in matrix •  2 years ago 



2012 december
Was the end of the AMIRAL LAW ( quiet end )
BITCOIN Started to be known a little bit more ...
FACEBOOK was the strong base of social media
The fun to invest , connect and make a buck or a living ( for few )
We are all controlled and possessed in a way but not by the same demons and not for the same goal .
That is why it is hard to let go of a dopamine rush .
A like , a vote , a comment .
demons dont need dopamine ( they need your energy )
they can careless how you feel , they will spin the words to
make you stay and react , over and over .
Free energy for them
Repeat button , same as PN
When you try to explain something , you are talking to an Demon AI clone
who is not reading your words , who is not trying to communicate , to inderstand , to connect ...but answer your words in anyways possible for you to answer back ( using most practically hate , for you to stay , for you to react , because normal human interactions ALWAYS try to find a balance in communication , a CLOSURE , peace , with normal questions on a specific subject... real subjects to talk about.



I have read in discord TONS of comments
By people saying , they cant sleep anymore or get triggered by any words ( out of tiredness )
INTERNET is eating up our soul , our life , our energy .
Our dopamine level is at its lowest .

How many people separated or divorced because they were emptied of life substances ? Not taking time anymore to be with their partner of friends or themself .
Obesity is rampant because people are hypnotised , they eat while their brain is in full mode ( most 24 / 7 )
Reading Tons of informations all day and night
Because we need love , money , better life , connection
But all this is a lie , since it is already hard in real life if not impossible
In 2022 .



Always a "friend" to tell you to invest there , when it is too late of course ...where it is going no where anyway

You think i came into Blockchains by miracle ?
NO , a " friend " told me i should go there
And when you let go some how , always another "friend"
To tell you to continue .
How many times i left to come back
How many times i lost in trading following bad advices
All this thank to "friends" .
Until you have enough signs and dirt trashed at you to find the way out



Same as in real life with the real few rich people

I saw the taxes coming , long ago
And now we must prepare to see "them" taking those directly in our wallets ... probably all cryptos we hold , will die 95% ? Soon and
5% soon enough .
Until they implement " their " own worldwide rules and crypto
A crypto that you do not own YET .

BITCOIN is NOT Satoshi who the fuck is Satoshi anyway ?
it is all Government ..Rottenchild and his evil clan .
Removing freedom of cash
Now blocking bank accounts , crashing fiat economy
To bring people in their crypto trap
But , wont be the crypto you Hold !


For now ,

ALL cryptos are owned by WHALES ....all markets are rigged ..100%
They will spin those charts like Jokers

90% of people HODL ....5% trade to lose it all , because it is all rigged and our brain is not programmed to pick up those types of signals .
The people who HODL ..they do it for nothing , because even if a coin jump in price , they are not built to cash out when it is time , or trade efficiently , even if they think they are prepared ...or they want more , like gambling addiction , x100 leverage !! How to lose your money 100 times faster ...
and for some , even if they got BTC at 10k$ and is now at 20k$ .... they did make profits BUT they wait for BTC to reach 1M$ ! Because they have been programmed to not take profits , they have been programmed to see 200% profit as a TOO SMALL of a profit !
1% is winning .... The ones who already win in real life, but it is not you .
4% Lose and Win and pray for a bullrun ( the anxious dreamers )

SO many people suicide because they lost money in trading , either a coin they Holded crashed to death or wrong " manipulation " or "calculation"

Or also Got badly bullied by strangers over the internet , in the crypto sphere .

Some people sell their house for crypto For God sake !
Their life savings
Their wife ( who know how to cook )
Their kid ( cause they have ten )
A kidney ( cause they have two )

95% of people who are since 2016 in blockchains
Are still waiting to make money from it , or the money they made is already gone and everyone waits for the next bullrun.. in 2024? In 2025? In 2026?

Majority of people ´s life and health is misery in disguised
Even the ones happy smiling .

DEMONS are everywhere in and out
We are in the deepest dark spell the devil has ever created .

ANY SCREENS ..TV / black mirror / mirror / computer / tablet / phone ...are a tool to swallow , not only our time , but our life and energy .
Movies / TV shows / Music / news
We breathe differently , we sleep differently , we live differently .
It is eating our eyes , our brain , our cells.
Everyone wears glasses , kids included .
CHINA will be the first country to see almost half its population being blind in early age
But we are so hyptnotised we cannot think ahead or even change , like a drug addict who needs his dose everyday ...worse than Heroin , worse than sugar addiction , worse than any addictions.
Some people died in front of screens , forgetting to eat !
A dude forgot to feed his baby and the baby died !
He was absorbed playing videogames

  • add to the mix , the vaccines , GMO , additives, drugs , junk food , 5G .
    And your shitty immune system and the air you breathe , with less and less oxygen and more nanoparticules .

COVID 19 was a set up to force people starring at screens HOURS a day

Kids are now fully possessed , being constantly on SCREENS and eyes issues or brain issues , almost all wearing glasses .

We are eager to learn , speak , be loved and appreciated , to be right .


THE MATRIX IS REAL for 99% of people is coming and the ones who chose it , belong in it , no judging ,
It is still GOD ´s will and creation .



The trannies clones demons are lurking

THE CLONES are tools the Devil and the Archons use to integrate its demons into your life and in the system ...not only over the internet but also in real life.

They are easily recognisable in their OBSESSIONS

THEY HAVE A TARGET TO KILL if you dont go along


THEY USE OTHERS and make clans ...they will use all spirits and tools to make it happen , even illusionary peace , respect and love .
You will believe , you will stay , but nothing will ever change in terms of price and peace .
If a jump happens in price , you wont be invited to the party ..... Hive price jumped few times , 3% of people took profits and either already spent it all or traded for a shitcoin who went to zero .

Beside few chosen ones
Few lucky ones will spend as quickly as they made it
( if they didnt HODL and watched the price crashed as fast as it jumped )


No chance you can reach your goal of making a peaceful and fair community ...not ONE chance.

The GOAL of crypto and BLOCKCHAINS and any social sites is THE MATRIX , last step is THE METAVERSE TO THE MATRIX .

Who has eyes to see shall see
Who has ears to hear shall Get the fuck out




Thanks Elon the clone to show a glimpse of where this is all going in a short time ....Reset 2030

I invite you to look up those subjects .

I am not judging what is happening ,
i have known these subjects for a long time
A friend told me the ARCHONS created the Blockchains , i obviously , didnt go against that thought since i see the plan unfolding in front of my eyes .

If you think you are a winner ,You are a loser
If you think you are a loser , You are winner

Everything is GOD though , we must keep faith in the transformation .

I am PD with no hope , especially after the amount of money i have invested , using UPVU was not working but using UPVU still would ask me to post everyday to recieve a vote ( as staking ) same as selfvoting .
So whatever , i am out .

I wrote a clashing post with a lot of truth in it
About a lot of people
But i wont probably post it
Not like it is really necessary or going somewhere
Anyone see their own truth and THE TRUTH they want to see .

Plus , i now have to take care of my mum more ,
She needs more and more care and i owe 50k€ to the hospital
Looking at her dying slowly wont bring the money .
Trading , on my side has been slow , but i managed to pay my bills ... no more time to take the clashes of my haters .

Whatever is left of it

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is the first time I've seen anyone do a post like this - it outlines the dark side of things and I think you are right. Yes, I'm addicted too.

On the other hand there is some amazing knowledge buried amongst all the programming on the internet.

I followed you to try and make sense of what on earth is going on here on Blurt and to tell the truth I thought you were probably another scammer. But this post has really got my attention!

Thanks, and all the best with looking after your mum, that is not easy...


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your nice words , i might use upvu option , i will see .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Having no background with you, I have no idea what you have done to be so hated by some accounts on this platform. I was going to have a look around and see what I found, but after reading this post, I'm not even going to look - past is gone - this is an interesting post!


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I started to be hated when megaD asked me to take his side against doubleu
I was new in the communauty and his arguments in private message were clear , i didnt think twice ( which is the main problem here , no one is thinking twice and go for nice speech )
He was then very happy doubleu was leaving , because that man was supposedly taking too much space and power ( he owned more than 6 M blurt )
I arrived in blurt powering up 250k blurt i bought with my hive , i was a good introduction .
Then i made a comment on a post , saying if you get dv in hive it is mostly because you did something they dont like , it happened to me , i selfvoted for a week using pob frontend and got dv , i stopped and all went back to normal after few discussions with them , hive is particular and i dont hate marky for it , even though everyone here hates marky that moment is when lucylin came into play , i thought he was a woman and i told her to go masturbate ( remember ? ) but he went A-wire and i asked megaD what the hell was her problem ? And he kept on sending me comments and at that time i was in a very bad life moment , so i asked megaD if we could add a mute button to blurt
If something could be done to stop this nonense ( which was a fault on my side , i shall have just discuss properly ) .... since i took megaD side for doubleu , he took my side ( saying to lucylin it was his "job" , since i complained ) making me look like a weak sheep and him be the super cool savior .
then it wouldnt stop megaD thought of coil list to stop him ...then he thought of banning accounts seen as bullying ( i was not ok with this one ) that is when jacob ( the founder ) came into play and stopped that nonsense ...jacob said he was for doubleu and everyone shall vote on his witness and no one will be banned ( megaD was mad but jacob is the main founder , he opened blurt with baa dev )
Then i lost a lot of support .. then all support .... even interactions
MegaD told me he couldnt be on my side anymore and i was discarded like a dead dog ( with some more private infos i will keep for myself since he didnt try to argument with me )
I started to selfvote for 4 reasons
1 : i paid my coin 5c , it fell to 1c , i needed to bring back some balance in my spending
2: why would i help a community who hate me and reject me ?
3: no staking option was permitted ( within the wallet or using upvu )
4: i saw rycharde selfvoting all his posts and comments and i asked if selfvote was really ok , i had the yes answer .
But then i had some more haters and the spin kept on spinning
Now i really have nothing to do here , i will use upvu if i manage to do so
and i am done ...too much has been said in discord and i vomit traitors .
I then started to read more of marius @ctime @mmmmkkk331 arguments
also the answers they got and i would see how they got pushed away either with hate or silence , same as doubleu ...all this did not click right and i could not stay blinded anymore ...
community is taking side in a more and more agressive way , as you see (adding lucylin and me in the mix of targets to kill , cause we dont walk straight or do we ?)
As a bonus , i have ultravioletmag obsessed about me , making hundreds of comments out of jalousy and envy and surely demoniac possession , because stories were false and she invented many of them and she loves saying i prostituted to get my coin , that is how evil that trans is ( it makes her my biggest fan though ) even said we shall call the police on me and i shall be put in jail ...and finally got MegaD on her side and the money she wanted ( as well as delegation ) ...she now plays the virgin style , and she takes the pleasure shitting on lucylin because she now has some "power"
here is for the short version ....
i kept on buying the coin and also bought BYT and i am here now dealing with upvu .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow! Thanks for that update...

Ive seen similar on steemit and hive and am blocked on those platforms, but i want nothing to do with these battles any more, society is stressful enough.

On Steemit i always self voted, that was pretty standard, and still do on Gab, but that has no rewards. On Blurt self voting has always been frowned upon and the rewards are so low its not worth it anyway.

Right now this battle is the most interesting thing happening on Blurt...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And battles do not affect the price in anyways , that is the lie the BLURT CULT uses to gather people to help them remove the " bad weeds " .. which are rocking the boat they control is a real battle because some investors have power , considering their high stakes and they dont accept bullshit ...understandable .

That above is the most important point to remember .

Staking option and interesting blogging is what matters
Both bring investors in one hand and connections in the other hand
That is what a successful platform aim at
Hive is fully planning that , but token is high price and hbd stable coin is fixed .
Platform like blurt ( in a dream state ) could have brought a value for users but the core is rotten .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do you think it can ever be fixed?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Considering this present post ( in which i barely scratched the surface of issues ) and where our system is heading to , no

But faith , allows some to go further
Hope allows the others to stay blinds

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

' ...first they came for lucylin '....etc.....if you think that frot isn't on the list, you're delusional, matey !
Conformists to 'the system', boring and bland - not independently minded, freethinkers - is the aim.
( it will fail, but that's their ambition - they think being gray and boring is a strength....bless)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I know im on the list about one place behind you, and that is why i am paying attention...

But Blurt is not by biggest issue at this point...this is light relief!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

cool !

I never -really_ thought that you were that delusional, to ever think any differently - but just checking in on you, to make sure that you weren't having a sanity wobble ! lol

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Are you rage quiting now? You done calling us demons and supreme beings so you can avoid self reflection?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The only way to 'win the game' is to not believe any of the BS and be detached from it all.
'Sheep will be sheep', 'psychopaths will be psychopaths'.
....being detached allows you to see both, quite clearly.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lololol! The guy who goes on tirades and war is detached.

Bruh, who you bullshitting?



I think she's right

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are many different perspectives to see this from...All of which can be correct.
(subjectively speaking - by 'ticking all the boxes', depending on which perspective and criteria you choose to look at it from).

I'm not saying she isn't correct- far from it....I'm pointing out that the way to beat the liars and bushitting deceivers - is to not play their game- but play your own .... (they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, bless)....otherwise you might just lose your soul... and that makes you ugly.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah we can see with detachment , but it is more healthy to leave .
This is their kingdom , not ours , that was my point .
You are pointing out few people and in a psychological way , which is a different parallel of the reality i just talked about .
This can go on forever and ever , at some point you need to go with healthy people if such thing exists , do other things and stop fighting the demons in a war that is just a constant illusion to make you stay and fight till you die ... this is going nowhere .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....i'm all for fighting demons...been a hobby of mine for years !

Posted from

I'm powering down

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The value of our Blurt tokes in bugger all - so I take it this is a statement of greater intent - the first step?

Is this post the trigger or were you thinking about this stuff already?

I'm very conflicted myself and this post captures one side of my thinking - the other side is of course very much the opposite!

But seeing someone else say all this has blown my doors off somewhat.


I was thinking about it for a few days after blurtlatam went down and then the weirdness with all that now this. It resonated with me for sure.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Delegate to upvu , you ll get liquid blurt everyday
If you post just one photo a day , you ll get a vote + liquid blurt .
Make your stake matters and dont forget witness vote
@fervi is helping a lot with front ends .

I'm not so bothered about votes I'm bothered about not being seen or heard. Being ignored like my post about blurtlatam which I blurted on coz latam was down. I totally see how their 'not censorship' works now. Freakeo has also disappointed. Latam is not down it is just being blocked from some of us.
This whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. If there is another fork I might be up for that. This whole place has lost its appeal.

Posted from

I already voted fervi.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wish I could find a cogent argument against your decision - but I cannot, hand on heart...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are the strongest pingoo on the planet

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nobody Wins this game besides the Buddha, the Enlightened. You and I will perish, and all will be left are our deeds.

The only way to WIN the game, is to EMBRACE the pain. You detach from it and try to insulate yourself, but you can't see that it's the pain (which you regarded as: nobody said it was fair, instead of nobody said it was easy) that your vulnerable ego hides behind, what it uses to manipulate you, your corrupt mind.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have to take care of my mum hospital bills , blockchains take a lot of time

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

