I just did something I said I'd never do... I received my very first Corona Virus Vaccination - WoW - What a relief! 🤣🤣🤣

in moderna •  3 years ago 


Today I received my very first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, to prevent Corona Virus Disease!!

I'm happy to report that, as of this writing, I had no major side effects whatsoever!!, Getting the actual shot was "Much Ado about Nothing!" The actual physical shot was quick and painless, not a big deal as all the "Non Vaxers" would have you believe!!

unnamed-5.jpg This was weird, this message just popped up after I received my first shot? lol

What is Corona Virus??

Corona Virus is caused by SARS-CoV-2, it is a predominately respiratory disease that can affect your organs too. There's all kinds of information out there about this disease so I won't be diving deeper into that.


What is the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine??

The Moderna Vaccine I took today is an unapproved vaccine, it is available for free to people 18 years of age and older, due to the serious nature of this COVID-19 Pandemic sweeping the globe. The Moderna Vaccine is administered through a two dose series, scheduled one month apart.

Ingredients inside the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine!
unnamed-2.jpg Myth #1 Busted, there is no Mercury inside the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine, Wow mind blown!!🤯🤯

Scheduling my "VAX" was fast and easy.

I simply visited https://minitmed.com, all I needed was an ID and insurance card number. It said that if you don't have insurance the US Government will cover the costs, so there is no reason why anyone should not sing up and take advantage of this free program.


At least now I can say I just did something that Elon Musk Can never do! haha jk 🤣

Last September Elon Musk Sparked controversy after he tweeted that neither he or his family would be getting a vaccine because “I’m not at risk for COVID, nor are my kids.”
Source: https://nypost.com/2021/04/08/elon-musk-says-he-supports-covid-vaccines-after-questioning-safety/

Why did I really get the Vaccine?

O.K. the truth is I did not believe that the Corona Virus is real, or more real than the flu, thus the Vaccine must be fake too, thus nothing to worry about. That was my first line of thought, more specifically I was not going to get the shot after watching hours of conspiracy videos on YouTube about the subject. However what changed my mind was running out of my emergency Asthma puffer prescription refills, because my Foodland's Pharmacy's whole computer system crashed for the past week???? Crazy Hua?? I was finally forced to contact my health care provider, after which I got questioned on the phone about taking the Vaccine. After I told them nah I wasn't gonna get it, they got all weird and kept pressuring me to take it, calling, texting, and sending links. I needed my prescriptions, but if I wasn't gonna play by their rules it would be harder for me, they were alluding to. Next thing the doctor needed to see me, it seemed like she was implying I was "Crazy," so I ended that conversation fast and told her o.k. I'll get the Vax, and left it at that. Lol that's the real reason why I got my Corona Virus Vaccine, all the pressure from family, friends, and then finally the doctors and nurses at the local hospital. They all had me thinking the next thing I know they would be putting me in a straight jacket and throwing away the key if I didn't comply, an outcast from society. So that's what changed things for me about this Corona Virus situation. There is one more benefit of me taking the shot, now you know someone else out there that has gotten the jab, and u can watch me to see if anything weird happens. (I.E. like this absurdly long post, since when do I do that?) hmmm...... 😳

O.K. I guess there's just one more reason I took the jab...

And the reason is Greed!! To tell the truth, I want my Moderna Stocks to go up to the moon!! This makes me think that a good way to convince people to take it would be to to give them money, or at least a fraction of a Moderna stock? Boy wouldn't that be nice if every time you come in for a shot u can earn a stock, like Robinhood. The best way to get people to change is through monetary incentives. If the government really wants everybody to take it, drop them a specific "VAX ONLY STIMULUS" or something! Give the people that are paying attention, not afraid of science a stimulus instead of everybody, then you will see everybody who really needs the vaccine get it!

Screenshot 2021-04-08 at 5.38.04 PM.png

Finally What is the deal with Moderna's Phone Number??

It contains the number of the beast??? 666 lol haha just had too throw in a hook for the conspiracy theorists to bite!

0-1.jpeg Strange Number 1-866-MODERNA, or call 1-866-663-3762 to ask them about it!!

Follow @coininstant for more!

Originally Posted via proofofbrain.io!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Are you sure you’re not dead already ? I have read that everyone dies.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Nah I'm still alive and kicking. I'll let u know as soon as I keel over. Thanks!!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeah, I am hearing from the Interwebs that anyone who takes this vaccine will die very soon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We're all gonna die very soon, in the grand scope of things. However I live forever, this is just a hologram world, nothing to be afraid of. I can't wait to see if this inter webs stuff has any merit to it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thank you very much for the post,have a great day and good mood

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope that the vaccination will help you not to get sick, have a good day

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks, I feel it working in my internal organs. My arm ended up getting sore where I got the injection, I had some mild pain in my back the first night, made me worry a little bit, but all pain faded away after the 3rd day with lots of rest. I still sleep heavy, and have some cool dreams now. If u get the side effects, that is just your bodies immune system doing its job. The one good thing is it makes me not worry about the Corona Virus, it shifts all the worry onto the MRNA VAX, which is harmless in the body in the long run. Thanks.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I noticed you didn't cross post this to hive (perhaps under another title). I wonder why? Anyway I hope there are no long term side effects.

posted via steemfiles.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I did post it on HIVE first, even STEEM! I'm not ashamed. I was always mean and rotten like this, and jumpy. quick to flag, so no side effects yet! I'm not scared, will keep everyone posted.