everything you know can change in a moment, it's a good thing, embrace!

in moment-engineering •  4 years ago  (edited)

and that's not a bad thing at all.

I mean, ok, being blue skies and having lightning hit your garden tree is a bit out there and a new one to add to the life manual of never stand under trees in NORMAL DAYLIGHT but yeah, seems thunder storms don't have the usual characteristics that you might have grown up understanding.

and let's be honest, that's kinda the world we live in today right, what you knew yesterday might be out of date for today, after all the metrics of yesterday and the goalposts of today and tomorrow are rapidly changing, sealevels are rising, crops are dying, locust are showing up on radar and well everything is on fire.

kinda standard issue for the year of 2020 and hopefully, beyond.

like take for instance last week, i was grinding my gears a little bit about the progress of a project, then i had a break through and ended up just cranking out what i needed to get done in a couple of days (it actually was easier than i though) -- the fear was that i had to use programs that i was not comfortable with, it was really holding me back.

turned out, i had blown that situation out of proportion, i had projected on it to what i though might be the mentally stressful/anxiety outcome and instead it was a total breeze. I mean, ok, so two programs were old microsoft ones that i did'nt want to install for the job but hey, worked out alright, i did'nt have to learn everything to get it done.

that's the world we live in right now, you gotta be adaptable, you gotta be able to flex, to change everything in a moment, turn around and head in another direction, have a backup for the backup, build in redudancy or just go all in on something to make things work, it's difficult across the board for millions of people right now, props if you are dealing with it the best way you can.

personally i find it really enjoyable when i come out of the dark energy feelings and into the bright, white light of the potential. i know that sounds like positive bullshit bango but there really is something in it when you release those bad vibes and then all of a sudden like you get this rush of reality hit you and you end up with a trifector of good news, that's pretty much how things have been over the weekend and even this morning.

outta nowhere i had some potentially awesome news this morning which could quite rapidly change everything up again really quickly for me, which makes a lotta sense tbh because i had been umming and arring over a few things, now the universe has cleared that space for me and it's showing my that my time and efforts will be rewarded.

it's liberating to know (and we forget) that when we go over the edge, over the top, when we apply ourselves, when we push that little bit more, when we don't assume or expect but KNOW that we gave it our all that opportunity will open up if we allow it too.

often times we are so locked into wanting revenge, or to exact our thinking, formatting out thoughts and wishes on others that we suppress our best abilities and talents, we get wasteful with our energy and that plugs up all the opportunity.

I know, i've been there a million times.

always time to flex and make changes, start today!

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