Back to the story line for a bit of time please sir...can i have some more?

in meme •  2 years ago  (edited)

If you have been reading along then this will make sens to you as i sit on the street begging for a nickle of your dime, a minute of your mind....

It is not a happy sight from where you stand as far as i can see, looking down at myself i am almost disgusted with what i see. I could imagine what you must think but i have no time for that....i like that i get to know you from the slight glance of what you say as you walk on past...get a job you slob...Good one, one point for originality, but lets get back to making a story with a meme and get this rolling with what you might see as you look at me....

It is as thought i am drunk again laying there with the FLUERONA that new strain of good sheeat that i got to get into my arm right effing quick or else ill crash the demons will come back and make my life hell and for those around me who will pay the blind rage as i need another fix a way to boot my cells. Do not judge me, that will only hurt me more for i care what you think as i lay here rolling on the floor.

Although i have not come so far as to wanna quit i am defiantly on the train of making my veins sick and tired of getting pricks each and every day. Some times if i score big a few times a i keep and asking for your change and rambling on to those that walk by....'i invented this or that and it is all gone now to some big Fat Cack who stole it all and now i am here begging on digital street for something to eat.
I really wish it would not snow again as my finger are cold and i wonder, when this will all end. I can quit when i want, i tell myself just a bit more....


Weird how i can get free wifi but not food. I can get a phone loaded with a pass to get into the shop yet not buy anything until the pennies drop....i am hoping to upgrade my life by getting a square tap to pay so that when they say "i dont have any change" i can say i take debt, credit, crypto and you can tap my pad, ill take any form of pennies even shit coins for some gass, i would even take $FartToken - i just want to go and buy that magazine i want to see her face without the mask.....


I am scared of the cycle i am getting into, listening to the media saying there is a new strain...i hear the same things from the guy who sells me smack. He says that that new batch is the booBonickCronicMostdeadlySideChainRonick-theNewgradeisHappenRightintoMyBrainHospitaliseyOurMinditwillBlowOuttheCases.....i think i can trust him, he is wearing a suite, why would he lie for a twenty and a toot?
So i unbutton my sleeve and let the needle slid in....


Then i go wait outside the shop for them to let me in...they do not like my kind they tell me this all the time, but i wait and bleeeet like the rest of the heard. I heard that is what makes me a social justice warrior pilgrim complete anti racists, non slaver humanity dead grandma saver, life spring giver just by covering my face....Now i just need the hair color to match. You know the colors i am talking about.


I take the pregnancy test because i believe i am a woman. Cus i feel like one having not been with one for almost a eon decade now, so i can lie to myself and tell me i am wrong but the test came back positive it cannot be wrong. I waited in line the shop sold me one, better to be safe then open my mouth for some food. Money well sent the dealer needs a new suite.


I can be positive i am truly infected man woman thing legion that might have to go and end this at the river edge. Perhaps it was prescribed to me by my master, i know they would never lead me astray they hold the reigns so masterfully that they must know what is best for my days. I just wish that they would treat me like this picture below and and not drag me through the snow. But it is for the benefit all those i do not know.

Then feed me words - their love context grows, they would want me to submit all of the things that make my mind hurt - to them for they will take care of me just like the plant and crop you do not get to see, in time you will not ever eat.
I must submit to them for they know how best to grow me like those chemical sprayed toxic laced crops that makes people body rot. How foolish of me to think that basic food should cause allergic reactions in humans....exponentially the cases of those that cannot eat grains, wheat, breads, fish, cheese, nuts, berries, salts, meat or anything that has been in the same room as something that has been close to the door of a plant that processes toxic junk than you will ever know. Humans now not able to eat basic food without being sick is so natural that it is making me i submit my blood to the masters above and let them rewrite my code so i will be just like a

The things i cannot afford is the thing that i will loving they are to masters my overloads their dictates will make me great.

stay tuned this will not end here

Here is another meme to wrap this shat post to a wet end.

P.S. Thanks to those that have made this all possible, if you have created any of the memes above let me know....and show me some proof cus i see the same meme with everyone sticking their name on it worse then then big pharma drug dealer sticking kids, so i have no clue who made what meme in this amazing world of digital on and off - one and zero game.
I am off.

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