RE: Unleashing my wildest architectural dreams with Midjourney: luxury bed designs and so much more...

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Unleashing my wildest architectural dreams with Midjourney: luxury bed designs and so much more...

in midjourney •  last year 

I am not a creator of content ,. i joined steem , hive , blurt , to be entertained .
I put a little cash in only to support the content creators that entertain me .
I never intended to get rich on these social media sites .
Or even get a steady income out of it .
I am the audience that the creators need ,.. one of the last ones , and i am leaving .
As to me the whole POS social media blockchain has failed .

What i see now is big curation accounts turning in to social credit systems .
Working with listings and criteria on word count and stuff , like it doesn't matter what one is posting anymore , did he/she votes for the right witness ,.. leave applauding non critical comments on the curators postings ,. and more stuff unrelated to good entertaining content .
Klaus Swab is proud of them , it's exactly what he wants for this world .
For all to join a social credit system in the end .
(Talking about Bbooster , coconut and upvu here for the most part .)

I am done getting stupid non based insults for having a critical voice .
No longer i want to interact with such blinded low intelligence .
There are better things to do with time and life .
I make digital music and digital art ,.. for fun , for fun is a big priority for a happy life .
No one asked for my artworks ,. so why should anyone pay me for it .
It's only a plus , bonus or extra if they do .

Just observing the way in which certain people bring about their own downfall.

It was for long a source of inspiration to make music and art on .

Working on more uplifting happy stuff now , so leaving blurt is only a logical choice .

It's gonna be a great weekend ,. beers , moonshine and live music at the local bar .

Have a good weekend with your lovely family to .
Keep that cornerstone alive .

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