I wanna spray my chemicals in your government homes.

in meme •  2 years ago 

Anyone who has watched the skies and is not complete Ray Charles must have seen what they call contrails...
Well just think about how many plans fly overhead and think of how those things work.
I am not getting into it here look it up. Be a Big Man and do some Digging, Those mouse fingers will thank you, as you one handed type - looking for the next big things.
They are chemical trails people , wake the hell up.
If you were too lazy, there you have it in a nut shell.
Think of a car in the sky albeit bigger engines. There is water and Co2 coming out the end of the pipe...now how would that water vapors spread soo far and so long that it hangs in the skies for hours?
Use your brain people
It is now the time for the.....
If you think that the covAids Scamdemic WuFle was bad...wait till they start using HARP to change the color of your skies....those 30% that are held firm in Mass Formations Psychosis will be thinking the end of the world is happening and they will be the ones murdering in the streets for the safty of the planet.

Carbon tax will rise as the government makes you pay for the distraction of the chemical that they will be dousing you with. Nothing like the smell of chem-trials in the morning.

As they say it is for your safety, that you willl eat nothing for the skies are blackout out and you cannot grow crops. Oh, and that which does grow, gets 24D sprayed on it ...that is the same things as Agent Orange but slightly different. Same, Same but Different, ask a Vietnamese guy about how that working out.
Have a look at this if you want more to know....

Or if that was too much work you could also just read the government signs...you trust them right. Well they legally have to tell you the truth. This is encase you have some cash and want to spray the skies, the government needs a contracts between the crooks that spray and those the get paid. See below if that contract you can read yourself and tell me why, how, if, then, way, and splay me out for the “fact” that you see that this is not actually happening. Please I am open and willing to look at anything you have for me to see. I just ask you do the same in your arguments about this chem-spray not actually happening.

The reckoning is coming and there is going to be much pain if we keep going this way, but hay who am i to know or say, i am just some guy on the streets living in a box telling you all the sky is the new fox....the climate play they are going to give you is much more harmful then the gain of function shot.
Let us just say that people are starting to think that is this natural..
humm that many planes right after one another....really. Ever look at a flight map....? Nope you have not. Or you did and were looking at something not on the map.

You choose what you want to see in this world. I take that same advice...perhaps i should be looking towards a job and wage slavery for the rest of the time i am here, ya know get some TV programming and time for fuut-balls and amuse myself with sports and booze....right.
Now as restrictions are being lessened and they are making 180 turns from mandates and sugar dates, there is another pandemic coming,,, If you have not guessed, you are considered the plague. You the people that go to work on pointless jobs for the sake of a paycheck. You are what those that spray the skies see as the plague. They are trying to eradicate that from the planet, they are telling you in so many ways, they do not want you around, they are grinding your economy into the ground, your food prices sore you back are starting to break, the car don’t start and they just laugh as you sit there masturbating to the next manwomanthing they have for you to see...So I point and say, just FYI....
SO if this continues the bubble bee might look like this,
And that day when you have laughed you self to sleep and continued your job for the pittance it pays will not be enough to pay for the weight of your souls,,,

as you will realize that right quick when the air that you need is bottled and Not sold in stores.
-->same rules apply, nothing is mine, it is all built on the backs of all those before me. You want it come ask for it, everything is free nothing cost you nor me.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Two chemtrails I photographed yesterday and more were done after this shot.
