MarginArta House - A holistically focused space with a difference

in meditation •  2 years ago 


Heya folks, Monty here - I've been very busy setting up a holistically focused venue in the heart of a Redgum and Jarrah forest in the South West of Australia.

It's a real journey to reserve such a space as this for the practice of sincerity. There's so many things that need to be done but also, there is so much that this place can give and with the owner's wishes in mind - it's possible to run some amazing intimate events!


For example I will be running a meditation style 'Guided Dream' of the story 'Open the Door' with live music and narration as the space's first official event.


Here are the guidelines suggested for the event space - reserved for special gatherings of the soul!

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🙏​🙏​🙏​ To address some common questions regarding this holistically focused venue 🙏​🙏​🙏​

  • We provide a mindful approach to event hosting and organisation
  • Hostings, stays and rates are considered on an application to application basis, we reserve the right to refuse without fear of discrimination.
  • MarginArta House is alcohol free
  • A bush preservation program is ongoing and so specific parking designations have been made and must be respected.
  • The space has an extremely low environmental footprint using off-grid amenities. Leave a space as you found it and take your rubbish with you.
  • There are no noise restrictions making it suitable for outdoor dance meditations.
  • Due to the preservation of wildlife and us reserving their right to be in a space undisturbed and unthreatened - no pets
  • Maximum 15-25 people can fit inside depending on the activity with an outdoor space which can cater to approximately 35-50 people - the biggest limitation for a larger gathering is parking space and electricity which will need further consideration and communication working together with a respectful patron.

With these guidelines in mind - the atmosphere provided by nature is an immersive introduction to your special event, activity or spiritual practice. When we use sincerity within a space and reserve a space specifically for the practice of sincerity - we invite that energy to have a permanent signature in that geo-location on Earth's energetic grid-lines. 😃​❤️​

Thanks for your interest and consideration! ​🦘

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