The special hour of the day

in mindfullife •  last year 

For those of us who are writing daily blogs there is a pattern for us that we follow. Because it's like a job for us that we need to do daily and we need to dedicate good amount of time for that. We all have that special hour in the day when our mind functions at its best and the activities that need most attention, we finish it off in that hour. For me when I wake up, it's the best time for me, my mind is working in the best capacity. Lately I have got into this habit of waking up, doing my most important things first like bath, meditation and yoga and then immediately I sit to write my blog. It works optimally for me in this time. Sometimes it also happens that when I wake up, I have some idea on my mind to write and even before I get out of my bed, I write the whole blog on my phone. I do not post it at that point of time, but I finish penning down what's on my mind, because at a later time possibly I may not hold the same thoughts.

When I was working in my job, I made it a point to start my day early and I would always have late lunch at around 2.30 p.m. and finish off all the most important work to do in that window of 9 to 2.30, after which I have lunch and then the remaining time I keep to do the routine work which does not require much of mind. I would see that many of my colleagues would come to work at around 11 and by the time they actually start their work it gets 12 and I would wonder how their mind would function optimally at that hour. When I would leave my work place at 6 sometimes they would pass comments at me saying that I am leaving early from work. In real the case is that they would come late and leave late, whereas I would come early and leave on time.


For me the other good time to be creative is night time after my dinner. This is also the time when I feel most productive as if new energy has restored. This is also a problem for me because I cannot sleep early then. After my evening walks, I feel energized again and feels like the beginning of the day. Making some adjustments in my routines now, I finish my walks early in the evening and also have my dinner early so that I have enough time to use up the built-up energy to get good sleep.

All our bodies work differently based on our metabolic rate and the state of our mind hence there is no right or wrong ways of doing our things, but still I personally feel that the morning sun has a very good bright energy and one must make use of that energy rather than lying in the bed in that hour or doing something which is not very productive.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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