Mindfulness and Meditation

in meditation •  2 years ago 

Meditation is one practice that every single person must follow on a daily basis just like how one would eat food or have bath or like other rituals which one follows on a daily basis. It should not be a once in a way activity where one fine day suddenly you do it and then again sleep out. People sometimes make this practice a very stressful one and hence they give up very easily as they feel it is something where they have to put in effort to do it. But the fact is that it is an effortless activity just like how we sleep or eat, we do not need to put any effort there, it just happens. Once we get into this mode, we start enjoying this space.

There are so many forms of Meditation and Meditation does not mean that you have to struggle to make yourself sit in some uncomfortable position and then never be able to come to a point of stillness, because the discomfort gets on you. One can do Meditation while walking, lying doing or doing some activity, like washing or even engaging in art work. These are some lighter forms of Meditation, and as one starts getting comfortable in it then can start with a little intense one like sitting in one place in one position and meditating.

The different forms of Meditation allow one to pick up and follow that suits the best. Like there are guided meditations, then there is a gazing meditation, or just listening to music meditation, or the breath meditation, there is chanting meditation also. As I mentioned one needs to identify what suits best and then can start following the practice. Meditation can be done by lying down also if you are not comfortable sitting. Sitting is little intense but it is beneficial in many ways, when we sit and meditate the energy flows through the spine and this helps clear up blockages from our chakra system.

Blissfulness can be in any space, you do not need fancy spaces to feel the bliss. The best feelings come in nature and with nature.

When I started my Meditation practice, I would attend live guided meditations being done in groups. I found it comforting for myself and I was able to let go off myself in those moments. Gradually I started doing it myself with Music and guided audio, then I would do Aum chanting meditation, which worked the best for me. On and off I like to do gazing meditation. Nowadays I just like to sit in silence with myself. It is very blissful when I come out of it, as if I have shed off all the baggage. The mistake we make in doing meditation is that we think that we need to do something but the fact is that we do not need to do anything, we just need to surrender. If we learn to do that, we have conquered it. Surrender on our thoughts and emotions, come face to face with self and accept both the good and the not very good side of us.

When we sit to meditate end number of thoughts start coming to our mind, which is what most people say. The thing is that you should never force yourself to not think, else you will be bombarded with more thoughts. Mindfulness comes here in the picture. Just being mindful and allowing the thought to pass will help. Let each thought keep passing by being mindful that in that moment it does not serve any good to you. As you keep doing that gradually you see that thoughts start dissolving and stillness starts coming in. If you feel that you still cannot do it, shift your focus to your breadth or pay very close attention to how your physical body feels in that every moment. The tingling, the numbness, the warmth, the coolness, these are the sensations that the body feels in meditation, keep shifting the focus on every part of the body and focus on how each of the body part feels. You can start gazing on something like a point or a candle, or listen to some very soothing meditative music, or chant. These are some ways to keep off your thoughts.


The empty space that we create within is very beneficial for us, because it makes space for the new energy to flow into us. Till the time we do not make that space we will be clogged up with our thoughts and we will never have that space to think new. If you have had a fight with someone. Meditate for some time and see how it will benefit. You will realize that either the fight was not necessary, or that you were at fault or that it was all so pointless. Impulsive actions that we make sometimes lead to disasters but being silent in the mind for a while will help us reflect on the situation and the next time when we again get into any such situation with mindfulness we can avoid.

Most of the problems in our life are the problems of our mind, if we can settle on that life will be peaceful and Meditation is the answer to settling down.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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