Tyranny Through Weaponized Bureaucracy

in medicine •  last year 

Tyranny Through Weaponized Bureaucracy | Dr. Scott Jensen | EP 349

Weaponized bureaucracy = agency capture.

You know you live in a pathocratic tyranny when every agency does the opposite of what it claims to do. That is the litmus test, and amply described in Political Ponerology by A. Lobaczewski. You can read it for free at archive.org but, amusingly, no download options. You can still find it at libgen. It is the best description of our current psychopathic-run society.

Dr Jensen made the cardinal error of questioning a tyrant; in his case, the medical board. Like so many other people who place themselves in a similar position, Jensen realised that tyrants do not have to justify themselves rationally, or even scientifically - all you are told to do is obey with the order. Another book for our age is Kafka's The Trial.

The descriptions of some of the interview sections are revealing: Vague allegations; Misinformation and disinformation; No apologies, proof of targeting; The weaponization of regulatory agencies. And finally: Fighting on. Covid was always a scam from the very start, even if Peterson often tries far too hard to side with the tyranny of political reaction rather than going deeper into it as a technocratic and scientific scam.

We wait for the next global scam. I see very few have learnt anything, and even fewer are prepared, both physically and psychologically.

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  ·  last year  ·  

We have accepted living under regulations that make criminals out of most of us - we can no longer envision a world that functions without regulations. What has happened to our doctors should have exposed this farce, but really has not.

  ·  last year  ·  

It's not so much the existence of rules, but more the flagrant lies and abuse of those rules by elitescum. Human cecity is so vast it is astonishing we are still here.
The tyranny of neighbours makes the system tick - I left that such a very long time ago I have trouble coming down to that level - hasn't helped me "get on" but has sharpened my articulation of the problems.
To arise from a coma is just about the right frequencies.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes I saw that - the local authorities get most of any of these takes! This turns neighbor against neighbor.

  ·  last year  ·  

I considered most doctors to be mere drug dealers (unless they proved otherwise) - I then thought this kovid con made that staggeringly obvious - guess not. Beliefs need no proof - the prison is not just physical harm, but also the fear in UN-believing.

Like Dr Jensen, took him a long time to see the prison he operated within - at least, the medical prison.
Beliefs are NOT decentralised, lmao - they form in clusters, like social networks are based around super-users/influenzas then fan out and in some places overlap.

Dreaming is one therapy to dislodge stubborn beliefs. lol.

  ·  last year  ·  

Walking through life is like walking through a minefield of possible criminal activity on our parts, and we run the risk of being charged with a crime by just going about our regular business. We can't know all the laws and regulations. Did you see this?


  ·  last year  ·  


“Every Soviet citizen committed at least three felonies a day, because the criminal statutes were written so broadly as to cover ordinary day-to-day activities. The Communist Party decided whom to prosecute from among the millions of possible criminals. They picked dissidents, refuseniks, and others who posed political dangers to the system. This began under Stalin when his KGB head, Lavrenti Beria, infamously said, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

This is now becoming the whole world.

the psychoscum surround themselves with their manufactured rings of hell to include pseudo-psychos, wannabe-psychos, violent-minions etc etc.

solutions? nothing that I can write in public.

  ·  last year  ·  

The psychoscum will destroy themselves. They are doing it already. It will get ugly for us all while it happens though. I think we must be on our toes.

  ·  last year  ·  

That sounds like wishful thinking - I don't see it.
Like a disembodied vigilante - stuff of movies.

  ·  last year  ·  

I think you know how I feel about this. Our imaginations have the power to affect what materializes. Wishful thinking can change the world. I'm manifesting on a global scale.

But my belief that they are destroying themselves comes from how surreal things have gotten. I think this is a kind of melting of time, like Dali's clocks. Things are not meshing well, the news is mostly false, we can be sure of nothing but what is right in front of our faces. They are losing their grip, and will start destroying each other next.

  ·  last year  ·  

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