Shackled minds - WHO do you trust. Lucifer? Lucis? UN? NWO? Pt6

in lucifer •  2 years ago 


I spent a week researching some institutions.

I am going to put this down as part 6 of 10 in the series of awakening.
The world is a stage and they are all actors, including Amber Heard and the infamous Johnny Depp trial, must admit, Amber looks like a total control freak.

I digress.

I am going to do this article in a different way, I instead of feeding the information to you am going to give any interested party pointers.

I am only offering also; partial information, why?
It is easy to draw my own conclusions, it is also easy for me to tell you my thoughts regards anything, but does that help you grasp the entire situation? I think not, you need to be willing to search for the truth, not be spoon fed it, hence I am treating my audience as individuals with the capability to be able to discern and research for themselves.

It is established that Freemasonry is rampant on this globe, from London and the grand lodge is the 1 square mile, to Washington.

What is Luciferianism?

What do 33 degree masons swear allegiance to?

I note with interest, the Lucis trust is a strategic partner of the United Nations, seek the knowledge yourself, nothing is being laid on a plate today.

But who are they, what were they called before?

I have seen first hand their pledge to do incantations on behalf of the WEF, have you?

Like I say, this is a self help post/article for you to make your own mind up, not be spoon fed by me.
If we want a society that knows facts, it has to be one that researches them, themselves.
I will give a key pointer below, easily researched too.

It has links, pages, and a description in video format

I am off now to restore a motorbike, plant some seeds, potatoes and nurture some food.
I can only hope I planted a seed in you to look for the truth.

Money backed by nothing is worth nothing, the world is a stage, tell me what info you gleam from the info above in comments.

Have a superb day ahead, make it a good one.

Peace and out.

That is all the time I have today, busy, busy, busy is me.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Strangely, the Grand Lodge is not in the City, but in Westminster ;-)

The Coronati Lodge also meet there.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Close enough though, and the Scottish version is nearby at number 13 :-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I had no idea that Westminster was a city in of itself

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

oh, thought we'd chatted about that a few posts ago - the Cities of London and Westminster - clenched together like two buttock cheeks.

I love that Meme.....I saved it. People remember what they read and sought out themselves vs reading a post. The goal is to be a resource for people not some sort of guru. Good post.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother.

Great post my friend - regarding some of the points you raise, I think you'll be interested where I take the latter part of my series. :) Have a good day bro!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers my brother, just trying to get people to dig in themselves, and not insult them by expecting to have to spoon feed them my perspective or views, I hope my audience is knowledgeable, we can but hope.
Looking forward to your next installment, I do read them, but at times have no time to comment or anything worthy to add.

Spoon feed away dude - always good to hear your perspectives - the layers of deception within all this are fifty fathoms deep. From my perspective - we can't have too many eyes on it. :) Thanks my friend - I've been unexpectedly called away, but will be back after the weekend. I have a huge array of information to share within some of these areas - so far I've just been setting the scene. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am getting pissed for a day, I shall resume my normal service tomorrow.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for these links! I now know what I'll be doing today.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Most welcome, have a superb day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It looks smack bang in the border between The city of London (1 square mile) and Westminster