'A Guided Dream' with Art by Amanda Forward

in meditation •  2 years ago 

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Interview by Matheus Luzi @ Revista Arte Brasileira to Monty Cash -

What is 'A Guided Dream':

'A Guided Dream' has been performed live in yoga studio settings with people laying down and going on a journey into self. The story it is based on is being developed into a stage-play in the Netherlands. After an inspiration, Solange Niessen of Weert in the Netherlands decided it was a great idea to speak the story with 'you' as the protagonist to allow the listener to feel they are in the journey.

What is the meaning of the poetry?

The original version of this story/poem is called 'Open the Door'. It is about a person who searches the world and finds little substance in it yet through chance finds a way that is not usual. This way is the path of facing the unknown. This person then goes on to achieve their limitless potential.

We find it important to address this 'dark night of the soul' that we have all collectively been going through - in that the way out of this solitary and singular place is to face that which we fear the most and say - enough!

Is there any interesting story as to how the poetry came to be?

This story was first written as an accompaniment to a music score. The intention placed in the story when it was written was - 'what is needed most for humanity to progress at this time.' It seems arrogant to write for such a purpose but it was written nonetheless from a pure heart and honesty. The story slowly became much more important than the music and different collaborations based on the story have now formed bringing together a community of artists around the world. The musical score is an original world music score which is a result of a street performer's musical experiences traveling through Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. It contains many traditional balkan elements including a focus on traditional form and acoustic sounds.

Dreams to Reality Productions are a fresh production group that has been born from this story. We seek to challenge the norms of expression and creativity as has been distorted by industry and once again allow a free platform of expression using story as the key - rekindling our ability to make magic! Join us on our journey: https://dreamstoreality.vision

Is also airing on Ze Rock Porto station in Israel!

If you'd like to add this to your radio station playlist - please download it here! You're welcome to upload it to your website - write us a review! Email: [email protected] for more info. https://files.fm/u/jrtqc6nmj

Shoutout to @juliakponsford 😉

It is also on Soundcloud -

And on youtube:

This artwork along with the story and music were released in Witchcliffe, Western Australia in August 2022

For more about the artworks by Amanda Forward: https://dreamstoreality.vision/oiloncanvas

#guideddream #contemporaryart #storytelling #guidedmeditationfemalevoice


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