The One Rule For Marriage

in marriage •  4 years ago 


Do you think that the One Rule For Life is a new concept? Well, it's not just a new idea, it is the only way that life will ever be right and your life will be right too. I am speaking about the One Rule for Life, and the One Rule for Marriage. The One Rule for Life is the only real rule for life and the Only Rule for Marriage. Marriage is the greatest gift that God has given to you and me as His children, and if we give away the very best gift that we can receive from Him, we have no business giving it away to someone else.

Love is a very powerful and effective emotion, and it has been used by the greatest lovers in history. We all know that love is not a concept, it's actually not something that you can understand or even quantify. It's something that make us feel good, and it's something that is extremely easy to have when we are young, and it becomes our first instinct when things go wrong, and we become desperate for answers. It's our default response to bad situations.

But it's also our most destructive emotion because it can lead us to places that are not good for us. So, instead of being able to get what we want when we want it, we become selfish, and we spend our lives seeking pleasure instead of joy.

Nowadays, you may be reading this and thinking that you can't be happy without love and that the One Rule for Life doesn't apply to you. You don't understand the concept of happiness or fulfillment, and so the One Rule for Marriage fails to apply to you. But I promise you that the One Rule for Marriage can change all of that,

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