in malone •  3 years ago  (edited)

By Omar Jordan

The following information is a presentation of evidence, combined with my
opinions, based on factual details available in the public domain. My opinions
are based on the evidence. I do not claim to present an overarching or objective
truth, and I encourage all readers to engage in their own research by following
the links available in this document. It is up to each individual to research for
themselves in order to determine whether or not your conclusions align with my
assessment and analysis of the evidence. Consider this document a starting
point to a larger body of research and more thorough investigation.
Dr. Robert Malone claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines and DNA
vaccines; and a self-proclaimed world-wide expert in RNA technologies. It is
actually Dr. Katalin Karikó and Dr. Drew Weissman who are more commonly
credited with laying the groundwork for mRNA vaccines, so right off the bat we
have established that Dr. Malone is a liar. Malone is the current “flavor of the
week” for the conspiracy “truther” crowd who have trotted this demon out as their
new savior in the neverending and false “fight” against the establishment. If
so-called truthers could ditch these false prophets and start leading, we might be
able to overcome the current hell we find ourselves in – but unfortunately most of those in the “truther scene” instead choose to continue following controlled
opposition intelligence assets like Robert Malone and therefore remain stuck in
the endless traps of false conspiracy leads, which is why I have to keep wasting
time writing these papers. So, let’s take a closer look at Dr. Robert Malone and
try to determine if this is a man we can trust to lead the “resistance movement.”
From this article-https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/07/18/inventor-of-mrna-vaccines-dr-robert-malone-told-to-hire-security-due-to-risk-of-being-assassinated/- we learn: Robert W Malone MD, was at the Salk Institute in 1987 and 1988. There, he pioneered in-vitro
RNA transfection and also in-vivo RNA transfection in frog embryos, as well as mice. Malone’s
research was then continued at Vical in 1989, where the first rat experiments were designed by
The Salk Institute was founded in 1960 by Jonas Salk, the developer of the polio
vaccine – so obviously we’re off to a very bad start.

Dr. Malone carried on his research into mRNA vaccination during the 1990s, culminating in a
mucosal patent that was issued in 2000. He also helped revolutionize the field of cationic
liposomes for the use in RNA vaccinations, work that was far ahead of its time.
Malone says he has spent his whole career seeking to develop fundamental enabling
vaccine technologies, developing vaccines, and designing and managing vaccine
“Vaccines are my business. I am not an anti-vaxxer. I am a pro-truth, pro-safety,
pro-bioethics vaccine developer. Vaccines save lives. They are often, but not always, our
best hope for reducing the death and disease associated with many pathogens, and offer
hope for treating cancer and other diseases.”
In less than 2 minutes, we have learned that not only does Malone love vaccines
and believe that they save lives, but they are also his business. He admits openly
to the world that he is not an anti-vaxxer and has spent the majority of his life
developing vaccines.

He also claims to be responsible for inventing the mRNA technology used in the
current experimental COVID19 vaccines. Based on just this alone, one might say
that Dr. Malone could just be the world’s darkest demon. I could end this paper
here and it would be enough.
Both of these types of vaccines employ technologies that involve transferring foreign genetic material into the cells of the person receiving the vaccine, and making those cells
essentially become miniature vaccine antigen manufacturing factories – inside the body.
Robert Malone is the man responsible for creating the technology that transfers
foreign genetic material into the cells of any victim who chooses to take one of
his toxic vaccines. Now, I’m not going to get into the details about whether this is
even possible (it’s not), but let’s just go with the official story.

According to WikiPedia:
Robert Wallace Malone is an American virologist and immunologist criticized for promoting
misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
WikiPedia is engaged in deception here. They want their readers to believe that
Malone propagated “misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, notably
making unsupported claims about the alleged toxicity of spike proteins generated
by some COVID vaccines.”
WikiPedia is correct in saying that Malone was propagating misinformation but
it’s not misinformation because the spike proteins aren’t toxic – it’s
misinformation because there is no such thing as a spike protein. We know that
there is no spike protein for the simple fact that the virus in question has ever
been isolated. If no virus has been isolated then no spike protein has been
isolated either.
Given that there is no such thing as a spike protein, then it cannot be in a vaccine
and therefore cannot be a toxic ingredient of the vaccine. So WikiPedia is telling
the truth here, but they’ve placed the truth inside a box of lies and wrapped it with
a pretty bow for us. Malone is deceiving the public by saying that the spike
proteins “generated by some COVID vaccines” are toxic. That’s not because
they’re not toxic, it’s because they don’t exist. So they can fact check each other
and discredit each other but at the end of the day, both sides are lying.
In the 1980s, while a researcher at the Salk Institute, Malone conducted studies on messenger
ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by
a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins.[2][3]
In the early 1990s, he collaborated with Jon A. Wolff, Dennis A. Carson, and others on a study that
first suggested the possibility of synthesizing mRNA in a laboratory to trigger the production of a
desired protein.

Well, let’s set aside these lies for a moment and look at his cohorts. Jon Wolff is
another demon geneticist who received his undergraduate education at the
spooky Cornell University and earned his MD from Johns Hopkins University. He
also founded the biotech company Mirus Bio. Mirus “focused on developing
innovative non-viral gene delivery technologies for gene therapy applications”
and “development of a genetic immunization method for research animals.”
Dennis Carlson is the co-discoverer of the CpG adjuvant that is used for hepatitis
All 3 men are lifelong vaccine sorcerers. Until 2020, Malone was the chief
medical officer at Alchem Laboratories, a Florida based pharmaceutical
company. As we learn from their contact us page, Alchem Laboratories “is a
Contract Research Organization (CRO) that focuses on process development
and manufacturing of fine organic chemicals and drug substances.“
Alchem comes from the word “alchemy.”
: the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of
indefinitely prolonging life
: a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive
So not only is Malone a vaccine demon, but he’s also a drug dealer. Prior to his
work at Alchem, Malone was the Director of clinical affairs at Alvancer Group
whose clients include Pfizer, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Wyeth and
other Big Pharma giants and vaccine manufacturers.

He was also a member of the scientific advisory board of EpiVax. EpiVax holds
the exclusive license to the EpiMatrix vaccine design technology.
From his LinkedIn Page, we learn that from March 2010 - April 2013, Robert
Malone worked for Beardsworth as the Medical Director of Vaccines.
Beardsworth is a CRO that specializes in vaccines. Beardsworth also enjoys an
alliance with Intrials – a Brazilian organization dedicated to clinical trials offering
resources and services for clinical research development in Brazil.
So what more can we learn about this Brazilian company Intrials? In this 2008
power point presentation titled “Role of the Domestic Biotech Sector in Health
Product Commercialization in Brazil”, we can see Intrials listed with a bunch of
other Brazilian Firms and Institutes who participated in the study.

Eurofarma is a Brazilian owned multinational Pharmaceutical company. On this
page-https://eurofarma.com.br/dicionario-da-saude/a-importancia-da-vacina-da-gripe-virus-influenza?lang=en- we can see them pimping the flu vaccine.
Butantan supplies the Brazilian public health system with 65% of all vaccines.
Aché Laboratórios Farmacêuticos is among the three largest pharmaceutical
corporations in Brazil.
Recepta Biopharma (ReceptaBio) is a Brazilian biotechnology company
dedicated to the research and development of new drugs for the treatment of
PeleNova Biotechnologia is another Brazilian owned global pharmaceutical
Coinfar is a venture of three Brazilian Pharmaceutical companies, dedicated to
drug discovery and development.
Biolab Pharma is another pharma company dedicated to researching,
developing, producing and commercializing drugs.
Uniao Quimica seems to be another pharmaceutical company as well.
Beardsworth was acquired by TFS International (HQ in Sweden) in April, 2013
(the same month that Rabort Malone left the company). TFS conducts clinical
trials for pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies.
In 2015, TFS was acquired by a Swedish Private Equity Company called
Ratos (60% of shares)
This paper-https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5800195/- tells us that the “first confirmed case of Zika virus infection in the
Americas was reported in Brazil in May 2015, “although phylogenetic studies
indicate virus introduction as early as 2013.” WikiPedia confirms that the
“outbreak” began in April 2015.

Hmmm. That’s interesting. The Zika “outbreak” started right after Malone left
Beardsworth, and Beardsworth had an “alliance” with a Brazillian company called
Intrials who works with a bunch of other Big Pharma and vaccine companies?
Now if you are familiar with the Zika Virus scam, this should be a major red flag
(as if everything else so far wasn’t a major red flag). If you’re not familiar with the
so-called Zika virus scam, then search this paper for Zika and follow the links. I
find it at least a curious coincidence that Malone was the Medical Director of
Vaccines, presumably working with this other Brazillian company, Intrials, in
some capacity – and then right after he left, the Zika “outbreak” happened.
We also learn from his LinkedIn that Robert Malone was the CEO of AthericPharmaceuticals from 2016-2017. His wife Jill was the Vice President. While they
were both there for only a year, it was during his tenure as CEO that “Atheric
Pharmaceuticals was contracted by the United States Government to assist in
the development of a treatment for the Zika virus by evaluating the efficacy
of existing drugs.”

Wait, so let’s get this straight – In 2010, Robert Malone joined a company called
Beardsworth as Medical Director of Vaccines. Beardsworth had an “alliance” with
another company in Brazil, called Intrials. Malone left Beardsworth in 2013, right
before the Zika outbreak started, and then he and his wife joined a spooky
startup company called Atheric Pharmaceuticals, in 2016, just after the Zika
“outbreak” and contracted with the US Government to assist in the development
of a treatment for Zika?
Well, maybe that’s just a coincidence but is it also just a coincidence that Atheric
is located in Virginia? Funny how these spooks all seem to live in the same
general area, right down the road from Langley (Correction - 2 hours from
Langley). There also seems to be a 3 year gap in his resume between the time
he left Beardsworth in 2013 to when he joined Atheric Pharmaceutical in 2016.
So what was Robert Malone doing for those three years? Presumably he was
“consulting”, as “CEO, Analyst and Consultant” at RW Malone MD, but who was
he consulting for and what projects was he involved in? Well, we’ll find out more
about that soon...

Atheric was founded in 2016 and was out of business by 2018. They were listed
as having an office at 2981 Zion Rd, Troy, VA 22974, which was officially
listed as once Jill Malone's residence.


So this startup Pharma company sprung up out of nowhere, in Virginia, – with
Malone as the CEO and his wife as the VP, contracted with the US Government
to help them run their Zika scam in Brazil, and then shut down 20 months later?
And this was their office?
Well, isn’t that interesting? It looks and sounds like a front or shell company to
me. You know what else is interesting? This 2016 paper, which was co-authored
by Robert Malone where they discuss “reports of high rates of primary
microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with Zika virus
infection in French Polynesia and Brazil. But there was no Zika virus. Zika
related illnesses were caused by something else.
So, who was Robert Malone really working for?

Another interesting thing worth noting is that between November 2015 and
January 2016, over 4,000 babies were born in Brazil with shrunken brains! Of
course this was blamed on Zika, but Brazillians aren’t stupid. They understand
that the real cause was most likely the TDAP vaccine.

A new TDAP shot Brazil made mandatory at the beginning of 2015, which coincides with
perfect timing with a whole bunch of newborns being born with defects. That’s right, in late 2014
the Brazilian minister of health announced a new Tdap shot to become mandatory for all
expectant mothers as soon as Brazil received it, which ended up being in early 2015. No zika
found in a majority of messed up babies, but ALL MOTHERS WITH MESSED UP BABIES GOT
THAT NEWLY FORMULATED SHOT WHILE PREGNANT. Troubleshooting 101, the answer is
Sources here - https://web.archive.org/web/20160130031647/http://theunhivedmind.com/wordpress3/brazilians-not-buying-zika-excuse-for-babies-with-shrunken-brains/
The TDAP vaccine was never reviewed for carcinogenic or mutagenic results,
nor their ability to cause infertility. The FDA’s own website admits this in a
package insert from 2005. It also admits that the TDAP vaccine can cause
autism and a bunch of other weird illnesses. So, like Ebola, COVID19 and others,
we can see another example of a correlation between a strange illness that
coincides just after a mass vaccination campaign.
That’s how these sorcerers conduct these scams. They poison the population
with toxins via pesticides, insecticides, toxic food or vaccines and then blame the
illnesses on invisible viruses that nobody can prove actually exist. Then they run
a series of racketeering schemes to sell new drugs and vaccines to treat the
illnesses that their last round caused. Then they repeat this scam for hundreds of
years and the public never catches on because they are invested in the
pseudoscience of Virology and the religion of Germ Theory. Dr. Robert Malone is
one of these dark wizards and we can see his fingerprints all over this Zika crime.
Read the papers he wrote-https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert-Malone- then combine it with the information in this paper.

From his website, we also learn that Dr. Malone consulted extensively with the
US and Brazilian Governments on how to control the Zika “pandemic.”
Members of the Zika Response Group have performed epitope mapping and computational
biology analyses, showing the evolution of the virus - which will lead to a better vaccine and
a better understanding of how the disease is causing damage to fetuses, as well as the
mechanisms of action of GBS. This effort culminated in two peer reviewed papers being
published. The Evolution of the Zika Virus paper, published in the fall of 2016, is one of Wiley's
most read scientific articles, and is in the 99% of their top publications- with 72,000 readers
having already viewed the paper. Dr. Malone was one of the lead authors of this study.
“Malone traveled to Geneva to consult with the World Health Organization, and
foreign public health officials on how to control the pandemic.” Normal folks
would read that and conclude that Malone is an altruistic humanitarian. But if weunderstand that there is no such thing as “Zika Virus,” then we also can come to
understand that this man is conducting black magic sorcery and is involved in the
maiming and murder of innocent Brazilians, most of them children.
His website also tells us that Malone “discovered possible anti-viral drugs that
are safe for pregnant women and designed clinical trials, and are in the process
of procuring funding and building partners in Latin America to move forward with
clinical trials!” Oh, how wonderful! Note how they make it sound so exciting! As if
there is such a thing as an “anti-viral” drug that it safe for pregnant women or any
human. Perhaps we should interview all the mothers who had babies born with
shrunken heads and see what they think about that! Oh, I’m sure it had nothing
to do with drugs or vaccines, it was anything in the world but those two things!

From his website, we also learn that Robert Malone was awarded approximately
$30 million in grants for various projects in 2015, related to the Ebola “epidemic.”
As usual, he worked with governments and Big Pharma giants to help develop
another poisonous vaccine, generating tens of millions of dollars in profits for
those companies! What a guy!
Now, if we understand the truth about Ebola, then we also understand that thisman is involved in criminal activity and has the blood of thousands of Africans on
his hands.

In 2014, Malone was awarded approximately $50 million in grants.
Soligenix, with the help of RW Malone MD, LLC, won a 25 million dollar NIAID contract for
"Development of Vaccine Formulations Effective against NIAID Priority Pathogens."
With support from RW Malone MD LLC, SAI Med Partners has been awarded preferred vendor
status by one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. We look forward to
continuing our productive collaboration with SAI during 2015 and beyond.
In total, RW Malone MD LLC, LLC·helped win four major federal HHS contracts this year!· In
total, the value of these contracts adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars, adding to the
well over 1B$ in federal awards obtained with our assistance. RW Malone MD, LLC played
a major role in all four contracts, by providing proposal development, subject matter
expertise, project management assistance and clinical trials design.
So Robert Malone has helped multiple Big Pharma companies land huge
contracts with the US Government, totaling over $1 billion in 2014 alone! Now he
wants us to believe that he’s just an honest guy, “blowing the whistle” on his
Pharma buddies. Yes, yes. He is protecting the public from the same vultures
that he has spent his entire career working for, who have paid him millions of
In 2013, the grants totalled approximately $435 million.

Here are some more examples of projects that Malone was involved in, primarily
related to vaccines.● Proposal management services for Soligenix: Submission of a large contract to: NIAID
Contract Proposal for Thermostable Ricin Vaccine, Fall 2013
● Proposal management services for a largeIDIQcontract for a large technology company,
including team building, management of the technical proposal and scientific writing.
● Conference Organizer and Coordinator: MODELING WORKSHOP, 2013
● Due Diligence for a large pharmaceutical company on infuenza vaccines, 2012-13.
● Chairperson and reviewer for NIH/NAIAD Committee on Partnerships in Biodefense
Immunotherapeutics, Fall 2011. Robert W Malone, MD, MS
● Committee member and reviewer for NIH/NAIAD Committee for Development of
Technologies that Accelerate the Immune Response to BioDefense Vaccines. 2011
● 12-14 July 2011 - The World Health Organization (WHO) hosted the second
Consultation on the Global Action Plan for Influenza Vaccines. Invited speaker: Robert
W Malone, MD, MS "Vaccine Production Strategies”
● Successful submission and funding of a 80 million US government contract to a
biotechnology client in 2011 - proposal manager and chief scientific writer.
● Successful submission of three white papers to a government agency in 2011
● Medical Director, Vaccines, under contract & consultant with Beardsworth 2009 - 2013
● Provided significant technical due-diligence for a fortune 500 company pursuing
infectious disease opportunities in the fall of 2009.
● Proposal manager and editor for URI and Epivax's funded submission of U19 grant
for$13 million from the National Institutes of Health to pioneer the development and
application of an integrated gene-to-vaccine program targeting emerging infectious
diseases. 2009.
● Medical director under contract and consultant with Accelovance 2008-2009. While in
this position, Accelovance was awarded the title of "Best Contract Research
Organization" (CRO) award at the 2009 World Vaccine Congress.
● Author, editor and capture manager for Accelovance of funded $3 million CDC contract
for influenza vaccine immunogenicity clinical trial.
● Proposal manager and editor for Chesapeake PERL's funded submission and funding
in October 2009 of the US Army SBIR Grant Year II: Commercialization Pilot Program
(CPP), Improved Protein Manufacturing in Insect Expression System - Develop HIV-1
Envelope Proteins as HIV Vaccine Antigen
● Proposal manager and editor for Chesapeake PERL's funded submission and funding
in June 2009 of the Department of Energy SBIR Grant Phase II: Identification,
Production and Characterization of Novel Lignase Proteins from Termite for
Depolymerization of Lignocellulose.
● Public health survey of experts for a large pharmaceutical corporation, regarding
governmental vaccination strategies. 2009
● Scientific Advisory Board member of a mid-sized biotechnology company.
● Member, NIH Committee for Biodefense Vaccine Enhancement, 2008.
● Public health survey of experts for a large pharmaceutical corporation, regarding
governmental vaccination strategies. 2008
● Protocol Author and Clinical Director of a large Influenza Phase 1 Clinical Trial: FDA
had no revisions on intial IND review. 2007

● Proposal manager and editor of a funded submission of an influenza Contract through
HHS: total budget 130 million. 2006
● Successful submission of a CDC foundation award for TB: total budget one million.
● Provided due diligence for a large financial institution involving venture capital for
significant late-stage biotechnology investment.
What we have established here is that Dr. Robert Malone might just be the
darkest vaccine warlord on the planet. It’s also worth noting that Malone serves
as a consultant to a Pentagon-funded program that develops medications to
protect American troops from “biological threats.” But since we already know that
the entire concept of “biological threats” is a fraudulent one, then it’s easy to see
this for what it actually is, which is a giant money laundering operation, like
almost everything else the US Government and Pentagon are involved in.
Malone was also pimping his heartburn medication last summer as a possible
treatment for COVID. He got $21 million to conduct a study on it.
That’s right, he says he got a call on Jan. 4, 2020 “from a fellow American doctor
working in China, Michael Callahan, who told him about the new virus causing
severe respiratory illness. Malone then ran the “virus’s genetic sequence”
through computer models designed to find already-approved drugs that might
work to thwart the virus, he said. Famotidine turned up as a promising lead.”
Famotidine (Pepcid) is made by Malone’s company, of course.

Ahh yes, so he just happened to get a call and ran the fictional “sequence”
through “computer models” to see if there was a match, and just by mere
coincidence, the drug that his company developed turned up as a “promising
lead.” What good fortune for him, huh? What do you suppose the odds are of
such a thing working out in his favor in such a way? One in a trillion? Probably
just a freak coincidence, I suppose.
Federal pandemic response scientists at HHS’ Biomedical Advanced Research and
Development Authority, or BARDA, were shut out of these early conversations over famotidine.
Rick Bright, BARDA’s director at the time, would later file a whistleblower complaint alleging
unethical conduct by agency leadership, and point to the Pepcid trial as a key example.
Malone resigned as Alchem’s chief medical officer the week the company got the testing
contract. He complained of a difficult work environment, and has since been critical of Callahan
and the project.
“The Northwell trial is just a zombie at this point,” Malone said. “Completely irrelevant, except in
a negative sense.”
Next, let’s take a look at a recent interview he did with Steve Bannon (who called
this maniac a ‘voice of reason’) -https://rumble.com/vkfz1v-the-vaccine-causes-the-virus-to-be-more-dangerous.html
In this interview, we will hear Robert Malone tell all the usual lies about “viruses”,
“variants”, “mutants”, “antibodies” etc. We will also hear him discuss some of the
problems with other vaccines in history that caused injuries and deaths. This is
the standard bait-and-switch technique that we’ve seen over and over again from
these deceivers. These vaccines are dangerous! We must make them safer (less
dangerous) so that they can be brought up to the acceptable standards of all of
our other vaccines! Then we can make hundreds of millions of dollars and we
can all feel good that we’re saving lives with our safer vaccines!
Their transparent, amateurish scam is crystal clear for all who are paying
attention and understand their strategy. Robert Malone, like other fake opposition
agents, is only pretending to blow the whistle on the new “experimental” vaccine.
This head fake is ultimately used to normalize all other vaccines and drugs,
which he deems as “safe.” You know, like the ones he develops and sells for
millions of dollars.
Notice how he says that those who are in the “waning phase of the Pfizer vaccine
seem to be getting infected.” Well, are they getting infected or not? In other
words, he is selling the lie that these people who took the Pfizer vaccine are now
– several months later – getting infected with “Coronavirus.” Rather than admit
what is obvious to everyone who understands what this fake pandemic is really
about – the vaccines are actually causing these illnesses – he sells this
outrageous whopper of a lie. He knows that nobody can actually prove that there
is “infection” happening, so he says that they “seem to be.” Well, here’s the
truth. Viruses do not cause disease. There is no such thing as a virus. Disease is
caused by toxicity. If there are any elevated numbers of sick people, the most
likely cause is something in the vaccine they just took. A 5-year old can figure
this out.
The reason he says this nonsense is because he is protecting all of his friendsand the entire industry. He is a Big Pharma loyalist and a vaccine/drug salesman.
Malone says he sees the worst case scenario playing out where “the vaccine in
the waning phase is causing the virus to replicate more efficiently than it would
otherwise, which is what we call antibody dependent enhancement.”


Oh, here we go. It’s not the toxic poison that’s in the vaccine that’s causing
illness, it’s that the vaccine causes the virus to replicate more efficiently than it
would otherwise – and what do you think will be the solution for that? Well, a
better and more effective vaccine of course! Clearly this druid has no issues at all
with the concept of vaccines as a safe and effective way to prevent disease. He
thinks vaccines are necessary to combat “coronavirus.” But because this vaccine
was rushed, it is causing the virus to “replicate more efficiently than it would
By “otherwise,” he is implying that if the necessary safety studies had been
performed – perhaps if Trump had hired him or contracted one of his intelligence
shell companies – we’d have a safer vaccine and none of this would be
But he’s also setting up an argument that will be easily debunked by the
mainstream liars because the vaccine isn’t going to cause the virus to “replicate
more efficiently,” for the simple fact that there is no virus! So they will come in
and debunk his lies with their lies and then discredit the rest of us along with him.
Next, Bannon clarifies that Malone is not an anti-vaxxer and has dedicated his
entire life to safe vaccines in every level of his professional life.
Bannon: “Your entire life is in support of trying to get vaccines that help mankind,
Malone: “I’m the opposite of an anti-vaxxer, I’m a true believer. But I’m alsocommitted to safety and good science.”
These are the people that the mainstream media labels as “dangerous
extremists” who are spreading “harmful misinformation.” Hardcore, pro-vaccine
“believers” like Robert Malone. By employing Malone as a soft “whistleblower”,
the powers that be are using him to set an artificial limit as to what is an
acceptable level of dissent or opposition to their obvious mainstream lies and
deception. When they censor him, then all of the truthers go running into his
arms for comfort. They do this because they conclude that if he’s being censored,
he must be telling the truth. That’s how the bait-and-switch works.
In this example, they’ve taken one of the darkest vaccine wizards on the planet,
and with a quick sleight-of-hand trick, made him the “extremist” opposition voice
and labeled him as an anti-vaxxer! But he doesn't represent the true opposition
(us) - he’s an insane demon who thinks vaccines save lives and has spent his
entire life creating these elixirs of death and destruction.
So what do you think they will label normal, rational, sane people like us – who
understand that there is no such thing as a safe vaccine – people who just
want to be left alone and live healthy lives, far far away from people like him?

Do you see how this is a War on Reality? They’ve flipped reality upside down by
making this warlock seem like he’s on the fringe of society with his hardcore
pro-vax views! But this guy doesn’t represent healthy people, he wants nothing
more than to see EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET injected with his disgusting
toxic potions, as long as they live up to the safety standards that he deems
appropriate. As we’ve learned, there is not a single person in the entire so-called
“resistance” or “anti-vaccine” movement that actually represents the view that all
vaccines are dangerous.
They are engaged in a psychological warfare campaign which moves the goal
posts away from what is normal and redraws the boundaries to make these
insane goblins seem like “extremists” to the COVID lovers and “reasonablevoices” to the fence-sitters or those who don’t understand that all vaccines are
dangerous, there are no viruses and disease is caused by toxicity.
The “experimental” unsafe mRNA vaccine is the mechanism that is used to
employ this strategy. By labeling it as unsafe, and enveloping it in a cloud of fear
and uncertainty, they accomplish this goal of shifting reality and redrawing the
boundaries, while at the same time normalizing regular vaccines as safe in
comparison, and thus strengthening and legitimizing all of Big Pharma and the
vaccine industry.
An experimental, unsafe vaccine is a godsend to vaccine companies and dark
wizards like Robert Malone because it will only help them in the long run. All
other vaccines will be heralded and praised in comparison to the unsafe vaccine.
Malone says he’s committed to “good science,” which is another lie. If he was
really committed to good science then he would demand that the necessary
experiments be performed – to not only properly isolate the virus – but to show
that it causes the disease with negative control groups. Malone should be
informing the entire world that this hasn’t happened. If he was really committed to
science, he should be screaming from the rooftops about it. It should be the
focus of this entire interview. But he will never do that, because then the entire
fraudulent field of virology would be exposed, and his crimes against humanity
would be clear for all to see.
Recently, Malone told Fox News that he believes the risks associated with the
mRNA COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the benefits among children. In other
words, he thinks they’re just fine for adults, including the elderly!
“Vaccines save lives. These vaccines have saved lives,” Malone said.
So he even thinks that the COVID vaccines are saving lives! What an absolute
joke! Now, given what we’ve learned about Robert Malone’s career, connections,
accomplishments, beliefs, and conflicts of interest, do you think he is an honest
and sincere whistleblower, warning the public about the dangers of vaccines? Or
is he engaged in a cunning and elaborate limited hangout, controlled opposition
campaign, designed to control out the discourse, discredit the skeptics, and give
legitimacy to his friends in Big Pharma, the Pentagon and the US Government?

Ihave my opinion. It’s up to you to decide what you think Robert Malone’s real
motivations and intentions are.
UPDATE (8/6/21)
Robert Malone’s LinkedIn was “shut down”, so those links won’t work anymore. He has
set up a new account on Gab because he’s afraid Twitter might shut him down. This is
all an example of faux-censorship, don’t fall for it. Malone will have more of a prominent
voice now than ever – and will likely continue making the rounds with interviews,
podcasts, etc. He probably has multiple book deals already signed.

Here’s another amusing Tweet from Dr. Malone.

So let’s ask a very simple question - who would assassinate Dr. Malone? Moderna?
Pfizer? Their stocks are SOARING. Nothing he says is going to change any of that. The
CIA? Why would they assassinate one of their own? Nothing this guy has said is going
to challenge Big Pharma in any way. The suggestion that he is “blowing the whistle” is
an illusion. It only looks damaging for them on the surface. But if we understand the
long-con, we can see clearly that this is only going to strengthen the vaccine program
and Big Pharma. Remember, Dr. Malone is a true believer. He is 100% pro-vaccine,
he’s one of them. Why would anyone assassinate him? Please understand that any
assassination story that might happen is going to be a fake one.
Then notice the little bit where he says he’s just a “middle class person.” Right. How
much do you think Dr. Malone has made over the years brokering all of those high
profile Big Pharma and Government deals? He makes it sound like he’s just scraping
by? Please consider that Dr. Malone is the owner of nine pharma related patents. Big
Pharma companies probably pay pretty well for the rights to use his patents. Please
also consider his lengthy career in Big Pharma leadership positions. Do you think the
US Government paid him minimum wage when he was CEO at Atheric
Pharmaceutical? Do you think he walked away with nothing when TFS International
purchased Beardsworth? How much do you think his salary was as Chief Medical
Officer when he was at Alchem Laboratories? This guy is trying to paint himself as an
average Joe when he’s anything but that. Here is a photo of his home, in a wealthy,
secluded Virginia neighborhood, right down the road from CIA Headquarters.
He also owns another home about 10 minutes away. I wonder how many other
properties he owns? Oh, I’m just an honest, middle class guy, fighting for the truth.

UPDATE 8/31/21

Today, Dr. Malone published this video-https://t.me/c/1591769028/1540- complete with ominous camera filters and
white horse symbolism. Undeniable mockery.You can try to deny your intuition
and believe that this dark shadow or a man is on your side, if you like. No
judgements from me. But for those of us paying attention, it should be obvious
what this Demon is all about.

Christianity describes the First Horseman of the apocalypse riding a white horse, given
the task of “conquering and to conquer.”
Revelation 6:2 - And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a
crown (Corona) was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.
Revelation 19 - “Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. The one sitting
on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His
eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name
written that no one knows but himself.”
Revelation 6:8 - And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him
was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth
part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts
of the earth. (King James Bible)
Revelation 19:11 - "Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one
sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war."
Some may also remember these images from May, 2020.
Do you think it’s all just a matter of coincidence?
A convoy of coaches carrying British nationals evacuated from Wuhan
Images from the UK base showed how ambulance crews met passengers, including a number
of young children, on the tarmac as they disembarked from the aircraft after a lengthy 12-hour


British passengers were being taken by bus to Arrowe Park Hospital on the Wirral, where they
will spend the next fortnight.
They will be housed in an NHS staff accommodation block with access to the internet for a
quarantine period of 14 days.
Well, well, well - Look what we have here.
Exactly as I predicted, this Dark Warlock has now announced a NEW
COVID Vaccine! This one will be safe, we promise!
Now - how was I able to predict this? It has nothing to do with intelligence,
it was OBVIOUS that this person would betray the very people he pretends
to be fighting for...it was easy to predict.
Let’s get clear and tap into our intuition. None of these people are on our
side. They are all PROSTITUTES for Big Pharma.
Here’s Malone’s latest interview where he admits (claims) he took the COVID
vaccine, thinks it’s safe for some people, but wants to warn everyone else
that it’s not safe - https://rumble.com/vmy8s1-the-grant-cardone-and-robert-malone-video-removed-from-youtube.html
What a god damn joke. Anyone trotting this evil sorcerer
out as some sort of legitimate leader for the resistance movement needs to
take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror.

And just for good measure, here are some more tweets and ridiculous
statements by Dr. Malone.
Just to be clear, so there is no confusion; I am involved in both second gen SARS-CoV-2
vaccine development as well as repurposed drug development for COVID-19. Four clinical trials
starting shortly. Three large treatment trials (high dose famotidine + celecoxib) and one vax
“Once again – I am not an “anti-vaxxer” (a term that I loathe). I am pro-bioethical, safe, effective
and appropriately targeted vaccine development and deployment. SARS-CoV-2 vax for high risk
persons. Not universal vax.”


This article was copied from a downloaded pdf. I can't find it viewable anywhere on the web so this was the only way to share it. I think it's worth it. Sorry about the bad formatting if I get time I may re-edit it to look better but for now it's the words that count.
Just saw another excellent article on this worth reading - https://www.unite4truth.com/post/mass-formation-psychosis-dr-malone-sells-who-test-treat-next-phase-covid-plan-under-hero-s-guise

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Maybe he went off-script with the mass psychosis hint. Tho as I briefly mentioned, the idea coming from Malone had been around in public for about a month. I guess small academic meetings don't count as "public", but info has a way of leaking out.

Some scientists have genuinely changed their stance, having had an OMFG moment - not always clear who they are. ;-) Indeed, those can only speak in the semi-privacy of forum groups.

The mass-formation-psychosis was deinitely mentioned before malone said it. I remember distinctly someone sending me a video of a psychologist talking about it a week before which he no doubt took it from. It was not his phrase, just like all the other things he claims were his but were not.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Excellent info. Thank you so very much for putting this together.

I have always found this guy skeevy, but it was just a hunch. It's no longer a hunch. There are many others I feel the same about.

There is so much controlled opposition at work now. I now disregard anyone who supports vaccination of any kind. Something is very very wrong. Vaccination for all disease must stop immediately, worldwide.

WELL SAID!! It's a complete racket I just wish everyone could see it that way.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is insane when you try to explain to people the scam of vaccines , they just dont get it . Everything is written , proven . But almost everyone believe in vaccines .
That is where they get people , everyone is used to get vaxxed from birth !
A normal acceptable genocide .

They also got us all used to it by using our pets, I've never vaxd one of mine and despair at animal 'rescues' who inflict vaccines and chips on all their animals. I refuse to work with those kind of rescues.
They've been trying to get rid of the older generations who were not so much believers as we only had one or two and the polio one was a sugar lump so never thought of it as a vaccine at the time.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Me neither , and i never go to the vet ( what a crazy business ) plus the shit food , the shampoo crap , the toxic repelants …even the fake bones and toxic toys …
They only need good food i make myself for them and lots of love , they are super healthy and happy 🪅

Good for you, thats so good to hear.

What a wide range of idea and so creative. We going to see it come through

I will like to share what I know about local Zika virus transmission, is not a concern to Minnesota residents since the mosquito species that transmit the virus are not established in this state. However, individuals who travel to affected areas may become infected and should either follow steps to prevent mosquito bites (Preventing Mosquitoborne Disease) or delay travel, particularly for pregnant women and their partners and couples planning a pregnancy within the next three months.

When choosing a travel destination, it is important to consider that the ability to detect a new outbreak varies by country, and reporting of new outbreaks may be delayed several weeks to months. While the risk of Zika virus infection is highest in areas with a current outbreak, risk also exists in any country that has ever reported Zika virus cases (past or current), and potentially even in countries where the mosquito exists but no Zika virus cases have been reported.

There is no zika virus mate, it's all another con, a cover-up for big chem and their poisonous pesticides.