[ESP+ENG] El sofá / The couch (Historia de miedo para gatos / Scary story for cats)

in mascotas •  last year 

zzzzzzzzzz sofa tiendanaimal.es.jpg

Versión en español

Ya saben que no me llevo bien con los felinos, se los comente anteriormente, realmente no se porque, pero es un echo comprobado por mi durante años, en esta oportunidad me enfrentaba a un gato bastante mañoso, visitaba a una buena amiga de la universidad en su casa pero cuando nos sentamos en su sofá saltaba su condenado gato interponiéndose entre los dos, tenía que hacer algo, con el allí no le iba a tocar un pelo a la chica, así que tuve que espantarlo, no me dejo mas opción que contarle esta tenebrosa historia de miedo para gatos, contaba que desapareciera por un rato, o quizás para siempre!!!-(Risa macabra).

El Sofá.

Joaquín fue de visita a casa de su primo Pablo, que vivía con su esposa Bela, no tenían ni un año de casados, Joaquín había asistido a la boda, pero en ese entonces no pudo darles un regalo decente de bodas, así que se los debía, aprovecho la visita para saldar esa deuda, como su viaje era por trabajo, se iba a quedar varios días en su casa, cuando su primo Pablo le aviso que solo tenían un colchón inflable para que durmiera en la sala del pequeño departamento, Joaquín tuvo la perfecta idea del regalo de bodas.

El día que llego a la ciudad, Joaquín paso primero por una mueblería, llegando luego a casa de su primo con un sofá cama como regalo de bodas!!!, el mueble estaba recubierto de una tela color gris que simulaba la piel de un lobo, estaba como nuevo, pero fue retapizado le contó el dependiente, lo compro en un muy buen precio, grande, mullido, cómodo, un buen mueble, Pablo y Bela quedaron encantados con el detalle de Joaquín, aceptando el regalo con una enorme sonrisa, al único que no le gusto el regalo fue a Tigre, el gato de Bela, apenas los hombres de la mueblería colocaron el sofá de lobo en la sala de su apartamento, y vio que Joaquín ponía su maleta en el suelo, el gato empezó a maullar y gruñir marcando territorio.

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Tigre estaba algo molesto desde el principio, ya había sido molesto para el tener que permitirle a Bela casarse con Pablo, humano al que ignoraba la mayor parte del tiempo, pero tener que soportar a otro humano en sus dominios era demasiado, estaban invadiendo su casa y ahora hasta traían muebles, esa primera noche fue un infierno para Joaquín, Tigre paso toda la noche saltando, corriendo y maullando, casi no pudo dormir, a la mañana siguiente estaba molido, pero tenía trabajo, esa noche regreso realmente extenuado luego de la mala noche de sueño y el esfuerzo del día, tenía que pensar en algo y rápido si quería dormir esa noche en paz.

Joaquín tenía que hacer algo con Tigre si no la semana seria una pesadilla, recordó que el dependiente le comento una vieja historia de la mueblería para hacer tiempo mientras empacaban el sofá que compró, no era muy tenebrosa, pero el podía ponerle algo de picante y hacerla mas escabrosa, la idea fue tomando forma en su cabeza, tal vez si lograba asustar al gato lo suficiente lo dejaría en paz y esa noche podría dormir sin contratiempos, tomo una ducha reparadora, al salir del baño Pablo y Bela lo aguardaban para cenar, Joaquín se sentó a la mesa, Tigre no dejaba de mirarlo de manera amenazante, sin duda el gato era un caso perdido, Joaquín comenzó con su plan, llamando la atención de la pareja.

-Les quiero contar algo extraño sobre la mueblería donde compre su regalo, el tipo de la tienda me contó la historia mas loca sobre un sofá perdido allí chicos, ¿no se si continuo es de terror y sangrienta?.

-Dale primo, no tenemos mas nada que hacer-, Tigre no prestaba mayor atención en ese momento, estaba muy ocupado afilando sus garras para incluir unos buenos arañazos al tratamiento para deshacerse del molesto huésped que ocupaba su sala.

-Bueno continuo, resulta que el dueño de la tienda original, que murió hace ya muchos años era un amante de los gatos, tenía varios en la tienda, ademas solía colocarle alimento afuera para los callejeros a los que les permitía pasar la noche en la tienda cuando hacia mucho frío o llovía.

-Vaya que interesante!!!-, dijo Bela una amante de los gatos, Tigre comenzó a prestar atención a la historia.

-Entonces un buen día llego un sofá cama antiquísimo directo de Africa, según me cuenta el dependiente estaba forrado en piel de León verdadero!!!, inmediatamente que el Sofá que entro a la tienda los gatos empezaron a desaparecer, uno a uno sin dejar rastro, no habia explicación, el dueño de la tienda se dio cuenta que no solo los callejeros desaparecían, si no también sus gatos, en cuestión de semanas no quedo ningún gato en la tienda!!!.

-Joder primo, ¿ que paso con todos los gatos ?-, Tigre oía la historia, estaba nervioso.

-Aquí viene lo macabro de la historia muchachos, pasaron los años, el dueño de la tienda murió y el viejo sofá de piel de león seguía estancando allí sin venderse, entonces el nuevo propietario para no perder el mueble, ordeno que lo re tapizaran, con algún animal print mas moderno, no tan áspero, pero cuando los empleados desarmaron el Sofá, hallaron los huesos de todos los gatos desaparecidos años atrás, los esqueletos, cráneos, algunos enteros, otros triturados, aprisionados entre los mecanismo del sofá maldito.

-Jajaja, que historia mas loca Joaquín,¿esto te lo acabas de inventar?.

-Palabra de Scout que es totalmente cierta la historia.

-¿Y que paso con el Sofá maldito, no sera el que nos regalaste?-, pregunta intrigada Bela, Tigre estaba cagado del miedo.

-Jajaja, pues creo que no, el dependiente que me contó la historia solo lleva trabajando en la tienda pocos años y esto paso hace muchos años atrás, lo mas seguro es que luego de deshacerse de los huesos de los cadáveres de los gatos, lo retapizaron y lograron venderlo.

-Esa historia merece unas cervezas bien frías, vamos al bar aquí cerca primo.

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Unos minutos después se fueron los humanos, dejando al pobre Tigre solo, estaba bastante asustado, el gato veía ahora con desconfianza al enorme sofá cama con piel de lobo que reposaba en su sala, como todo gato al final pudo mas su curiosidad que su miedo, se acerco hasta el mueble y empezó a arañarlo para mostrarle quien era el jefe de la casa, al no ver respuesta se aventuro y salto encima para seguir atacando con sus garras al sofá de lobo, Tigre estaba mas tranquilo solo fue un cuento del humano para asustarlo, -SLAAAMP!!!-, el sofá abrió sus fauces como una bestia!!!, fue tan rápido que el pobre Tigre no le dio tiempo a saltar, se lo trago entero!!!, el gato lucho tratando de liberarse, logro sacar sus patas por entre los cojines, pero ya estaba sentenciado.

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Joaquín, Pablo y Bela retornaron a casa un par de horas después, esa noche Joaquín durmió como un lirón!!!, tan solo escucho un leve maullido que se ahogo en la noche, Tigre brillo por su ausencia, en la mañana lo despertó temprano la voz de Bela llamando a su gato para que comiera su sardina de desayuno, Joaquín se levanto como nuevo, tomo un duchazo rápido y se despidió antes de salir para su trabajo, esa tarde cuando regreso de trabajar, volvió a dormir sin molestias, a la mañana siguiente Bela estaba bastante preocupada, nadie veía a Tigre desde hacía dos noches, a veces solia perderse una noche con alguna novia pero siempre regresaba por la mañana a comer, nunca se había marchado por dos días seguidos.

Pablo trato de reconfortar a su joven esposa, -Amor tu gato regresara mañana no te preocupes!!!-, le dijo para calmarla, mientras Joaquín se quedo observando su regalo, el sofá de lobo, parece que su historia habia surtido efecto, Tigre seguro estaba escondiéndose en la casa de alguna gata vecina muerto de miedo!!!, el resto de la semana paso rápido, Joaquín agradecía las atenciones de su primo y su esposa, Bela estaba algo compungida Tigre no habia regresado a casa. Pablo acompaño a su primo hasta abajo para ayudarlo con la maleta y a conseguir un taxi, en planta bajo se topo con el vecino del 3B, al ver a Pablo le pregunto si habia visto a su gata Zafiro tenía un par de días desaparecida, este le dijo que no, ya en la calle colgado en un árbol, los primos vieron un cartel de «Gato perdido», la foto era de Melquiades, el gato del apartamento 4D, estaba perdido desde hace 4 días.

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-Esto esta muy raro tres gatos desaparecidos en pocos días!!!, dijo Pablo.

-Ni tan raro primo son gatos, seguro están por allí de fiesta ya aparecerán!!!.

Bela y Pablo no volvieron a ver a Tigre, con el pasar de las semanas cada gato del edifico fue desapareciendo misteriosamente, Pablo tratando de subirle el animo a su esposa le regalo un pequeño gato, el minino le recordaba a Tigre, pero la hizo sentirse mejor, esa tarde jugaba con el gatito retozando sobre el sofá, este tranquilo y sosegado solo aguardaba su momento para volver a comer.

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In English:

You already know that I don't get along with cats, I told you about it before, I really don't know why, but it is a fact that I have verified for years, this time I was facing a rather crafty cat, I was visiting a good friend from university at his house but when we sat on his sofá his damn cat jumped up between us, I had to do something, with him there I was not going to touch the girl's hair, so I had to scare him away, he left me no choice but Tell him this dark scary story for cats, I was counting on him to disappear for a while, or maybe forever!!!-(Greek laugh).

The couch.

Joaquín went to visit his cousin Pablo's house, who lived with his wife Bela, they hadn't even been married a year, Joaquín had attended the wedding, but at that time he couldn't give them a decent wedding gift, so they gave it to him. He had to, he took advantage of the visit to pay off that debt, since his trip was for work, he was going to stay at home for several days, when his cousin Pablo told him that they only had an inflatable mattress for him to sleep in the living room of the small apartment, Joaquín He had the perfect wedding gift idea.

The day he arrived in the city, Joaquín first went through a furniture store, then arrived at his cousin's house with a sofá bed as a wedding gift! The furniture was covered in a gray fabric that simulated the skin of a wolf. , it was like new, but it was reupholstered, the clerk told him, he bought it at a very good price, big, soft, comfortable, a good piece of furniture, Pablo and Bela were delighted with Joaquín's detail, accepting the gift with a huge smile, The only person who didn't like the gift was Tigre, Bela's cat. As soon as the men from the furniture store placed the Wolf sofá in the living room of his apartment, and he saw that Joaquín was putting his suitcase on the floor, the cat began to meow and growl marking territory.

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Tigre was somewhat annoyed from the beginning, it had already been annoying for him to have to allow Bela to marry Pablo, a human he ignored most of the time, but having to put up with another human in his domain was too much, they were invading his home and now they even brought furniture, that first night was hell for Joaquín, Tigre spent the whole night jumping, running and meowing, he could hardly sleep, the next morning he was exhausted, but he had work, that night he came back really exhausted after night bad night's sleep and the exertion of the day, he had to think of something and fast if he wanted to sleep that night in peace.

Joaquín had to do something with Tigre otherwise the week would be a nightmare, he remembered that the clerk told him an old story about the furniture store to kill time while they packed up the sofa he bought, it wasn't very scary, but he could spice it up and to make it more lurid, the idea was taking shape in his head, perhaps if he managed to scare the cat enough he would leave it alone and that night he could sleep without setbacks, he took a restorative shower, when Pablo and Bela came out of the bathroom they were waiting for him for dinner , Joaquín sat at the table, Tigre did not stop looking at him in a threatening way, without a doubt the cat was a hopeless case, Joaquín began with his plan, drawing the attention of the couple.

-I want to tell you something strange about the furniture store where I bought your gift, the guy from the store told me the craziest story about a sofa lost there guys, I don't know if it's still scary and bloody?

-Come on cousin, we have nothing else to do-, Tigre was not paying much attention at that moment, he was too busy sharpening his claws to include some good scratches to the treatment to get rid of the annoying guest that was occupying his room.

-Well I continue, it turns out that the owner of the original store, who died many years ago, was a cat lover, he had several in the store, he also used to put food outside for the strays who were allowed to spend the night in the store. tent when it was very cold or rainy.

-Wow, that's interesting!-, said Bela, a cat lover, Tigre began to pay attention to the story.

-Then one good day an ancient sofa bed arrived straight from Africa, according to what the clerk told me it was lined with real lion skin!!! Immediately when the sofa entered the store the cats began to disappear, one by one without leaving trace, there was no explanation, the owner of the store realized that not only the strays disappeared, but also their cats, in a matter of weeks there were no cats left in the store!!!.

-Damn cousin, what happened to all the cats?-, Tigre heard the story, he was nervous.

-Here comes the macabre story guys, the years passed, the owner of the store died and the old lion skin sofa kept sitting there without selling, so the new owner, in order not to lose the furniture, ordered it to be reupholstered, with a more modern animal print, not so rough, but when the employees disassembled the Sofa, they found the bones of all the cats that had disappeared years ago, the skeletons, skulls, some whole, others crushed, imprisoned between the mechanisms of the cursed sofa.

-Hahaha, what a crazy story Joaquín, did you just make this up?

-Boys Scout's word that the story is completely true.

-And what happened to the cursed Sofa, wouldn't it be the one you gave us? -, intrigued Bela asks, Tigre was scared shitless.

-Hahaha, well I think not, the clerk who told me the story has only been working in the store for a few years and this happened many years ago, the most likely thing is that after getting rid of the bones of the cat corpses, he They reupholstered and managed to sell it.

-That story deserves a few cold beers, let's go to the bar near here cousin.

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A few minutes later the humans left, leaving poor Tigre alone, he was quite scared, the cat was now looking suspiciously at the huge sofa bed with wolf skin that rested in his living room, like all cats, in the end his curiosity was stronger than his fear , He approached the furniture and began to scratch it to show him who was the head of the house, not seeing an answer he ventured and jumped on top to continue attacking the wolf sofa with his claws, Tigre was calmer, it was just a human story to scare him, -SLAAAMP!!!-, the sofa opened its jaws like a beast!!!, it was so fast that the poor Tiger didn't have time to jump, it swallowed him whole!!!, the cat struggled trying to get free , he managed to get his paws out between the cushions, but he was already sentenced.

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Joaquín, Pablo and Bela returned home a couple of hours later, that night Joaquín slept like a dormouse!!!, he only heard a slight meow that drowned in the night, Tigre shone for his absence, in the morning he woke him up early Bela's voice calling her cat to eat her sardines for breakfast, Joaquín got up like new, took a quick shower and said goodbye before leaving for work, that afternoon when he returned from work, he went back to sleep without disturbance, The next morning Bela was quite worried, no one had seen Tigre for two nights, sometimes he used to miss a night with a girlfriend but he always returned in the morning to eat, he had never left for two days in a row.

Pablo tried to comfort his young wife, "Love, your cat will return tomorrow, don't worry!!!" he told her to calm her down, while Joaquín stayed looking at his gift, the wolf sofa, it seems that his story had taken effect, Tigre Surely he was hiding in the house of a neighboring cat scared to death!!!, the rest of the week passed quickly, Joaquín appreciated the attentions of his cousin and his wife, Bela was somewhat saddened Tigre had not returned home. Pablo accompanied his cousin downstairs to help him with his suitcase and to get a taxi. On the ground floor he ran into the neighbor from 3B. When he saw Pablo, he asked him if he had seen his cat, Sapphire, who had been missing for a couple of days. He said no, already in the street hanging from a tree, the cousins ​​saw a sign for "Missing cat", the photo was of Melquiades, the cat from apartment 4D, he had been missing for 4 days.

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-This is very strange three cats disappeared in a few days!, said Pablo.

-Not so strange cousin they are cats, surely they are there partying and they will appear!!!.

Bela and Pablo did not see Tigre again, as the weeks went by each cat in the building mysteriously disappeared, Pablo trying to cheer up his wife gave him a small cat, the kitten reminded him of Tigre, but it made her feel better, that afternoon he was playing with the kitten frolicking on the sofa, this calm was just waiting for his moment to eat again.

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Las imágenes:
La portada: Tiendanimal.es
Los gatos atigrados: Freepik
El gato desaparecido: cdn.colombia
El gato pequeño: 123rf
El sofá: conforto.mx

#HistoriademiedoparaGatos #SacaryStoriesforCats #bigbdp #Mascotas #Pets

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  ·  last year  ·  

esta historia me recordó un personaje de Condorito llamado "comegato", jaja.
