Media effect and act of devil

in media •  3 years ago 


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Media effect is too deep in our life. Media is the strongest weapon against anything. Once I read about a proverb," Pen is mighter than the sword." At my early age, i thought how pen could be mighter than sword. Sword is a powerful tool in military term. On the other hand, pen is just use to write. But now I can realize how much mighter the pen than the sword! You can tame a group of people by sword till you have power to hold the sword. Whenever you become unable to hold the sword, no one will obey you, don't even focus on you. This is why in ancient time it was said,"Kings have no brothers, no well-wishers, as long as they can rule with the swrod, everyone is thies. If they can't rule, they are all enemies. This is enough to describe the strength of sword.

But it is very clear that pen is even much mighter than this powerful sword. While sword will give you surity of your reign for a short time, then the pen will give you the environment to make your reign long if you use this pen properly. Because this pen can change you from inner you. You can't protest this change by sword. Anyone who can use the pen properly can make you a slave of themselves. And this effect can't be realized from outside. to realize it you must have a eye to see clearly a puzzle, a brain to solve it and hold it.

This is only for media, when anyone takes up arms to establish the socialist tradition of his choice in society, wearing a hat like Che, then he becomes a revolutionary. On the other hand, if a practising muslim takes arms to re-establish the Caliphate system, then he becomes a Islamic terrorists, fundamentalists or a Islamic militants. And even muslim community don't raise their voice against it. Because they have already been a slave of the devil who do this pollution in media system. Years after years, they run this evil propaganda against islam and now we the young of Islam don't raise our voice because our mind is already dead, a slave of the devil. This is so pathetic for muslim community.

Thanks for visiting me. Stay tuned.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

How are your brothers and sisters there now