Evening at the Local Muttrah Market

in market •  2 years ago 

Last evening we were in the old city for some work after completing the work we thought of visiting the old city market, which is also known as the Muttrah Souk. A Souk in Arabic means a market. In this market we can get to see a lot of Antic items. Sometimes I wonder who would be buying these kind of things, I mean, yes there is a market for it but not sure of the volumes. This market is huge and here you get a lot of items in wholesale price as well. If you have a party or large gatherings or anything to do in bulk, this is a good place to come and buy things at a discounted price.

That's the entrance of the market, you will see how old styled it is. Nowadays these Markets themselves have become antics, because the Malls have taken over the businesses and these old markets have become more of a tourist attraction

This particular shop got our attention. My hubby wanted to buy a nice fancy box to keep his Crypto wallet :-), we checked out for options

There were some options that I looked at


I liked this particular one, the cover is made of sea pearls, looked very attractive and was neat from the inside as well

We picked up this particular one :-)

After this I wanted to buy some Bakhoor, It is basically used for saging purpose. There are may shops in the market selling all saging items, but this one was exclusive and he had a whole lot of variety.

I like the fragrance of this particular one, and bought it

After this we were strolling in the market and just looking at things. I had nothing particular in mind to buy, incase if I liked something, but then did not buy anything except for these 2 items

A lot of Omani curios you can buy from here, these are like the kiosk shops





There are many by-lanes in this market. There is a textile market also in this place.

These are some shops of Traditional wears


Wearing a cap is an Omani Tradition for Man with their traditional attire

The market just goes on and on



This is one of my favorite shop as they sell variety of Crystals.

Look at these antic items

This particular one fascinated me a lot, they were selling all different types of antic locks with different desings. Some were very unique

Camel is Oman's national animal, you find them being sold in many forms like soft toys and show pieces.

This place gives you a glimpse of the Omani traditions and Culture. It is a must visit place for every tourist who travels here. This place majorly runs on tourist, during covid times, these people businesses were severely impacted. It was sad. Now that the times are back to normal again, yesterday I could see the place was quite filled up and many tourist were around, which is a good sign. Hope you all enjoyed touring this market.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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Camel is Oman's national animal, you find them being sold in many forms like soft toys and show pieces.

Oh, I saw many camels and I was going to ask you what they mean, and in the end I read the answer... I also saw some turtle ornaments, do they have any meaning in your culture?

Turtle is a Feng shui animal and is considered as a Good Luck to be kept in home or office space. Not only here, but in India also you find this common culture.

We have a real turtle, it is the darling of the family.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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