22% of all dollars were created in 2020 alone

in money •  4 years ago 

King dollar is sick and only going to get sicker

The rate of money printing has increased substantially with no signs of slowing down.

While we have all heard about the stimulus plans coming out throughout the year, the numbers have sort of started to lose some of their impact.

For example, a trillion dollars used to be an unfathomable amount, now it's a rounding error in the latest stimulus proposal.

For some context, roughly 22% of the dollars that exist were created this year alone.

Think about that for a few minutes.

That is absolutely absurd and something that will probably not be changing any time soon.

The dollar is sick and not getting better:



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Anyone who is long the dollar right now better only be long the dollar for a dead cat bounce.

Anyone long the dollar in the medium to long term is going to get their head handed to them on a platter.

While the trade may have worked for the last several decades, the days of king dollar are now over.

Companies moving towards holding bitcoin on their balance sheet over dollars are evidence of this.

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