Int 987 with Soma ARah ~ Born Carol Noonan a Pleiadian & Lyra Starseed Hybrid Channel Pleiadian Amb.

in love •  9 hours ago 

by The Missing Link on The Missing Link
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: Int 987 with Soma ARah ~ Born Carol Noonan a Pleiadian & Lyra Starseed Hybrid Channel Pleiadian Amb.

Soma ARah ~ Born Carol Noonan
Pleiadian & Lyra Starseed Hybrid Channel
Pleiadian Ambassador ~ Pleiadian Starseed Channel ~ Pleiadian Warrior of The Heart
A Channel For The Pleiadians Since Childhood
Ascension Guide ~ Akashic Records ~ Starseed Readings ~ Psychic Medium Readings
Psychic, Medium, Healer, Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner, Visionary, Indigo Adult, Lightworker, Channel, Empathic, Intuitive, Healing Channel, Warrior of Light, Rainbow Warrior.
Author ~ Interviews ~ Spiritual Events ~Mind Body Spirit
UFO Abductee ~ Contactee ~ Experiencer
Soma ARah is a Pleiadian & Lyran Starseed & Channel with a Galactic mission on Earth who came to help assist Humanity Raise its Frequency. During this Great time of Ascension It is Part of her Mission on Earth to Be a channel for the Pleiadians & to Assist Humanity Evolve into The New Human Crystalline Beings & to Help to Create a New Earth,
Part of a Larger Group Sometimes Known as the 144.0000.
To Inspire, To Uplift, To Shine, To Teach, To Learn, To Heal, To Transform, To Grow. To Share Teachings,
Downloads, Transmissions & Channellings from The Pleiadians.
Through Readings, Courses, Workshops and more.
A Beacon of Light, Inspiration she came to Reach Humanity.
“Chosen by our ancient galactic cousins to communicate the messages for Humanity.”
April Cordner

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Soma ARah has been Connected & Channelling The Pleiadians Consciously since the age of 8

An Out of Body Experience with Jesus at the age of 12 that stopped her from committing suicide. This experience changed everything for her, she began meditating in her room alone not knowing that it was called “Meditation” and reading esoteric books such as Edgar Cayce and Doris Stokes. She was blocked by the Pleiadians from entering the secondary school system and rather received her education directly from the Pleiadians, spirit and her guides, she spent her childhood years from 12 to 16 reading and meditating alone in her room while receiving downloads and transmissions from the Pleiadians.

To Read more about her Early years and Pleiadian Channelling The Pleiadian Child is Available on Amazon

What's Really Going On?
Available on www.SomaARah.Love

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