RE: Unleashing my wildest architectural dreams with Midjourney: luxury bed designs and so much more...

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Unleashing my wildest architectural dreams with Midjourney: luxury bed designs and so much more...

in midjourney •  last year 

No problem , communication is the key to a peaceful world .

The blurt i sold the last days came from sales i did on Splinterlands assets .
For personal reasons i need some liquid assets to trade for cash .
Like i need a lot of garden stuff in spring , seeds equipment tools .
For a while i had it in blurt in the hive-blurt pool . it went from 0,9% to 3,2% in a day .
That didn't feel right to me , so i took it out and sold it for hive ,.. just before the price drop of blurt .

And yes i am powering down , tempted to take it all out , seeing the state of blurt , not decided yet .
I might cancel after the first release , just to have some blurt liquid in the wallet .

Did i dump blurt ,. or did i do a trade , that gave me some profit ?

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  ·  last year  ·  

Appreciate the breakdown.

And great work with the successful trade. As a trader myself I know this isn't as easy as most people imagine.

Am now curious to know what you mean by "the state of blurt"?

I don't have much staked here but I do see a lot of people with big dreams for this place.

  ·  last year  ·  

"the state of blurt"?

First ,
As you can see i use the front end .
For the is doing awful things with the new mute function .
One can ban users from making a comment on your post , witch to me is a attack on free speech . A super mute function witch not only mutes someone from yourself but it mutes one for all the others to .
A step in the wrong direction to me .

Then , the community is small and divided . No investors are joining , only people looking for a place to milk by doing low effort posting . As long as you sing along with the "foundation" ,.. a group of people that make decisions on feelings and believe in a thing called hate speech .
A honest critic is not welcome ,. as they don't want someone make a comment that shatters there dreams .
This might be the result of the very low engagement in the comments sections . Or most content creators never look beyond there own posting , thinking they are not a part of the voting community , or simply have no interest in the works of another .

In a world of only creators there is no audience ,
No audience , no reward votes .
So they all rely on automated curators called bots .
Witch put's up your post in a list that no one ever watched .
I wonder where is the value or profit in that .

Keep dreaming on , until your dreams come true ,..
Dream on !


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  ·  last year  ·  

Appreciate the clear answer.

I feel the truth in what you are saying.

It shouldn't really be a big surprise to anyone as 95% of platforms like this amount to nothing, driven in the end by greed and power addictions.

Am just sorry for the likes of @drutter & @opidia who have invested money into this place believing it will make them rich.

And just to be clear, we all get what we give in life, so I'm not really sorry for them at all. Just observing the way in which certain people bring about their own downfall.

Thanks again for your time and have a great weekend.
