Fake it till you Brake it

in meme •  3 years ago 

All fake everything. Where is the real world?
I go outside, nature still exists, it grows dies changes and come back to what it once was, just different. The trees know no limits to being real. They grow all the same....i go inside, shut the door and look at my bank account....so much food can be bought but where does it come from....where is the real value to trade paper notes for things to eat?

Why is the removal of reality so easy to do. To go to a store and buy one thing or two? The fake idea that it just arrives separate from the person stocking it, separate from the person buying skids of it, separate from the people picking it, separate from the person growing it....perhaps i shall go and farm my own.
Let nature show me the reality of truth that value come easy and naturally from the ground it simply grows with no faking around.

Where is the reality of this world now?
How can we progress to reality now?
No more pushing paper and buttons - dirt and seeds is what i see-d.


An image that was shared with me to make me think. i hope it makes you think about what is real....not even this image is real,,,it is all 1's and 0's held in magnets that would be useless piles if the power button was depressed....have you heard about the internet being tuned off in countries where there is civil unrest?

If it is your work please let me know and i will give credit where credit is due....
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If you look REALY hard, you can see the good.
Keep Up The Fight : )

You are very right in that, one must look to see the good. Through all of this there is much good around that is being nurtured and growing.
I fight for me and i fight for you. Thanks for your words of encouragement.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Realities are built by imaginations. We can have what we dream up. Let's dream of a world of joy, hope, safety and sovereign beings.
It's good that so much seems unreal to you. It IS unreal.

Imagining and acting toward the desired direction for the desired reality to which we are moving into, is a daily routine that has been practiced for years. I hope i can make you laugh as you likely see what is going on around you, and know that there are other options.
Thanks for taking the time to comment. What would you like to see in the new reality of the world? I will put it into the mix of my mind for you and for all that can grow forth from to it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hm. Elected officials who act according to what their inner voices tell them is right, instead of thinking, saying and doing as they are told to think, say and do.

I think the government puppets all have implanted ear pieces that drown out the conscious voice that makes humans human to each other....the idea of the devil and angle on the shoulders seems to be gone for these people.