Shackled minds - End of the US dollar? $$$$$$$$$

in money •  2 years ago  (edited)

It's the end of the world as we know it.

I highly recommend watching the above video, apart from being an absolute babe as we say (us men) she is very knowledgeable about investments including crypto and exchanges. Plus she does the odd video here and there in a bikini, hey come on I still have a pulse you know. (There goes another follower 😀)

I digress - time to be serious.

There are a few ways the dollar is doomed as we know it, one is if Putin pulls off selling his gas and oil in rubles and other currencies, the other is if he gold backs said ruble with gold.
There have been many online articles that he has but after extensive research and speaking to a Russian it turns out all he has done is cap the price 20% below the market value of gold and started buying gold again from banks.
So no, the ruble is not gold backed, for now.
Another way the dollar is doomed is in the video above, if you have no time to watch it or no interest in videos, this article explains it and saves me some time which is precious to me.

Note I have tried to find a trusted source that people will look at but not a MSM one.

If as expected Saudi Arabia do or have made an agreement with China to sell oil outside of the petrodollar, that will be the end of it.

There IS a financial war happening as I type, East V west.
There are other ways to crash the dollar, and that one is even more simple than having to sign agreements and attend meetings to do it - and that is countries selling their $ reserves, dumping them onto the open market, as no country needs to ask permission to do so.

If you do have dollars there is a tax loop apparently where you can move it to a gold backed IRA I found a link for you here

You can thank me later.

I have been noting inflation in different countries and would estimate governments are cheating with the way they measure it, take a small segment from the above article below.

"Wolf Richter reported on yet another sign of increasing weakness for the U.S. dollar, writing: “In February, the purchasing power of $100 in January 2000 dropped to a new record low of $59.46.”

Unfortunately even we have some dollars in an account in Warsaw and no time to go there to cash it out at the moment, I did not open the account my wife did, but hey, nobody is perfect.
Since she opened that account she/we have lost a lot of purchasing power from them dollars and earned next to no interest.
As some of you know I moved into gold in 2014 and since then it has only gone 1 way, up.
Even though gold and silver is manipulated down twice a day, see photos below, it has still out performed any paper money.


We can clearly see the manipulation from that chart, both gold and silver priced down at the same time twice a day, every day.

I use this site to track both as I invested a chunk of change into physical silver.

My gold investment is up roughly 65% ish.

Silver I moved into only last year and that is up only 1.8% as I type. But that is still better than negative interest banking or paying to bank via charges.
And I get to see it, feel it and know where it is.

If I was you and dollars was your only holding, I would certainly diversify and soon, this is financial advice.
There are many ways to protect the money you have worked for/earned and many ways to make it earn interest not lose purchasing power.

I hope this helps some of you diversify away from cash.

Have a superb day ahead.


That is stage 1 complete, oh dear. Going to Warsaw tomorrow by the looks of it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There is still a London Gold Fix twice daily - dunno if that corresponds to the daily dips you mention.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, them the USA and there is another country involved, cannot remember who they are.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The banks at the table are global - Barclays Plc, Deutsche Bank AG, Bank of Nova Scotia, HSBC Holdings Plc and Societe Generale SA.
Those are all at the global centre of the money butterfly pattern, hence are bottleneck-controllers of money-flows.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We need desperately a better system than this.

What many don't understand is they have been hiding true inflation for many decades in two ways. The first most may kind of understand.

Goods manufactured where cheap slave labor sweat shops cut costs.

The second and mostly unknown is the exporting of the mass money printing that has been taking place. By exporting all these dollars abroad into outside markets it has hidden the real inflation as that money hasn't remained inside the local national economy. In effect diminishing the velocity that one would expect and was demonstrated during the Covid money hand out where a lot of money did stay inside the local economy.

When all that fiat begins traveling back home it will quickly accelerate the already rampant inflation to levels that may closely resemble post WW1 Germanies hyperinflation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How bad is the inflation there now buddy? I like to have facts from real people not government or media whores.

It's getting pretty bad.

Rents are going up approximately 20-24% from last year.

Bottled water went up 25% from last year.

Gas has went up approximately 83% in the last year.

Electricity has went up locally about 15% in the last year.

I've heard heating oil has almost doubled.

Frighteningly, we are early on in this build back better plan Biden was told to force on us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And I am out of here, thank you for your support over the years brother, max respect, we had our ups and downs, such is life, thank you for being my friend, just not feeling this place, bit tooooooo much steemit like but blurt this, blurt that gets rewarded more than depth, more than context or research, it is very much based on steemit without the inherent value. Even instablurt unfriended me for reporting the truth lol. Oh well, they can keep their 1 cent site, I will always know for a day I got it to 9 cents, more than them lazy wankers can be bothered to do, never again, that is for sure.

I'm sorry you are leaving. I always felt you would make a good foundation for what is being built here.

As for instablurt, it doesn't surprise me as I believe offgirdlife is the one who mostly curates from that. He has embraced the entire Muh Russia narrative to the point he accuses others who mention there is more than one bad group in this as being brainwashed by Putin, lol. He isn't capable (at this moment) of holding any form of debate on this, so naturally there won't be any curation since he doesn't feel value is added for himself nor Blurt from his estimation on anything not rigidly everything is Putins fault.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He is an enigma, I put him on mute, he is like the opposite of his name, he admitted, he has nothing to do with any form of off grid life, yet calls himself as such, spams this place with low quality low value posts and the foundation are always arguing, now who said downvotes were bad again? I get higher Value votes on hive with less friction, this Utopia is not working, because it likes no, NO CRITICISM and will be stuck at 1 cent forever, I like you, always respected you - but these people that forked this are like Jerry Banfeild, self sucking morons, they need to get real, not just reward anyone that says blurt, that was 2016 you idiots, it failed then, it will fail now!

Yeah, it didn't take me long to stop following him once I saw what he does here.

I'm hopeful you can overlook the value of your posts for now. I wrote a post on how I see this developing yesterday inspired by your comments here to me.

The foundation itself isn't like Banfield in my opinion. I lean more towards many who came first are from impoverished areas and it's up to us to build here what we want. This place is ours for the taking if we commit to it. We won't be censored through flagging, and as more understand one won't be canceled here it will draw more. I've already witnessed it in the time I've been here.

And, the more of us that continue to post truth will be a beacon for others unsure of where they can go without censorship.

I see much potential here, and have watched as some has already materialized.

I hope that you will change your mind and stay. Just because Hive doesn't target you right now doesn't mean they wont. I wasn't targeted much either, but I really grew tired of seeing so many in my circles who were. I got tired of seeing the meltdowns and knew it was time to walk away.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will stay for you, I will take a few days off, restore a motorbike, plant some seeds, come back fresh, I just needed to say what I said, including my last post, the place needs a shake up, hope I shook it good, yes it has potential - but and a big one, those in the foundation need to stop arguing in public, it never worked on steemit, it will not work here, keep the drama to email or phone calls, not interested in dirty laundry in public.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That @blessed-girl came a calling again, thank you kindly dear lady.