Honesty will take us a long way ahead

in mindfullife •  3 years ago 

Many people think that the path of dishonesty these days is much better than being honest. I will not entirely blame them; all the systems have developed in such a manner around us that it is very easy for one to slip on the path of dishonesty. In many situations it is made to believe that only with dishonesty will one get their way out. But to think of it, the path of dishonesty is always short lived.

I was having a discussion with a gentleman on his business growth which is currently not looking very lucrative. The reason being that his competitors are bribing their customers and getting a good share of business, whereas he is being honest, not bribing them and hence he is not getting the tenders. He too feels now that he should also start bribing his customers to get more business from them.

Some people will say, yes, it is acceptable, because if he wants to sustain in the business, he has to find out some ways to be there. Because this is the way the whole system is built up. But then to think of it, even if he starts doing that, how long will it go. Is it a long-term solution for his problem? On the other side, someday when the management changes, or any other change and they would stop accepting the bribes then what.


So as per me, this is definitely not the solution to look at if he wants to be a long-term player in his business in the market. Rather he can look at some other alternatives, like finding out a competitive edge over his competition. That can be coming up with some reward system for the customer, enhancing the whole sales and delivery experience, Quality that the competition cannot match up to. The very reason that one gives bribes is when one knows that they cannot sell their product just on the name and the quality of the product. Finding out on all those areas which will give them an upper hand on the whole product experience will help this guy fight his competition.

Maybe immediately the customer will not shift, but when they will consistently see the benefits of doing an honest business, eventually they will consider. I have given my bit of advice, but I do not know how much he will follow, because from his talks, it felt like he was strongly wanting to take the easier path.

True, the path of honesty may sometimes look longer to reach the destination, but it will give results, provided one also takes efforts, else no efforts and just expecting things to happen by itself is foolishness.

In life as such we will come across situations, where we can take shortcuts with dishonesty, but those are always short lived, someday you will be confronted with honesty and then whatever is built up will all shatter down, because in the first place it was never a robust foundation. And when you choose the path of dishonesty you are continuing the chain.

When one person decides to not be dishonest in the system, they start breaking the chain, which is important for the whole chain to break. The path will never be easy, but it will be an utmost satisfying path. Be it personal or work related, it is always good to walk on the path of honesty.

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