Some people who want Free money from the government

in meme •  3 years ago 

My umbrella only works if you have it over your head.
My Muzzle only works if you wear one as well.
My food feeds the starving when I eat all of it.
My birth control works if you take it for me.
My winter jacket keeps the homeless warm only when i ware it.
My sunglasses keep the sun out of my eyes when you wear them.

The idiocy is deep. Resist these people who want to live in fantasy land. Do not live in the meta=verse where the nft's of fruit wont feed your bellies. It is coming and those that take the plunge will never know what hit them....the solid ground, which they will say is soft.


A meme that brought out a laugh. For the reality of having someone say this to me...multiple people said this to me...i just laughed and walked away.
Nothing to say to people who want to live in upside down world.

Best to walk away and live an amazing life of freedom....because your freedom lets them be free.

If it is your work please let me know and i will give credit where credit is due....
What are your thoughts on this meme?

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I respect your content to the fullest. And even support it. However, try to understand that simply stating,

If it is your work please let me know and i will give credit where credit is due....

just wont do it. I did the same in early hive days and although I did not get notified about it, I saw someone else get accused either for plagiarism.

There are tools such as, among many others, that give a reverse image search.

That meme above was published 1 year ago in reddit And it looks like it was takenn from someone else. So I am unsure where it is taken from. Either way. Most Memes are usually public domain anyways as to my knowledge but I may be incorrect.

So... stating what i quoted above, may not even be necessary at all lol. go figure.

Wouldn't hurt though to do a little background research on your own content just to be on the safe side.

This is not a warning of any sort, just trying to help out. not threatening coal on you either.

Any questions ask away ill do my best to andwer them, even if I have to get help to answer it.

I do love your content though. Keep the spirit strong. Power to the peeps! ✊

You are the angle messenger i was just wondering to find the original source of the meme? I have seen sooo many people tagging the photos as their own and then putting their name on it as if they made the image. and then i see the same image with different tags on it....obviously not cool....i want to cover my bee-hind by saying that it is not my image so people are aware.
That website will come in handy. So very much thanks you.
I do source when I have sources but often odd and hard to see thae original.
I shall keep the efforts and keep the words and faith. Please do the same and we will be stronger together for the days ahead.