My point of view about Plagiarism

in megadrive •  4 years ago  (edited)



Dear Readers,
Today I am here with a controversial topic, "Plagiarism"; Let me tell you why I have chosen the word controversial; because I have a different opinion about plagiarism. Maybe many knowledgeable people will disagree with me but can't help it to share my opinion as a writer.
From my point of view, when it is possible to change something by your own word and then also someone, copy the same and paste it, for me that would be called plagiarism. But when you are writing about something which no one can change, for example, when someone is writing about the history or geography of something, it will remain the same everywhere. Let me explain; we can't change the location of the TajMahal, the Eiffel Tower, and also can't change any date, place, location, etc. It will remain the same. Now many will argue about the selection of words and sentences, but for me, that is also a nonsense question because many people are there who can choose the same word for the particular thing, that doesn't prove .that the thing is plagiarised.
No one was born with all the knowledge. It is something we gain by learning from others. I need a google translator to read french because I can't understand french; in the same way, if I would write something in Bengali, many will need the same to understand my writing. When we are using a website to catch plagiarism content, that site is also created by some other person, not created by the person who is checking the content. Then their judging is also plagiarised as they are also using someone's creation for their own benefits. Here I am running a recipe blog. When someone is judging my recipe, he or she should have some knowledge about cooking. I often use some historical background of the recipe; I love to learn the history of everything, but when I see someone is talking about plagiarism and they didn't know the actual meaning of the same. I feel pity for them. They are not using their own knowledge to judge content but using other websites to criticize the content.
This is my own point of view; I am not here to judge anyone. I write the content to clear my perceptions of plagiarism.

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