Using Mobile Phone at Bed Time

in mobilephones •  2 years ago 

Insomnia is a very common problem, especially with the younger generation. If we see the sleep patterns of the younger generation, we see that they sleep very late at night and wake up also very late in the morning. They complain about not getting sleep early if we ask them to. And during the Covid times and after that not only the younger generation but the older one also has started facing similar issues.

People have got into the habit of watching television till late night or being on their mobile phone till late night either watching some movie or mindlessly browsing social media sites. The other addicting thing is the web series, once you start watching them you do not realize the time and then the curiosity of what's going to happen next leads you from one episode to another not realizing the time going by at night.


With the mobile phone activity, the brain becomes active and then we lose sleep, even when we switch off, we are not able to get sleep immediately and the quality of sleep is poor due to excess EMF. Personally, sometimes I too spend time on my mobile phone at night either playing some game or watching a movie, when I wake up in morning, I feel like my sleep has not been completed even though if I have slept for 7 to 8 hrs. Excess use of mobile phone in the bed at night time also impacts the muscles of our hands. There is a pain in the hand and shoulders creating discomfort.

Mobile phone usage just before going to sleep is not a very healthy practice, it not only disturbs the sleep but quality of sleep is poor and even when we wake up the effect of it is still there making not feel very fresh as we should be after a good sleep. Insomnia is the biggest outcome of it, which leads to many other health problems such as poor digestion, fatigue, high level of anxiety, dark spots under the eye.

Hence it is best to avoid using mobile phones just before bed time and switching off the phone during sleep would lead to a healthy sleep which is in turn very healthy for the body.

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