Unshackled minds - Deadly hospitals Poland.

in medicine •  3 years ago  (edited)


I would not visit a hospital here if you paid me.

Some background.

When the 2020 plague started, it was so deadly they closed all my local hospitals, not kidding, I drive by one every single day of the year.
The local one is called the death hospital, nearly everyone that goes in it never comes out.
According to my wife who was born close by to where we now reside, it has had that name for many years.
I have had a couple of elderly neighbours go there over the last 3 years for allegedly routine surgery, and not come back out, well they did, in a box. 1 gent was the first person I met here, he was in his early 50's and used to take me to the local football matches, he would bring a little translation book with him so he could improve his English skills (speaking) and we would stand right at the back sipping beers for the best view of the game.
He had some pain in his legs 1 day so his wife called for an ambulance y to get him looked at, checked over, he never came back out. 4 days he was in there, then gone. No reason given.

1 elderly gent that lived above my apartment in town went in for surgery 2 months ago, supposedly a routine one, he never came back out, they said he died of "complications".

A neighbouring farmer next to our farm had a problem with her leg, the treatment she had was appalling, she is now taking legal action. She could not get out of bed to walk or even stand around 8 months ago so her husband called a doctor who suggested they call for an ambulance and 2 paramedics arrived.
They got her on her feet and said she had to go to the hospital, she had work later in the day so declined, she was forcefully sedated, put on a stretcher and taken to hospital.
The alleged doctor there misdiagnosed her and refused to send her to a specialist. Her husband called her regular doctor who thankfully went to see her, he told the hospital staff she had to see a specialist and they complied. When she got to the next hospital they took her in for immediate surgery, she had something wrong with a major blood vessel in her leg, they stated if they had not done the surgery, she would have been dead in two days.

There are many more cases I could tell you about but to save a long read I will leave the cases at that.


I have come close to quitting riding my motorbikes.

Who would want to go to a hospital now that refuses to see you unless you can prove you are up to date with the 4th soon to be 5th vaccine? Not me, that is for sure.
You also have to do a PCR test before entry, imagine that with a fractured leg, in pain and needing urgent care? Regardless of how many jabs you have had, test positive and it would be straight to the covid ward, ventilator stuffed down the throat and lucky to make it back out, nil by mouth is also a favourite here, they sent the retired headmaster here to his grave via that.
As written by me before, his son is a policeman and has taken the hospital to court, that case is ongoing.

It makes me think, would the broken leg even get fixed? If I do fall off, I will make my own splint.
I might get treated differently as I have a large payout private insurance, but somehow I doubt it.

It all sounds a tad depressing, but it is the reality of here and now, where I reside.

I can only hope for a massive heart attack in my sleep, to bow out, sad but true.

The UK has a long and tainted history of letting elderly people die in hospital, when they "think" you are close to death, but we all know in reality, even those you may not think will survive, sometimes do. Nobody has a crystal ball.
The Liverpool "care" act was one such policy, nil by mouth till dead. Yes they are practising that here too.

They used to have an oath did they not, to the people, to look after them? Hippocratic oath. Do no harm.

I read somewhere the oath was removed in 2001 in the UK, but can not find said article now.

"A doctor’s plea to doctors: Remember our Hippocratic Oath."

Allow me to give you an extract from an article I read today, not all of it I agree with, my stance on covid is clear, no isolation via Koch Postulates = no proof it exists.

"Large randomised trials have become hugely resource-intensive. Seventy-page trial protocols and grant applications required months of time and expertise to jump through all the hoops required for processing and authorisation. In addition, they cost millions of dollars. These requirements play into the hands of Big Pharma, who are the only ones who can afford such trials.

Large randomised clinical trials of generic medicines and non-pharmaceutical interventions which deserve to be evaluated for a number of (word unclear) and cancerous conditions are rare because, frankly, there is no money to be made and there’s no funding available."

So where exactly does all the cancer research money go? The billions raised year on year by ordinary people?

"In my experience of evaluating trial reports of novel anti-cancer agents, it’s common that early trial findings showing benefit leading to the drug’s approval are contradicted by later evidence showing no benefit. By then, the drug has already been licenced for use and the pharmaceutical company has already made billions."

"For this reason, I caution against the unquestioning acceptance of data provided by the developers of novel treatments and strongly suggest these need independent evaluation. Not by academics and institutions receiving unlimited research grants and funding from the pharmaceutical industry and the associated pharma companies and charities, but by independent, objective scientists with no conflicts of interest."

I think IMO the same results will come from the mRNA gene therapy jabs being multiple injected into people, just an opinion, we all have one, time will tell.

Here is the full article below.


Please do not be put off by the conservative woman part of the website, it is only a name, a label, which I think we all need to drop.

Left, right, lbgtq, liberal, vegan etc - all very divisive, all make us not want to talk to people that do not have the same name "tag" or support what we think is our cause, the less we talk about labels, the sooner they can be gone.

Anyway, enough of me, comments below, have your hospitals and GP's/doctors surgeries been acting as the very poor actors they are here this last two years?

Have a superb day, stay healthy, and enjoy life, the serious bits will matter not in the end.

EDIT = Since then, hundreds of millions of people have been involved in the largest medical experiment in human history, mass vaccination with an unproven novel therapy. Hundreds of billions will be made by Big Pharma and paid for by the public.

With politicians and other non-medical individuals dictating to us what we are allowed to prescribe to the ill, we as doctors have been put in a position such that our ability to uphold our Hippocratic Oath is under attack.

At this fateful juncture, we must therefore choose: will we continue to be held ransom by corrupt organisations, health authorities, Big Pharma and billionaire sociopaths? Or will we do our moral and professional duty to do no harm and always do the best for those in our care?

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

One Dr Drugdealer tried to kidnap my kid - listen to this - refusing basic treatment unless she was admitted - for some crummy cough. The nurse was worse, trying to con my kid that I was a bad parent - really so very very close to headbutting her! Anyway, took an hour to argue my way out... with kid. Never been back there since. Not quite the dependency-driven repeat-drug-user they always hope for.

I've no idea why most people think such drugdealers are scientists - they are not - not even close. A few go into research, but not always MDs, usual biochem grads.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That is disgusting, I can only imagine such an event, not sure I could have been as calm as you, you did well to hold back.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No, rarely watch videos - having just sat through a 3 hour interview (!!) altho that didn't require watching so much as listening - but saw a couple last night, thx.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

His are only usually a couple of minutes long, I do get time for that, but hours to watch I do not have.
Cheers bud.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The whole medical industrial complex needs it's ego taking down a peg or two, methinks..

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Or the resonant frequency found to shatter the whole ghastly business.

Actually, the world is now so owned by criminal capital that the only solution is a war fought on legal grounds - to un-incorporate all incorporations - caput mortuum.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Countries are corporations, I found Poland listed in the USA as the "republic of Poland" I will cover it in an article soon, it is part of the WEF plan, when they say stake holders in the great reset book, it means shareholders, corporate one's. Corporations then get to run governments, and gov only gets to do mandates.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Possibly, although worth looking deeper. Foreign govs need to reg with SEC in order to issue bonds in the US.
eg. https://sec.report/Document/0001104659-20-053116/
Also, not every country is regged.
However, if you can track down a more nefarious use, then... let us know! ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

this link might help - here - looks like an off-topic troll. lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately, 'law' only has any power in a place of order and civility, not chaos...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

oh, I suspect the "law" is part of the chaos.
eg look at the history of corporate law - how these zombie structure have been given increasing powers, just so as to project them while the "humans" are hiding behind layers of legal obfuscation.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Mostly here in Australia the medical system tries it's best to keep you alive long enough to bleed you financially dry😡. On another note I quit my job yesterday as I was told we would all have to do a covid test everyday before starting work. And I know if someone test positive we all end up in quarantine etc etc load of crap show. The company is only shooting it self in the proverbial foot as they will have to send staff home and even shut down for weeks at a time plus lost me as a very productive worker. Up them the dumb clowns🤣

I quit my job yesterday

That's wrong. You should make them fire you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This ^^^^.....there may well come a time of recompense

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

See my last post, police onboard the anti convid train now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

As I replied above that's still an option.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ah, shit - sorry to hear that.

As @mariuszkarowski says - make them fire you, matey!...it may serve you well down the road.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers mate thanks. Yeah I could and may do that as I haven't officially quit yet as told them I won't be coming to work while they are doing the testing. So wait and see how it all play's out. Work place was becoming more of a joke every week and I'm basically over it anyway.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow, sorry I missed this comment, chin up bro, plenty of other ways to make money, I have ideas if you have the time. That is a promise.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks mate, yeah there's lots of ways for sure. I really appreciate the offer thank you. I am super busy at the moment I have so much going on it's probably worked out well actually at this time. Once I have some spare time I would be interested to communicate with you about the idea's. 👍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Okay bro, ready when you are, hope it all works out well for you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers thanks mate😀👍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Can you make any sense out of this?

Tomasz Korzan is feeling confused in Poznan, Poland.
4h ·
Jak sądzicie, czym różni się immunoglobulina w wersji dla dzieci, od immunoglobuliny w wersji dla dorosłych?
Powiecie, że niczym?
Błąd! Otóż czymś się różni, ale nie wiadomo czym. Mój niepełnosprawny syn otrzymywał do niedawna immunoglobulinę, ze względu na zaburzenia odporności. Niestety, pojutrze kończy 18 lat, więc... już jej nie będzie otrzymywać.
Powód jest taki, że jako dorosły, powinien otrzymywać jakąś "inną wersję leku", a ta "inna wersja" jest niedostępna. Wersja dziecięca (ta, którą otrzymywał do tej pory) jest wprawdzie dostępna, ale mój syn nie będzie jej mógł otrzymywać, ponieważ za dwa dni będzie dorosły.
Czy ktoś może mi to jakoś racjonalnie wytłumaczyć?

Uwaga: korekta!
Lek jest ten sam, ale szpitale są różne (sąsiadują ze sobą "o płot"). Jeden szpital jest dziecięcy, a drugi dla dorosłych. Ponieważ nasz syn kończy 18 lat, musi zmienić szpital. Problem w tym, że ten drugi szpital nie zamawia leku, "bo jest covid".
Co ciekawe, oferuje inny lek, podobny, ale w wersji, w której musi być podany w szpitalu. Do tej pory, dostawaliśmy wersję podawaną w domu, "bo jest covid".

Bureaucracy. They have created a matrix from which there is no exit

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No exit for now, we just need to escape their monetary system.

I haven't trusted the medical community since I was a child because of shit done to me. They've only gotten worse over the years.

I'm curious. Lucylin mentioned in a comment to me last night that VYB might be forking and that when they do he will stop blogging here and go there. Will you be leaving as well?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am the same with doctors and hospitals, they have done me more harm than good.

As to your question, I think I like it here, apart from the pat on the back the devs get with huge votes for articles I not only do not care about, I have no interest to read. So will see if VYB do the same, Steemit did it, hive did it, they do it here, all I want is a site that works well, I do not want to read why, we get enough babble talk from politicians.

So time will tell I guess buddy.

As to your question, I think I like it here

Good to know, thank you.

apart from the pat on the back the devs get with huge votes for articles I not only do not care about, I have no interest to read. So will see if VYB do the same, Steemit did it, hive did it, they do it here, all I want is a site that works well, I do not want to read why, we get enough babble talk from politicians.

lol. I'm interested sometimes, but I do wish that we had a way to unpin the announcements, since one can find the announcements to the side anyway. I also have been trying to get them to add a pin feature to our own blogs so we can create a home page to create a generic parent/child theme like WordPress offers. Rycharde offered an idea as a workaround, that I may end up using bit would be much easier and effective to be able to pin our own post.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Same everywhere - devs get a bit of extra pay for building the place.
Not so different to voting on curation-comments to reward the curator for their work.
Has also always been the case that posts do not always get voted on any aesthetic merit but for the person, sometimes even for a cause or a charity or whatever activity is done off-chain.

I rarely look at Trending - in fact, usually to see if there are any announcements! And as for Hot... or Not!? lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They are impossible to miss, I go to my feed and they are always pinned at the top, like I said to practicalthought, If I want to know how it all works, I go looking for it.
Can they not pin it for 1 day, not weeks? Just a thought, but I still will not read them anyway.

Unfortunately as was pointed out below, it is always pinned to my feed every time I log in and I must x it out every session. Some of them seem to be a month or so old, long ago read and voted on if I was a mind to. I do find much of it interesting, however I've read them all and voted already in some cases many weeks ago.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Back in 2009 the bone specialist said sorry to me for trying to sell me a artificial knee , true his protocol and knowledge it seemed against all odd's that i could ever walk again without one . Me asking if i at least could try made him give me that change .
Proved his protocols wrong , worked full-time for 10 more years ,. and it wasn't the knee even that made me stop . Yes it hurt's , i accepted that and moved on , like would a artificial knee not hurt ? Cutting the broken bone one out , placing a metal tool for a knee . Repeating this every 6 years , for it wears out , and so become dependent on medical treatment . I learned at young age , people die in hospitals , all operations are a risk , avoid them .
Refused all pain reducing medication the doctor had to offer ,.. never i had a drugs dealer and i wasn't planning on getting one .

Could have taken their road , as that medical record would have given me a golden pas . Free money , free housing , free big pharma drugs , green hair , obesity and any gender i preferred to be .
But no , i didn't , so they got PTSD stamped on those records about me . This to question my sanity when ever they please , witch under there bogus rules makes me easier to arrest and control .
Fuck em , come get me , try me .

Freedom is not being save , you are the steps you take , take them as wise as you can ,.. without spoiling the fun . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I was told when I broke me knee that I would not walk again, I did, I was told I would never play sports again, I did, I was only 22, they said I would need an artificial knee by 30, I am 55 and never had one, never will.
Yes they think we are customers it seems, not people, not real, just someone to make some money off.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

...I had a lump of my hip bone cut out, to reinsert into my shattered leg.
When it gets cold, it can hurt more than the broken leg part !

The whole medical industrial complex needs tearing down, and need to start from scratch again.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The cold hurts , i know , Greece was my first choice for that reason .
Now i am in Norway winter at the start of a ice age , hoping for a pole shift that will place Norway at the equator . Until that happens i will be as high as a kite 24-7 to deal with the pain ,.. It helps to have a positive attitude , make the best of it , and to have fun in the things you do .

Freedom means being independent , independent from healthcare and doctors as much as possible . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Buy some ganja seeds from Amsterdam, easy to grow, great for tea, cakes or smoking, I just chew the leaves, makes me feel superb.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I was a teen in the 80th's living near Amsterdam in a town called Nieuw Vennep
,.. witch we called " New Hennep " ,.. And as 13 , 14 years old we took the train , without paying , to center Amsterdam . Where the koffieshops did not fall under bar rules so we could just enter them and buy some .

I sure do know what it's all good for ,.. no worry's , leaves and crumbs make a very good healing paste ,.. even better as only cbd . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You can buy cbd online here and in shops.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So you are able to grow cbd hemp legally on your land ?
Even planting industrial hemp ?



You could do so much more on this farm you have . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes we can grow that, no problems, it is perfectly legal here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They are not there to help, they are there to earn money, you are just a customer to bleed dry.