No Liability is best served cold

in meme •  3 years ago 

Stay healthy...listen to your body!
paid to prick.jpg

What piece of paper do i get signed by someone with another piece of paper that lets me do what ever i want to the ends of never being responsible for anything i say, do, or may do into the future?
How can i get this magical paperwork?
Please let me know in the comments section who i pay off to get this mystical slice of tree.
It must be printed on some nice paper with watermarks galore for it to have such a weight of the world upon it gives the lack of accountability to anything that may happen.
Oh right Natural law doe not work that way and would not function in such mischievous ways.
Let me know in the comments if you have one of these pieces of paper releasing you from all morality....ill buy it off of you.
Sad when those that get stuck with the jab get the liability of bodily harm to all those around them...the facade is cracking and you will see the tide change in front of your eyes...those that took drugs to get the other people high will soon be held liable for their bad decisions.

Where is mothers against Drugs these days?...oh right, too high locked at home with their government mandated booze bowl of drugs and bad food.

Stay healthy by not listening to the government...listen to your body!

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