Monkeypox: The Pandemic For a New Election Cycle

in monkeypox •  2 years ago 


A new pandemic is on the horizon just in time for the signing of the WHO’s new pandemic treaty, the globalists’ wet dream that obliterates national sovereignty in favor of a centralized police state overseen by the UN. Those of us that have been paying attention for the past 25-30 years already knew that the elites were setting up the UN as the ultimate source of centralized power. That’s why the powers behind the UN have supported every Communist dictatorship that’s come down the pike. Now their plan for Agenda 2030 is becoming a reality and global pandemics are the key to their success.

Who remembers Event 201 in October of 2019, the precursor to the Covid scamdemic? For those whose memory is lacking, it was an “exercise” conducted by the Gates Foundation, WEF and a few others to see how the world would respond to a global pandemic and presto, 2-3 months later… Now they’re doing it again, or should I say they’ve done it again, this time with monkeypox. These exercises actually go back to the 1980’s and 90’s with Operation Dark Winter, when a multitude of pathogens went missing from Ft. Detrick, Maryland, the American bioweapons lab. What most people don’t know is that there was a monkeypox “exercise” that preceded this outbreak:

“In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference (MSC) to conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats. Conducted virtually, the exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures and explored opportunities to improve capabilities to prevent and respond to high-consequence biological events. Participants included 19 senior leaders and experts from across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe with decades of combined experience in public health, biotechnology industry, international security, and philanthropy.”

“The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight. By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.”

Monkeypox, according to the scientific community, is not easily transmissible between humans, however, this current strain seems to have exceeded all expectations in that regard, with infections in multiple countries including the US. In all likelihood this pathogen will “mutate” – newspeak for laboratory manipulation – into a much more transmissible variant, not to mention one that is more virulent and dangerous. This is likely to happen just in time for the midterm elections and will naturally require lockdowns and mail-in balloting just as we saw in November of 2020.

The assessment by the experts who ran the exercise found that:

• Weak global detection, assessment, and warning of pandemic risks. The international community needs a more robust, transparent detection, evaluation, and early warning system that can rapidly communicate actionable information about pandemic risks.

• Gaps in national-level preparedness. National governments should improve preparedness by developing national-level pandemic response plans built upon a coherent system of “triggers” that prompt anticipatory action, despite uncertainty and near-term costs—in other words, on a “no-regrets” basis.

• Gaps in biological research governance. The international system for governing dual-use biological research is neither prepared to meet today’s security requirements, nor is it ready for significantly expanded challenges in the future. There are risk reduction needs throughout the bioscience research and development life cycle.

• Insufficient financing of international preparedness for pandemics. Many countries around the world lack financing to make essential national investments in pandemic preparedness.

Coincidentally (or not) these are the same problems that would be solved by Bill Gates new organization GERM, all they lack is the muscle needed to make these measures mandatory – something addressed by the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty that centers the power to deal with these pesky problems directly in the hands of the globalist UN. Problem – Reaction – Solution at its finest. “Never let a good crisis go to waste” has morphed into “why wait for a crisis when you can create one on your own.” If you read on in the BIO-TXX paper you’ll see that the proposed solution is practically verbatim the mission statement of GERM.

It appears that monkeypox, a fairly benign disease on its own (not tampered with in a lab), is being ramped up as the next global pandemic. In fact is a large part of the impetus behind the power grab by the WHO. It will also provide a large financial boost for pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s biotech companies became one of the most promising sectors for investors. What are the odds that these same companies would create pathogens so that they could make huge profits creating cures… or am I just being paranoid?

“In recent days, concern over a global outbreak of monkeypox, a mild disease related to smallpox and chickenpox, has been hyped in the media and health ministries around the world, even prompting an emergency meeting at the World Health Organization (WHO). For some, fears have centered around monkeypox being the potential “next pandemic” after Covid-19. For others, the fear is that monkeypox will be used as the latest excuse to further advance draconian biosecurity policies and global power grabs.”

“Regardless of how the monkeypox situation plays out, two companies are already cashing in. As concern over monkeypox has risen, so too have the shares of Emergent Biosolutions and SIGA Technologies. Both companies essentially have monopolies in the US market, and other markets as well, on smallpox vaccines and treatments. Their main smallpox-focused products are, conveniently, also used to protect against or treat monkeypox as well. As a result, the shares of Emergent Biosolutions climbed 12% on Thursday, while those of SIGA soared 17.1%.”

This article goes so far as to call this monkeypox epidemic a “godsend” for biotech companies. But this only works if there is genuine hysteria ginned up and an atmosphere of fear is created. It also only works if a nonthreatening disease such as monkeypox is tampered with to make it more virulent. The globalist elites have a way of projecting what they’re going to beforehand. Pay attention to Bill Gates in the next quote:

“Notably, this the second time in a year that both companies have benefitted from pandemic or bioterror fears propagated by the media. Last November, speculation rose that a re-emergence of the eradicated virus that causes smallpox would soon take place. This first began with Bill Gates’ comments on the prospects of smallpox bioterrorism during a November 4th, 2021 interview and was followed by the November 16th announcement of a CDC/FBI investigation into 15 suspicious vials labeled “smallpox” at a Merck facility in Philadelphia. Now, roughly six months later, the same fears are again paying off for the same two companies.”
Now who do you believe will be blamed for any bioterrorism attacks? My guess would be Vlad Putin and Russia, the perennial boogeyman of the West. The globalist “rulers” will stop at nothing to start a war with Russia. But I digress. Monkeypox, it seems, is closely related to smallpox which, unlike its biological cousin, is not only transmissible but deadly as well. It wouldn’t take a lot of manipulation to create a strain of monkeypox that more closely resembles smallpox – and that would be disastrous.

“For decades, a few scientists have voiced concerns that the monkeypox virus could have become better at infecting people—ironically because we eradicated its relative, smallpox, in the late 1970s. The smallpox vaccine incidentally protected against monkeypox. And when new generations were born into a world without either smallpox or smallpox-vaccination campaigns, they grew up vulnerable to monkeypox. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, this dwindling immunity meant that monkeypox infections increased 20-fold in the three decades after smallpox vanished, as Rimoin showed in 2010. That gives the virus more chances to evolve into a more transmissible pathogen in humans. To date, its R0—the average number of people who catch the disease from one infected person—has been less than 1, which means that outbreaks naturally peter out. But it could eventually evolve above that threshold, and cause more protracted epidemics, as Bergstrom simulated in 2003. “We saw monkeypox as a ticking time bomb,” he told me.”

A ticking time bomb only because of its potential to be “mutated” in a laboratory. This almost makes me wonder why Russia is targeting bioweapons labs in Ukraine. Perhaps they’re trying to stop something. One thing is for certain; pandemics and bioterrorism are ramping up around the globe and they didn’t originate in a wet market in Wuhan China.

“Authorities in the western world are certainly acting as if this is going to turn into something big. In secret labs all over the globe, mad scientists are feverishly trying to make the deadliest diseases on the planet even deadlier. I could not possibly overstate the foolishness of conducting such “research”, but no matter how much we object, they are just going to continue their work. Over time, it is inevitable that at least some of their creations will get loose, and vast numbers of people could end up dead as a result.”

Not only is the hysteria over monkeypox being ramped up, but a new outbreak of Covid is also being predicted just in time for the upcoming election (they’re not taking any chances with monkeypox not getting the job done).

“During his Sunday morning appearance on ABC's "This Week," Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health and the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, spoke of an expected surge of Wuhan coronavirus cases for the coming fall and winter. In other words, the surge is expected to come right before the November midterms.”

“The president’s stance could backfire if the virus’s latest surge continues to build, evading the vaccines and making more people seriously ill. Should that happen, it could look like a repeat of last summer, when the president declared “independence” from the virus ahead of the July 4 holiday, only to see massive waves of illness and death once the Delta and Omicron variants hit.”

The propaganda from these people just never ends. Undoubtedly between monkeypox and Covid America will be forced into another vote by mail scenario, not because we’re in any real danger but because the American people are sick and tired of the Democrats and their globalist agenda, an agenda (Agenda 2030) that they are willing to go to any lengths to impose on the world. The WEF, Bill Gates and GERM, the UN and their WHO are poised to make a grab for power with the Pandemic Treaty – something that will effectively eradicate national sovereignty.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Much easier to spread smallpox but create a crap test that will pretend it is monkeypox. IMVHO
Just like the coronati scam - you can buy vials of kovid to test the test, to create a test that will pretend to work on people. I reviewed such research in Australia - was pathetic - none of it ever tested on alleged samples from alleged patients - the research paper claimed they couldn't get enough actual samples from real people!! Maybe coz none of it ever existed... apart from the vials of kovid you can buy (with a licence).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The heart of the scam is the test. Create a test that gives the same results in the public as the vials of any alleged virus. THEN blame the virus for the test results in people. NO actual VIRUS out there is necessary - just the original samples.

I also like to remind people that there are an estimated 1 billion viruses in every millilitre (how small is that!?) of natural water and soil. Enough to make a mask truly pathetic. Oh, and don't forget, viruses have issued a ceasefire and will not attack anybody who is having lunch - although they will attack waiters and chefs.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Smallpox and monkeypox are very similar, that's probably how they made monkeypox more transmissible. The tests are a joke, the PCR in particular -- all it tests for is antibodies. But then, we all knew it was a scam going in.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Obviously not "all" - I've seen smarter plants.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

21 days if you test positive via a fake PCR test in Belgium, about time people rise up and say enough, buying more guns tomorrow

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I read that too. I'm all set for guns and ammo. That PCR test shows how stupid people are, all it tests for is antibodies. If you have an infection of any kind, you'll test positive.

COVID was the dry run eh. Monkey pox of whatever they deem fit will be used under the WHO treaty to destroy nation states and implement full GLOBAL CONTROL for the NWO. WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They have to pretend it's something different to hide the genocide-by-vax.

More than not comply - sabotage every clinic - that sounds the healthy option.

I AM am in..but the FREE of will must be allowed to seek their own destruction under that freedom.

Yeah I don’t mind ppl getting vaccines I actuallt support their choice as long as they leave me alone to make mine not to engage in the madness.

Jesus I still can’t get into the USA lol as they still haven’t dropped the stupid covid one yet. Now we have already moved on to monkey pox 🤣 I would say surely no one will fall for it so soon after, but that’s a stupid comment.

You can always get in from Mexico where the government looks the other way so all the human trafficking for sex slavery and organ harvesting makes the rich richer. I used to report on that a lot on my blog on Steem and Hive. They literally drop at times entire tractor trailors off as their highway runs for hundreds of miles along the border with no fence. Hundreds will get out and just walk across.

As an illegal here you will qualify for top welfare benefits as long as you stick to a sanctuary city too. :)

Can you? I did wonder if you can enter this way o know from Canada they randomly select ppl driving through

Nah no one will give me benefits from the Uk but we give them everyone too more than any other country I’m sure

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm waiting to find out what is in the vaccine. They're saying it's smallpox vaccine but I'll bet they add something nasty.

The HEPATITIS outbreak in children is probably the CV19 vaccine

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Probably, that "vaccine" is full of nasty stuff, graphene oxide in particular.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The Epoch Times reported today that the wohan labs were working with monkey pox in February!

Another World wide WMD attack from China....


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They've been working on it at least since 2021... Ukraine too most likely

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, it pays to plan ahead; it's hard work to totally destroy civilization!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But what a way to go, chomping bananas and throwing shit at people!!!

You’ll notice blm only spikes in interest ever election too.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Along with ANTIFA too. I'm reading that BLM has lost a lot of their corporate funding.
