Everyone has different mental abilities.

in mentally •  10 months ago 

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Everyone has different mental abilities. Weak mental abilities usually tend to give up quickly when faced with problems. even when facing small problems. Actually, this is a very important thing for many people to know. But many people don't care about other people's mental states.

for example. someone who has just worked at the company. there were some seniors who behaved very arrogantly towards him. Every time he works, he always gets an arrogant attitude from his seniors. Because people who have just started work have a weak mentality, this will make them depressed and ultimately experience frustration. and it's possible that tomorrow he will stop working. This is because his mentality has been destroyed.

Likewise when someone experiences problems. don't ignore him. Don't make him feel more pressured. but provide solutions and encouragement so that he finds a way out to solve the problem.

In conclusion, appreciate and respect everyone.

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