Unshackled minds - when I feel like crap

in meme •  3 years ago  (edited)


I step back.

It is not just fb I keep being banned from, it is YT also.
I have to keep appealing bans, but appealing to who? Some spotty faced kid in his moms basement?

Not paying it much attention for the moment, overturned all bans, proved my point, but want a little time off to spend with my family, my daughter, my wife.

I can not fund the entire world, as much as I would like to.
I can not defend every person, as much as I think they have a right to walk this earth.
I can not do it all. And I am quite honestly tired, and I do not like January here, it is bloody cold, and cold is not my thing.

The con-trol freaks come at you from every side, online, gov, gov supporters.
Every angle, every direction.
My self chosen label today? Bloody tired of it all, so switching off for a day, or possibly 2.
Here are some experts in science working out a carrot, yes a carrot.


OK so I told a lie, no idea what they are doing.

Meme it day.




Honestly, that is all the time and effort I have today, hoping tomorrow is better.

Peace, love to all, and out of here.

Polska Partia Piratów

Macie dość cenzury? Jeżeli odpowiedz brzmi tak to dobrze trafiliście. Piraci zaczęli budowę własnego forum opartego na zasadach wolności słowa i merytorycznej dyskusji.
Nasza moderacja nie będzie miała litości dla siewców konfliktu wewnętrznych i propagandy systemowo-parlamentarnej.
Tworzymy nową społeczność opartą na prawdzie, chęci poznania intencji innych stron i szacunku do rozmówców.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

iDIG man... I really do...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What a amazing

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The numbers, oh them digits, they do, yes they do. :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So true we are being attacked in almost every conceivable way. Always good to have some time off and spend with family.








