Microservices Communication Patterns: gRPC, REST, and GraphQL

in microservices •  10 months ago 

Exploring Microservices Communication


Let's embark on a journey to understand how microservices communicate making it simple enough for a four year old to grasp

Microservices 101


1. Tiny Superheroes: Microservices are like tiny superheroes that work together to create amazing things on the internet.

Communication Styles


2. Talking Superpowers: Microservices use different talking styles. Imagine gRPC, REST, and GraphQL as their special languages or superpowers.

The Gist of gRPC


3. Lightning Fast: gRPC is like the Flash, zooming messages between microservices super quickly, making everything speedy and efficient.

4. Storytelling Time: REST is like telling a good story. It takes its time to share information, ensuring everyone understands the tale.

GraphQL Adventures

5. Custom Adventures: GraphQL is like creating your own storybook, where you pick and choose what information you want. It's super customizable!

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