
in lunch •  4 years ago 

FIGHT FOR TRUMP or WE FIGHT YOU. Seattle Chaz Chop is still there in the park, they're burning down buildings and blurring the faces of the arsons on the news in order to protect them. Why hasn’t Kamala Harris resigned her Senate seat? Vaccines are killing people, Trump is wrong, Trump should expose Covid and the Covid Vaccines, everyone must yell at Trump because Bill Gates and others are behind the virus and the vaccines. Covid is a REAL VIRUS. Also, in related news, ZINC is a REAL VITAMIN. Ahahahaa!!!!!

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter (BLM) of Soros Raised 10.6 Billion Dollars in the Past Eight Months Since May of 2020. Patriots must show up at the buildings of the UN, CDC, Bill Gates, Soros, Facebook, other places, etc, and chant, "Stop killing us." Soren Kirchner, have you seen the Bill Gates Ted Talk video? A few years ago Bill Gates was talking about CO2 and there was this formula on the screen behind him as he spoke. He laughed while saying one of the numbers in the formula would need to go down to almost zero and the crowd giggled at Ted Talk when he said this around 2015.

Deep Dives Community

Twitter Mob vs Oatmeal

Learning How To Talk While Walking Like a Blood

Heading to a gate for a break

I Hate the Idiomic of Time Perspective

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says. This is from CNN. But only 20,000 people died of the flu this year?


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2020-12-17 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-17 - Thursday
Published in December of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-12-17 18:01:45 DeAnna Lorraine.png

DeAnna Lorraine

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

For more information, visit Banned Video

What is NTD?

New Tang Dynasty Television is a multilingual American television broadcaster, founded by Falun Gong practitioners, based in New York City. The station was founded in 2001 as a Chinese-language broadcaster, but has since expanded its language offerings. The company retains a focus on mainland China in its news broadcasts.

James Bond Movie

New James Bond movie script. Once upon a time, there was this new villain named Gold Finger who created a disease which spread around the world. He was able to buy up the main stream media to inflict fear on the world. After that, he comes out with a vaccine which is actually not a cure. It actually makes things even worse. And the script goes on and on from there but you get the picture, the motion picture. Let's make it a trilogy of films as it gets even worse than that. You wouldn't believe what happens after that in this totally fictional land of make believe. I love telling stories and I cannot wait to watch this movie. Don't worry, something like this could never ever happen in real life, you can rest good at night knowing this has nothing to do with the Covid Lockdown Pandemic. I'm just telling you what will happen in the next James Bond movie.

Elections News

For more info, please visit Stop The Steal


Why hasn’t Kamala Harris resigned her Senate seat?

Just released data shows many thousands of noncitizens voted in Nevada. They are totally ineligible to vote!

Rand Paul states over TWO DOZEN states changed their elections laws without going through the legislatures.

U. Oregon Students Want College Republicans Removed From Campus for Attending Trump Rally in DC

Arizona!! Pass auf. Massive data theft of 700,000 votes uncovered.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Patrick M Davies, CNN says 80,000 people died of the flu in 2018.

Dr. Anthony Fauci declared this week that he believes Christmas celebrations between family members should be canceled, warning that it’s “just one of the things you’re going to have to accept as we go through this unprecedented challenging time.”

Vaccines are killing people, Trump is wrong, Trump should expose Covid and the Covid Vaccines, everyone must yell at Trump because Bill Gates and others are behind the virus and the vaccines.

Patrick M Davies, No. Remember? Fauci said don't wear masks. The WHO and CDC said the same thing. They made videos saying it. They wrote articles on their websites. Bill Gates said it in videos. Did you not see it? Why have you not seen these people say masks don't work, don't wear masks. You can go and find it. You could see it if you wanted to. Go read it. Go watch it. They said it, not me. Why are you ignoring them?

Ahahahahaaa!!!!!! If you die from a vaccine, you can NOT sue. Ahahhahahahahaha!

New James Bond movie script. Once upon a time, there was this new villain named Gold Finger who created a disease which spread around the world. He was able to buy up the main stream media to inflict fear on the world. After that, he comes out with a vaccine which is actually not a cure. It actually makes things even worse. And the script goes on and on from there but you get the picture, the motion picture. Let's make it a trilogy of films as it gets even worse than that. You wouldn't believe what happens after that in this totally fictional land of make believe. I love telling stories and I cannot wait to watch this movie. Don't worry, something like this could never ever happen in real life, you can rest good at night knowing this has nothing to do with the Covid Lockdown Pandemic. I'm just telling you what will happen in the next James Bond movie.

Soren Kirchner, a few years ago Bill Gates was talking about CO2 and there was this formula on the screen behind him as he spoke. He laughed while saying one of the numbers in the formula would need to go down to almost zero and the crowd giggled at Ted Talk when he said this around 2015.

Soren Kirchner But we all know who made it. You know it was in North Carolina until 2015.
Soren Kirchner, the virus is real. Who said it was fake? Why do you say that? And vitamins are real too.
Patrick M Davies, why are 99% of the people recovering from Covid? Why are the only people who get hurt by Covid are also lacking enough essential vitamins and minerals in their body?

Soren Kirchner, they will try to make everybody take it. They will say you cannot do anything without taking it. For example, want to fly in an airplane, they will say you have to proof that you took the Covid Vaccine. If you want to go to a store, you have to show them your Covid Vaccine Certificate. If you want to see a movie. If you want to buy a house. If you want to do anything. Governments may not do this but corporations are trying to do this. They already do this with masks. That is the whole point in losing freedoms one step at a time like boiling frogs, they will never stop trying to take more and more of our freedoms away. The virus is real. Vitamins are real. People can choose to stay home if they want. People can choose to wear a mask if they want. I am against trying to force people to wear masks. I am against forcing people to take vaccines. But there are people who try to force people to do these things and other things too. And it only gets worse and worse gradually. And I mean very gradually and very slowly. People don't give up freedoms easily, so they do it by stealth and use REAL viruses and 9/11 and many real things as excuses to why we must give up freedoms. Masks are fine but they use the masks as a way to take away our freedoms. Today it is the mask and tomorrow it is the vaccine. And then after that, it gets even worse and worse like a prison planet.

Covid Side Effects

11:54 PM - Facebook

Ahahahaa Vaccines Got No Side Effects, Trust Me, I'm a Doctor. Ahahahha!!!!

Covid is a REAL VIRUS. Also, in related news, ZINC is a REAL VITAMIN. Ahahahaa!!!!!

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental


Soren Kirchner, the same people who say Joe will be the next President also say you have to wear a mask, the same exact people.

Black Lives Matter (BLM) of Soros Raised 10.6 Billion Dollars in the Past Eight Months Since May of 2020.

Soren Kirchner, a few years ago Bill Gates was talking about CO2 and there was this formula on the screen behind him as he spoke. He laughed while saying one of the numbers in the formula would need to go down to almost zero and the crowd giggled at Ted Talk when he said this around 2015.

Oatmeal High Council

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Soren Kirchner, you disagree with recycling? Let me translate what David Cardone said. He said recycling. He used a bunch of fancy words and many different things. But in conclusion, to simplify and generalize what David said in one word, recycling. I do not know how you can disagree with recycling.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies


Soren Kirchner, a few years ago Bill Gates was talking about CO2 and there was this formula on the screen behind him as he spoke. He laughed while saying one of the numbers in the formula would need to go down to almost zero and the crowd giggled at Ted Talk when he said this around 2015.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Seattle Chaz Chop is still there in the park, they're burning down buildings and blurring the faces of the arsons on the news in order to protect them.


Understanding Black Lives Matter

11:34 PM - Facebook

Breauna Williams BLM was created and funded by people you do not know much about. If you took the time to study the real origins of BLM, you would blow up like a bomb.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter


Why hasn’t Kamala Harris resigned her Senate seat?

Scott Adams

In America, voting is essentially a way to launder the impacts of malign influences from inside and outside the country. Winners are determined by foreign interference, gaming the election rules, media brainwashing, and non-transparent vote-counting.

Twitter Attack

02:13 PM - Twitter | ImAFreeman wrote

: The account
, as measured "PROBLEMATIC" (82%), has issued a tweet here that implies the Secret Service "should be scared" of some kind of violent action. You may want to trace & review this account's origins.


My Response

I did not say that and even if I did, people need to realize that globalists are murdering people and violence against murder is self defense. So, long story short, it is a very long story, very complex, many moving parts which the general public do not get outside of hundreds of millions of people globally who are beginning to understand what globalists, the Chinese Communists, technocrats, and others do. I didn't actually call for acts of violence just for the record but that is not relevant even if I did because Covid Vaccines are murdering people. The tyrants are taking over the world in a variety of ways. So many things are happening in the world. We are in a war good versus evil. I wrote that the secret service and others should be scared of we the people.

Threatening The Secret Service

I was not really attacking the Secret Service or others any more than Alex Jones who said in his famous speech on Saturday, the 12th of December of 2020 in Washington DC. Alex Jones was talking about how Joe Biden will be or would be removed one way or another. That is not really a threat as you may think. When evil monsters are eating your children, should you let them? We have to look at the bigger picture. But to be specific, Alex Jones and others have said they do not want Joe Biden, Soros, Bill Gates, and other depopulation agents to be attacked physically, murdered, attacked. Instead, we are talking politically speaking and we must look at the bigger picture of world history and everything as opposed to only looking at specific isolated fragmented issues. People who already get it know this. Leftists and others end up making excuses for attacking patriots and others who defend freedom. Patriots do not want to be violent and are not trying to be. Black Lives Matter (BLM) of Soros Raised 10.6 Billion Dollars in the Past Eight Months Since May of 2020. Soros funds BLM, Antifa, and other groups. They murder people.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube



Depending on the year, we opened presents on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and sometimes on both days in the 1990s.

We probably got the dishwasher Christmas of 1988 because mom got a broken arm that November. That was probably the first Christmas I remember.


Tim Cast

12:23 AM - Timcast IRL - Rand Paul Says The Election Was STOLEN Amid Fraud Hearing, w/ Jack Murphy

Seattle Chaz Chop is still there in the park, they're burning down buildings and blurring the faces of the arsons on the news in order to protect them.

The Expanse

2020-12-17 - Thursday - 02:40 AM - 03:31 AM - The Expanse 502

Being attacked, destroyed. Future Baltimore has solar panels, holograms, trains, but where are the cars? It has cop drones. Ruled by robots in the future. The Great Reset is a disaster.

2020-12-17 - Thursday - 03:33 AM - 04:26 AM - The Expanse 503

Hard times. Finding the people. Sleeping around. Saving the girl.

Alex Jones


Black Lives Matter (BLM) of Soros Raised 10.6 Billion Dollars in the Past Eight Months Since May of 2020

Ron Gibson


They poisoned black people via vaccines, many died.

Ron Gibson


Patriots must show up at the buildings of the UN, CDC, Bill Gates, Soros, Facebook, other places, etc, and chant, "Stop killing us."

New James Bond movie script. Once upon a time, there was this new villain named Gold Finger who created a disease which spread around the world. He was able to buy up the main stream media to inflict fear on the world. After that, he comes out with a vaccine which is actually not a cure. It actually makes things even worse. And the script goes on and on from there but you get the picture, the motion picture. Let's make it a trilogy of films as it gets even worse than that. You wouldn't believe what happens after that in this totally fictional land of make believe. I love telling stories and I cannot wait to watch this movie. Don't worry, something like this could never ever happen in real life, you can rest good at night knowing this has nothing to do with the Covid Lockdown Pandemic. I'm just telling you what will happen in the next James Baond movie.


War Room


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson



11:14 AM - 4 tangerines, not oranges. Coffee. Took out some plant branches to the compost. I'm at the throne since last night. I fell off my bed this morning around 10 AM and went back to bed. The bed is up 2 feet off the ground. Mom was telling me one of my sisters lived above like a subway train yard in NYC where she visited in August of 2019. New York City is different now. My younger sister lived many floors up in a building, like 30, no elevator. To get to the sidewalk, you go down and then out and then up an elevator to the surface to where to the sidealk is. Mom took photos and photographer Vince Warren was impressed. Vacuumed the house around noon for 30 minutes and then back to Alex Jones, drinking a yogurt smoothy my mom made at 12:36 PM. Did Alex Jones fire or let go David Knight? I don't know but saw there was a video about that but I didn't click on it. I will wait to see Alex say it himself. He talked about restructuring and it costs a lot of money to run things and I get it but it still is sad in some ways. More people should go to Infowarsstore.com and buy things to keep Infowars.com running. Dishes around 01:00 PM for less than an hour or so. Got the mail. American Journal show being announced. David Knight was let go as they downsize as they need more money.


02:30 PM - Noodle casserole thing which was in the toaster oven. Mopping around 05:00 PM, bathroom, kitchen. Good soup dinner thing. Went through mom papers and stuff. Scanned 76 pics today and posted something about it on Hive. All backed up, uploaded to Hive.

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