Do You Feel Secure On Centralized Social Media Platforms?

in martialarts •  4 years ago  (edited)

What just happened on Twitter, it got us all thinking about how secure our account and information is on centralized platforms like Twitter. You share many things on social media and you have valuable personal information over there. If it is hacked, it can create a lot of problems not only in your personal life but also in society.

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You might be shocked and surprised to know that major US high profile Twitter accounts including Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Apple, Kanye West, and Uber were hacked. Then hacked made tweets about fake Bitcoin giveaway. If you send Bitcoin, you will get a double amount of Bitcoin in return. It is a scam. Anyone can spot that.

So how secure do you feel on centralized platforms? There were scandal and information theft on Facebook. Popular public figures Twitter accounts hacked. You can be the next.

If you want to use social media and have total control, you have to look at blockchain-based platforms. It is the most secure and no one can get access to your account as long as you keep your keys safe.

Along with Twitter hacking news, people hear about Bitcoin. Negative things spread faster. More people would be interested to know more about Bitcoin and the technology behind it. That's definitely a good thing.


People will know how secure they are on blockchain-based platforms like Blurt. You have the freedom to express yourself and you will not get banned. Your account is secured, what happened on Twitter, it will not happen on Blurt. All you have to do is keep your password and private keys safe.

You have to move on to the decentralized platforms if you love security, and freedom of speech more than anything. The second generation of the internet, AKA, blockchain is the future. You have to get involved with this technology sooner or later. So why not get in there first and be an early adopter?

Thank you so much for reading this post. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. Stay safe. See you around!

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, self defense, and digital marketing. I make videos without me on the video. Well, you cannot see me, but you can hear my voice. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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