All tami kickboxing championchip

in mma •  3 years ago 



Pengurus Provinsi Kick Boxing Indonesia (Pengprov KBI) DKI Jakarta akan mengirimkan 20 atlet kickboxing untuk tampil pada All Tatami Kickboxing Championship 2022 di Gedung Widya Kartika Surabaya, 28-30 Januari 2022.

Hal itu merupakan komitemen Ketua Pengprov KBI DKI Jakarta, Yoko Arthi Budiman, dalam pengembangan olahraga kickboxing di Indonesia.

"Potensi atlet kickboxing Indonesia meraih prestasi bukan hanya di ring saja tetapi juga di Tatami. Makanya, saya mengirimkan 20 atlet sebagai komitmen karena Pengprov DKI Jakarta tercatat sebagai pelopor dimulainya mempertandingkan kategori Tatami," kata Yoko Arthi Budiman, Kamis (27/1/2022).

Yoko menjelaskan, keikutsertaan atlet kickboxing DKI Jakarta itu sangat penting demi menambah jam terbang dan lebih memahami aturan pertandingan.

Mereka butuh pemahaman aturan pertandingan dan juga jam terbang," tuturnya.

Pelatih Tim Kickboxing DKI Jakarta, Marlaut Farhan Hutapea, mengatakan 20 atlet (3 kick light, 3 Lights Contact, 7 Point Fighting, dan 7 Musical Form dan Creative Form) dikirim ke Surabaya itu merupakan hasil seleksi dari Jakarta Open Kickboxing 2021.

Targetnya, hanya meraih gelar juara umum.

"Persiapan kita sudah cukup bagus. Mudah-mudahan kita bisa mendominasi perlehan medali emas sekaligus juara umum," katanya.

Marlaut Farhan Hutapea memang pantas menjabat sebagai pelatih Tim Kickboxing DKI Jakarta.

Pemilik H-Brother MMA Camp ini pernah mendalami program kepelatihan kickboxing selama setahun di Thailand.

The Provincial Board of Kick Boxing Indonesia (Pengprov KBI) DKI Jakarta will send 20 kickboxing athletes to appear in the 2022 All Tatami Kickboxing Championship at the Widya Kartika Building, Surabaya, 28-30 January 2022.

This is a commitment from the Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta KBI Pengprov, Yoko Arthi Budiman, in the development of kickboxing in Indonesia.

"The potential for Indonesian kickboxing athletes to achieve achievements is not only in the ring but also in the Tatami. That's why I sent 20 athletes as a commitment because the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is listed as a pioneer in starting the competition in the Tatami category," said Yoko Arthi Budiman, Thursday (27/1/2022). ).

Yoko explained that the participation of DKI Jakarta kickboxing athletes was very important in order to increase flight hours and better understand the rules of the match.

They need to understand the rules of the game and also have flying hours," he said.

The coach of the DKI Jakarta Kickboxing Team, Marlaut Farhan Hutapea, said that the 20 athletes (3 kick lights, 3 Lights Contacts, 7 Point Fighting, and 7 Musical Forms and Creative Forms) were sent to Surabaya as the result of selection from the 2021 Jakarta Open Kickboxing.

The target is only to win the overall title.

"Our preparations are quite good. Hopefully we can dominate the gold medal gain as well as the overall champion," he said.

Marlaut Farhan Hutapea deserves to be the coach of the DKI Jakarta Kickboxing Team.

The owner of the H-Brother MMA Camp has studied kickboxing coaching programs for a year in Thailand.

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