get raped. That costs money. That is not up to you to handle. .. I do not believe that taxing is the same as stealing, at all. Stealing is something that I do personally. Taxes is something that society does".

  • At 28:12 I ask him "Do you believe that right and wrong apply to everyone equally?" and he says "No, no".

  • At 30:24 I ask him "Is there any way that people can turn an immoral act into a moral act. For example, can we turn theft into OK" and he says "No, I don't believe there's ever a time where an immoral thing becomes moral. Not even if it was wrote in the law book. Moral issues are personal. Not every law has a moral dimension". He is saying that government should be pushed down to the local level which would be better for him I guess, but that still means taxes on top of taxes. He wants people to be able to choose which is awesome, just not for everything, such as the "Vietnamese bow-legged atheist school" as he stated.

You be the judge. Please let me know how you feel about morality, taxes and theft in the comment section below.

  1. Do you think that forcing taxes on people is theft?
  2. Do you think my adult, non-voting friends and I should have the right to opt-out and say NO?
  3. Do you believe that us "opting out" as he said should get us jailed?

Thank you so much for watching, and please share this video! :)

See Joel Salatin interviewed on Joe Rogan: youtube/watch?v=4-7O3fOXXKo
Check out Chads' website (cameraman & host):
My Website:

Check out today's video..!

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