un-shackle that mind - The great wealth transfer

in money •  2 years ago  (edited)


Are you paying attention?

"Global debt surged to a record $305 trillion" States this article.


Who does "the globe" or world owe this money to, the moon?

The financial bubble we are all in is about to burst, that has already started in most countries, but are you ready to take advantage of this "fact".

The auto sector debt is collapsing, new auto sales are falling, interest rates are at record levels since the last crash in 2008, but this will be the crash of all crashes due to the quantitative easing mechanism that was used since 2008 to prop up stock markets and keep the "funny money named "Fiat" relevant.

If we take a look at history.

During any crash regards the stock market there is always money to be made when we buy the dip, the sell off.
Human nature!
My mother said to me a few days ago that "crypto was crashing, am I selling it" as if that was a good idea, I said no mom, I am buying if it is crashing, no by the way, not buying any old crap like the ponzi scam . Tera, luna or UST.

Central banks have been purchasing stocks since 2008, it was Japan that started the trend, going against international non binding norms.

"The Bank of Japan is the Largest Owner of Japanese Stocks"


With this imminent crash I may suggest if you have some spare cash, buy, buy, buy stocks and shares, then set a target regards how much you want back, 100%, 200% etc, just be realistic.

People were saying people were insane for buying bitcoin at $1000 I remember it well.
People said we were even more insane for buying it at $4,500 ish too, how wrong can you be? Ask the lazy press (titutes)......

I only mention BTC as with any crash, everything tends to go down as BTC proved a few weeks ago, but as cash is losing ground and buying power is decreased due to interest and debt, getting out of cash and into "anything" that loses a lot of money in a recession to me at least is a wealth preservation tactic.

When gold crashed around 2014 I bought some, still got it, might cash it in, undecided as yet, but more than doubled my investment all the same.
I was close to cashing that in last week and taking a holiday, but who realistically wants a holiday from their own life, I guess that is not me now, not to Asia anyway.

Background/context re holiday.


I once went to Thailand, and only had 2 weeks as I worked as Land Rover parts quality engineer. I got there and received a dose of food poisoning day 2. By day 5 I was so ill I forced myself to fly back to the UK, worst flight of my life, I bought an isle seat, I should have just paid for a seat in the toilet.
I shall wait til my wife and daughter want a holiday closer to home.

I digress.

Here are some links with what is going on in the financial world with this bubble.


It may be a bumpy ride as hedge funds are ready to pounce with regards property price reductions, and between Blackrock and Vanguard they have 14 trillion to spend.

I read Ohio and some other States are now putting a 45 day cap on home sales, then the state can buy them, not looking good there, it started in California apparently.


This could be the chance of a lifetime to extract wealth from central banks as they own the most shares, any sellers will mainly be them, so stay calm and exploit them for a change.

This could be if we all play our cards correct - the biggest wealth transfer back to us the people in history.
And after the last two years of the rich getting richer, corporations too, it would be nice to own a slice of their pie via stocks and take some of their profits via dividends.


This is financial advice, the rest is up tooooooo you.

Anyway folks no matter what happens, do not panic, keep a clear head, buy the dips and on the other side we will all be better off.

Have a superb sunshine filled day.

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