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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Upside down as seeing the world in a different perspective 😜
Not yet bonne année ! But i hope your xmas was good

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LOL,. different perspective ,. let me not start on my perspective on Christmas . It's shrouded in ancient mystery and mist ,. far from what is common knowledge .
Besides that ,.. those days tear me apart over times long gone by for me .
I really only stand still on the 21th ,. when the Sun reached it's lowest point . As even 31 going over in 1 does not mean a thing to me .

I wanted to know it all ,. a hunger for knowledge i had .
And now i am more confused as ever ,.. realizing ,. i still know nothing .
Like the Egyptian priest said to Plato ,.
No old man of your tribe and people knows a thing about the truth .
For non of your tribe or people could have preserved it true time .
For your people did not exist back then .

And yeah , sorry ,, bon noel ,. and very merry Christmas to you .

( failed my french lessons ,.. to Nordic and Phoenician in your sound the teacher ones said ,.. you barbarian Goth ) ( but don't call me a Celt ,. as they where invaders on my lands to )
( no sense , i know how to make that at least )


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is true that we dont know crap , learning more and more is only confusion and ego .
Life is simple , maybe we realise that after we spent too much time understanding nonsens