Study finds latest Monkeypox Outbreak is result of Biolab manipulated Virus possibly released intentionally

in monkeypox •  2 years ago 


A new study published by Portugal’s National Institute of Health has uncovered evidence that the virus responsible for the Monkeypox outbreak allegedly sweeping across Europe, America and Australia, has been heavily manipulated in a lab by scientists, and further evidence suggests it has been released intentionally.

Study finds latest Monkeypox Outbreak is result of Biolab manipulated Virus possibly released intentionally

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is the plot of "12 Monkeys"!

Really?! I saw that film years ago, and I don't remember any of it. I even went and watched the trailer, and I remember none of it. That's strange because I love sci-fi. I see they have also done a series based on the movie. I may go and have a look.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I got bored with the series... don't think ever made it past ep.2!
But the film is interesting.

I don't think I'll be getting to that series anytime soon. I still can't believe that I don't remember any of the film. Perhaps too many years have gone by; or perhaps the subject of the film meant less back then, with regards to what we have gone through over the last two years.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Again, the Expose article uses a lot of 'may' 'suggests' and the study they refer to is not conclusive or definite. I find it frustrating the article ends on the fact they don't believe in coincidences... But they happen! And viruses DO spontaneously mutate all the time .. we see it with Covid 19 and it's variants which are many. Yes, I'm playing devil's advocate here, but Expose does have vested interest in selling THEIR own story so I'll take all this with a grain of salt until proven otherwise.

Posted from

I'm also taking this all with a grain a salt. I was mostly interesting in what Dr. Malone had to say. I trust his judgment and expertise. I am just a lay-person doing his best to understand what is going on in the world. I do not believe we have seen the end of this story, and am just waiting for more honest experts to chime in on the subject.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm a layperson too. Just chewing the fat. I don't trust anyone, lol.

Posted from

Well done! Trust has to be earned!!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I heard they were "working" on Monkeypox at Wuhan. I heard they synthesised their own monkeypox virus because they "couldn't get hold of the real virus".

I call BS on that, of course, since the virus is widely available and has been for decades. It's now endemic in West and Central Africa, and has been since it was introduced there during the Smallpox vaccination campaign back in the day.

Whey will these people stop with this potential world-ending bio-weapons? I'm sick and tired of it.

Posted from

I would also call BS for your same reasons. What I'm keeping an eye on is Dr. Malone's expertise. He helped bring a lot of valuable information to the public about the COVID situation.

I don't know how far they want to go with this, but it's looking very troubling because I get the impression that those who are manipulating this kind of danger somehow feel they are immune. 🤔