Build yourself in the right way

in love •  4 years ago 

Do you know what is the biggest negligence in our life ---? "Don't like yourself"

What is the biggest incompetence ---? "My self 'not being able to love and not evaluate myself" This is the biggest incompetence in our life.
Someone may be cheating on you, breaking your trust in a very bad way, cheating on you. From then on you started neglecting yourself. He began to underestimate his love for himself. Even while he was alive, he began to lose his identity from within. He gave up his responsibility towards his life, his respect, his love.

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What does that mean? The value of your life is just the love of a human being? Is that the value of your life? Never! The love of a man or just that man can never be the value of your life. Never. Your life is much more valuable than that. What is the value of life? You see, that person may want to live one more day in life even if it is in exchange for everything. And don't waste your life just for a man in that place. Remember your first priority in life. Love your inner self, love yourself. And for no one else, at least live a little better for yourself.
You can't keep the one who leaves even after thousands of attempts.
And who said what about you! What do you think! Who neglected or rebuked! There is nothing to be upset about. You build yourself up properly and evaluate yourself. You will see that one day your victory is guaranteed. For example, Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) was envied and neglected by his honest brothers and at one point they wanted to kill him, but by the grace of God he survived and the king of Egypt recognized and valued him. The next Joseph (pbuh) was appointed king of Egypt by his honesty and efficiency.
So those who will reprimand, neglect and envy you from behind, will stay behind you for the rest of their lives.
So the right thing to do is to build yourself in the right way.

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