Pets in philately, an original way to express our love for them. [ENG-ESP]

in mascotas •  11 months ago 


Zezé our mascot on the road while watching the route. / Zezé nuestra mascota en viaje mientras observa la ruta.

Pets play an important part in our lives.

Pets, as we call them, live in our homes, share our joys and sorrows, and yet they receive little general recognition.

Few books talk about them, and rarely do the media give them the space they deserve.

I have been passionate about philately for many years and today I would like to share with all my #blurtians friends some issues of postage stamps from countries that include domesticated animals among those worthy of interest.


Los animales domésticos ocupan una parte importante en nuestras vidas.

Las mascotas, como así las llamamos, viven en nuestra casa, comparten nuestras alegrías y tristezas y sin embargo tienen a nivel general pocos reconocimientos.

Pocos libros hablan de ellos,y raramente los medios de comunicación le dedican el espacio que se merecen.

Soy apasionado de filatelia desde hace muchos años y hoy quiero compartir con todos los amigos #blurtians algunas emisiones de sellos postales de países que incluyen a los animales dométicos entre aquellos temas dignos de interés.


Block leaflet with the main mascots issued in the USA./Hojita block con las principales mascotas emitida en los EE. UU.


Six species of show birds pictured by British photographer Luke Stephenson./Seis especies de aves de espectáculo retratadas por el fotógrafo británico Luke Stephenson.


ALove Your Pet - Responsibilities - Philatelic issue issued by Canada Post./ Ama a tu mascota - Responsabilidades - Emisión filatélica emitida por la oficina de Correos de Canadá.


Complete set of commemorative postage stamps on Dogs issued by Russia in 1965./Serie completa de sellos postales conmemorativos sobre Perros emitida por Rusia en el año 1965.


Popular Pets New Zealand 1999 Posts First Day Cover./ Mascotas Populares Nueva Zelanda 1999 Correos Sobre el Primer Día de Emisión.


2016 First-Class Forever Stamp - Pets: Iguanas - USA. / Sello de primera clase para siempre 2016 - Mascotas: Iguanas - EEUU.


1999 New Zealand - Sc 1575a - Mini Sheet - Popular Pets / 1999 Nueva Zelanda - Sc 1575a - Mini Hoja - Mascotas Populares

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  • This topic has been discussed in the blogs that I list at the end of the post, reproducing it in part and/or in full. All blogs listed are owned by me.
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Those are awesome stamps.

Lola approves !


  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Lola is smart...apart from being very beautiful and elegant. What kind of hair is she? She looks like a labrador.

Ours is called Zeze (in the character of the novel Mi Planta de Naranja Lima) by the writer Jose Mauro de Vasconcelos, and in a caniche toy (the small breed)

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Lola is a Golden Retriever… I am told by some that she is called a British Cream Golden since her colour is so light. She looked like a little Polar Bear in the snow when she was a puppy. I will post some of her puppy videos here on Blurt.